Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Math, Science, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
November 1, 2021
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle Family! November ushers in much welcomed cooler weather and this year some awesome news. Clark-Shaw Magnet School of Math, Science and Technology was recognized as one of the Best K-8 Schools in the nation according to U.S. News and World Report. This is a testament of the hard work and dedication shared by the faculty, staff, and students of this school. When we all believe and work towards the same goal, positive results can be achieved. I urge every member of the Eagle family to continue striving for excellence.
November is a short month due to Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Break. Students have three weeks before the break and only two days remaining after the break. Please check with your student to ensure all assignments are completed and submitted on time. Remember all students must maintain 70% in each class to remain in the magnet program. Parents can create Schoology accounts by reviewing the instructions on the Clark-Shaw website.
Thank you parents for your continued support. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the office.
“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.”– Alfred Mercier
Clark-Shaw is a top ranked school!
We are proud to say that Clark-Shaw Magnet School was ranked the 4th best middle school in the state of Alabama, the 3rd best magnet school in Alabama, and the #1 middle school in Mobile County! (To view the rankings, click here.) Students, let's continue this tradition of academic excellence!
Spread the Word!
Clark-Shaw Open House Tours
Wednesday, November 3 8:00 - 10:00 am
Thursday, November 4 8:00 - 10:00 am
Tuesday, November 9 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Student Council Officers
President: Brayden Turner
Vice-President: Presleigh Stokley
Treasurer: Sophia Irby
Secretary: Bethanie Critchfield
Student Council Representatives
Every homeroom elected a student to represent them in Student Council meetings and activities for the 2021-2022 school year. Congratulations to these students:
Torian Palmer-Johnson, Hector Guzman Urquioia, Grant Langham, Khiyah Winston, Makayla Gates, Brooke May, Nathan Lord, Violet Borchert, Ashlyn Williams, Garrett Langham, Edwin Perry, Braelyn Andrews, Jardyn Garner, Kar’moniy Gibbs, Kamden Raiford, Isabella Dunnavant, Abigail Faggard, Presleigh Stokley, Bethanie Crutchfield, Saylor Byrd, Mantahsen Fahima, Dione Lacy, Makailee Wilkerson Hayes, Brayden Turner, Potter Boutwell, Caydon Pitt, Sophia Irby, Joanna Junaid, Madeline Borchert, Brielle Turner, and Sara Ussery. Student Council is advised by Mrs. Heather Mattern.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
8th grade- Stuffing or Mashed Potatoes or Au Gratin Potatoes
7th grade- Green Beans or English Peas
6th Grade -Cranberries or Yams
Money donations are also welcome! There will be a Donut Party for the Homeroom who brings the most items for each grade level. Currently, the following homerooms are in the lead:
6th grade - Mrs. Bragg (75 items)
7th grade - Mrs. Neese (34 items)
8th grade - Mrs. Holladay (58 items)
Great job, Eagles! Keep up the good work!
Girls Basketball
Kayla Rodriguez-Rivero, Kristen Scott, Annmarie Seals, Ariel Stallworth, Kierra Stallworth, Aubri Thomas, Arlandria Torrie, Kennedy Washam, Andinique Washington, and alternates Jasmine Watkins and Jaslyn McCann. They are sponsored by Ms. Angela Hansen and Coach Daryl Brooks, and team managers are Jamiyah Pettway and Jordyn Garner. The Lady Eagles handily defeated Causey Middle School and Phillips Prep in their first two games. Come out and cheer for the Lady Eagles!
Boys Basketball
Congratulations to these students for earning spots on the Clark-Shaw boys basketball team: K.J. Brady, Jamie Collins, Dreighton Davis, Dyllan Dunigan, Malik Jackson, Myles Johnson, Levet Jones, Theodore Law, Quamar Parker, Bralyn Taylor, Jeremiah Thomas, Naheem Thomas, Leartis Williams, Hakeem Winston, and Todrick Withers. The boys team is coached by Mr. Douglas July, Jr. and assisted by Mr. Joseph Sikes. Their team manager is Bryce Graham. The team defeated Causey Middle School in their season opener and Phillips Prep on Thursday. Keep it up Eagles!
Meet the Clark-Shaw Cheerleaders
Dance Team Members
Chloe McCutcheon (Captain), Ava Grace Gibson (Co-Captain), Allie Armbrecht, Chyler McCutcheon, Leigha Newton, Addyson Parker, Mei-Ling Rollman, Avery Smith, Presleigh Stokley, Taylor Wells, Ashlyn Williams, Morgan Zaborny
Congratulