Tiger News October 27, 2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School year!

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
October 27, 2023
Administrative Announcements
Invitation only Tutoring is starting on October 30th.
Our tutoring program will begin on Monday, October 30, 2023 and go until January 25, 2023. This program is by invite ONLY. If you have received an email please respond.
The Reading tutoring will be held on Thursday and Friday. Math tutoring will be held on Monday and Tuesday. The program is 1 hour long, from 3:00-4:00pm. Please pick your scholar up on time.
Saturday Academy Program *Invitation Only*
We will start our Saturday Academy program on Saturday, November 4, 2023. The program will run through April 27, 2023. Check your letter for all dates that we will meet. This is by invite ONLY. If you have received an invite by email make sure you respond.
The class times are from 9:00-11:00am. Please pick up your child on time.
Front Office
Greetings Tiger Family!
NEW! Front Office Site of News & Events
We are so excited to have you and your scholar(s) in the CMIT NES family! We have been working hard to get prepared for the new school year. With that said, we are always striving to improve daily practices. New ways of communicating and keeping everyone updated are coming from the Front Office, so please take a few moments to view our Front Office Site of News & Events (https://sites.google.com/cmitelementary.org/cmit-nes-front-office-news?usp=sharing) The site can also be located on the school's website under CMIT Families.
In this site you will find useful information on the HOME, FORMS, SCHEDULE, and NEWSLETTER pages to help you transition into as well as during the school year. This site is interactive with links to assist you with navigating to important information and forms, so please read it in its entirety. We look forward to working with you and your scholar(s) during the school year!
Front Office Staff
CLICK HERE TO VISIT: https://sites.google.com/cmitelementary.org/cmit-nes-front-office-news?usp=sharing
Have you applied/reapplied for Free and Reduced Priced Meals?
Free or reduced-price meals are available to students based on household size and income. If income falls below the amount listed below for household size, then students living within the household may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Students are automatically eligible for free meals if the family receives assistance under the Food Supplement Program or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits.
Changes and/or status changes occur every year. This year there will be a price category change as of October 11, 2023. Please be sure to apply or reapply in the event your price category is affected by this change.
Apply for Free or Reduced-Price Meals:
Application Instructions - English: https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/food-and-nutrition/docs--food-and-nutrition/application-instructions/myschoolapps-online-instructions--english.pdf
Application Instructions - French: https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/food-and-nutrition/docs--food-and-nutrition/application-instructions/myschoolapps-online-instructions_french.pdf
Application Instructions - Spanish: https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/food-and-nutrition/docs--food-and-nutrition/application-instructions/myschoolapps-online-instructions_spanish.pdf
Please note we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann, Dr. Fryson and myself.
Please click here: https://forms.gle/w8PKFbJBj9J9FgPr9 to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes.
ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until AFTER the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences.
For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Nurse Updates
Immunizations must be up to date and received by the school nurse to prevent exclusion from school.
Medication Forms attached. Please hand carry newly prescribed medicines in pharmacy packaging, any adult may deliver to the nurse (appointments must be made)
We Need You!
We also created a form for those who are interested in volunteering with the PTO this year. Please take a moment to fill this out if you are able to share your time and talents with us! We will use the responses to get you plugged in: https://forms.gle/BwXsHtUn23fXMSCB7
Please take some time to complete the PGCPS Volunteer Requirements as soon as possible to make sure you are eligible to volunteer. You can click this link for step by step instructions: https://www.cmitelementarypto.com/volunteer
Support our 2023 Read-a-Thon! This is our largest fundraiser, and it powers the majority of the PTO events each year. Registration is open and you can begin collecting pledges immediately here: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/cmites/addme. Our goal is to raise $50,000!
Health Awareness & Fitness Day/Fall Festival
The CMIT North Elementary Tiger's 5th annual Health Awareness & Fitness Day/Fall Festival is set to take place on October 28, 2023, from 11:30am-2:30pm. Prepare for an exciting day filled with activities for our scholars, health education sessions, moon bounce, games, cancer awareness initiatives, fitness exercises, healthy meal demonstrations and inspiring guest speakers. We’ve had some incredible individuals grace our event in the past, including Olympic Track & Field Champion Jackie Joyner Kersee, former NFL player Gerald Nelson, youth track champion Jaiya Patillo, and Miss Maryland Princess-Aniya Nelson. We are excitement to unveil this year’s special guest, a former WNBA player! Our primary goal is to foster wellness and inspire a wholesome lifestyle within our school and neighboring communities. We will also be raising awareness and funds in support of the Ora Lee Cancer Research Foundation. Be prepared to learn about the organization's mission and its visionary founder, Dr. Haydiah Nicole Green. We are looking forward to a wonderful Fall celebration with our CMIT community. This event is free however, registration is required. Please click the link below to register.
Book Fair 11/6-11/14
Our Book Fair will Run from November 6th through the 14th. Please create an ewallet. eWallet information will be shared on ClassDojo. Sign up to volunteer here.
Donuts for Dads and Dudes
Hey Tiger Family!! We are so excited for our Annual Donuts for Dads and Dudes Event! This event is for our male role models (Dads, Uncles, mentors, bonus dads, etc.) to have a chance to come in and spend time with their scholar(s) and enjoy delicious donuts. To help ensure a smooth start to the morning and to make sure we have enough food for everyone please fill out the form ASAP. Thanks so much and we can’t wait to see you on Tuesday November 14th!!
Kind Kindergarten News!
Hello Kindergarten Families:
Friendly reminder: Please check your scholars class dojo for any important messages daily, this is the best form of communication to and from the teachers.
Upcoming Events
October 31, 2023 Book Character Parade and Report is due
November 3, 2023 Asynchronous ½ day (at home)
November 10, 2023 No school Professional development
November 17, 2023 Stem fair topics are due
ELA: We will be starting in unit 2 Living Together…The letter “Dd” and “Kk”.We will work on rhyming, adjectives, and reading comprehension.
Social Studies: We will discuss what it means to be an American?
Math:We will have our topic 4 and benchmark 1-4 assessments
Science: We will continue to discuss our five senses and what are they used for?
Health: We will talk about “making things fair”.
Friendly reminder: If your scholar is sick,or not feeling well,please keep them home. They should not be in school with a fever, a cough that disrupts their ability to focus and concentrate on their lessons.
Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Fascinating First Grade News!
Hello First Grade Families:
This week students will be able to participate in book character day. Please remember to complete the book character project if you have not already done so. Students are encouraged to wear a costume, but must bring the corresponding book. On Friday students will have an asynchronous day. Teachers will provide work for students to complete next week.
Our lessons this week include:
RELA: review of informational text,
Grammar: simple sentences review
Math: Making 10 to subtract
Social Studies: Absolute vs Relative Location Review
Science: Light and Matter
Upcoming dates:
Kindness day: 10/30 (students wear orange)
Book Character Day: 10/31
Donuts with Dads and Dudes: 11/14
Thank you!
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Spectacular Second Grade News!
We have an exciting and very busy week planned for next week. We will continue Unit 1 in reading, titled, "You Are Here." The weekly question is, "How can a new place help us change and grow?".
In phonics, scholars we will review r-Controlled vowels ar and or.
In Math, we will begin Topic 4. This topic focuses on fluently adding within 100.
In Science, we will continue Topic 2: Changing Matter.
As we continue to settle into the school year, we kindly request your support in reinforcing the importance of following our School Motto with your scholars. I will Respect Myself and Others, I will Opt to Be Scholarly, I will Act Responsibly, and I will React with Kindness. Lastly, please label your scholar's school uniform jackets.
Important information:
PUMPKIN PATCH FIELD TRIP October 23rd: Please ensure that all permissions slips have been returned and payments have been made. Payments should be made to www.myschoolbucks.com. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/prdembd?ref=ZZHVZTLU9O052WP_ZZ6070SDVXYUY7X.
Reminder-Please send in a bag lunch for the field trip.
School uniforms are required.
PUMPKIN DAY ACTIVITIES October 27th: Permission slip were sent home. Please use the signup genius to purchase items needed for a day of learning and fun. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F4DA5AA23A1FC1-45269754-pumpkin
BOOK CHARACTER DAY October 31st: scholars may come dressed as their favorite book character. Don't forget to send a copy of the book.
John F. Kennedy Center- February 7, 2024-permission slip were sent home. Please return signed copies as soon as possible.
It is highly recommended that scholars practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home. Here's a great tool to use:
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Terrific Third Grade News!
In Social Studies, students will begin Chapter 2: Lessons 3 Economic Choices and lesson 4: Human Capital and Your Future. Students will be taking the Chapter 2 assessment on Thursday 11/2.
In Math, this next topic is a short one, where scholars are practicing fluently multiplying and dividing. We'll review skip counting, the Distributive Property, and using multiplication tables.
In Science - Coming off of a successful STEAM week, we are finishing up our topic on Motion and Forces, and then starting on Electricity and Magnetism. Don't forget to start brainstorming ideas for the STEAM Fair this year!
Special’s Rotation:
Thursday- Rotation 3
Friday- Asynchronous day
- Please make your scholars are completing their homework assignments on time.
- Friday will be an Asynchronous Day - 11/3
Fourth Grade
Weekly News!
Next week in Reading, students will students will continue analyzing main idea and details in an informational text. In Social Studies, students will discuss how the United States became one of the world's most powerful nation after the Civil War. In Math, students will take their benchmark assessment for Topics 1-4. Students will use mental mental math to find quotients. In Science, students will describe how natural resources are converted to energy and fuel.
We will be going to Skate Zone on November 1st, 2023. Students can wear their PE uniform. Below you will find the link for the permission slip and submitting payment.
Permission Slip
Myschool Bucks Link
Upcoming Dates
10/30- Pro kindness Day- wear orange
10/31- Book Character Day
11/1 Skate Zone Field Trip
11/3 Asynchronous Day
Let's have a great week on purpose!!
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Grade News!
Tigers! Tigers! Thank you for another great week of productivity and STEAM creativity with the emphasis on our Read-a-Thon theme! Tigers, you all showed up and showed out! Thank you for your participation and engaging in our efforts to encourage reading and literacy at CMIT! Excellent job, scholars!
Next week, we will focus on STEAM creativity and using STEAM in our classrooms as we engage in the comprehension and execution of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematical connections in our classrooms! We aim to incorporate our subjects in a way that is STEAM focused. Let's move full STEAM ahead in excellence! Let's Go Tigers!
In math this week, students will multiply decimals using partial products and models.
Social Studies
In Social Studies this week, students will be working on Chapter 3 Settling the Colonies in North America, Lesson 1.
In science this week, students will be wrapping up Topic 2 Lesson 2 to complete the lesson assessment.
Next week, we are finishing Unit 1 and migrating into Unit 2 with an assessment on Thursday. Thank you tigers for a strong finish!
Team 5th Grade
Creative Arts
Superior Specials News!
Tigers will be finishing up projects with artist statements, taking their preliminary sketches to final renderings with craftsmanship as a priority. We will also increase reviews and discussions to practice reflection activities. Necessary materials include sketchbooks/paper, pencils, and colored pencils or crayons.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
Hi! This week K-1st grade are learning how to play different beats on a drum! 2nd graders are still understanding how strong and weak beats make up an overall beat, and 3rd-5th graders are learning how to create their own music note value notations in a 4/4 time signature measure!
K-1 students practiced: Introduction to Online Safety
This engaging video-based learning object provides the learner with foundational knowledge about the importance of protecting their personal information. The learner understands that they shouldn't share any personal information online or agree to meet anyone they don’t know and trust, and they should always log off or lock their device to protect their personal information
2-5 students have been practicing Home Row keys including the letters v, m, b, n, c, and the comma.
This week in PE, we will be playing a game called “Bag the beanbag” and it’s a team game that requires strategy & teamwork in order to accomplish the goal.
Greetings! Scholars are working on new lego lessons and are also helping me sort and organize legos around the room.
This week Kinder scholars are begin their new unit on how to keep a dog cool on a sunny day. First grade scholars are continuing our new unit exploring the weather. Second grade scholars are beginning to design the bridges for the scenarios that their group was given. Third grade scholars are continuing to design and build their pinball machines. Fourth grade scholars are exploring how circuits play a roll in car safety, Fifth grade scholars are exploring chemical and physical changes and the impact that it can have on their stepping stone.
Creative Arts Team
Follow Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Social Media
Our Vision
Inspire students to become STEM innovators and responsible global citizens
Our Mission
In partnership with families and the educational community, CLF provides an innovative, diverse, and safe learning environment that fosters the growth of academic, social, and emotional skills. The rigorous STEM curriculum prepares students to become college and career ready in an ever-changing global society.
How We Do It
With students at the center of everything we do, we strive to make our schools the best, we forge partnerships with parents and the community to provide our students with enrichment and additional STEM opportunities, and we hire the best people to support our schools!
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.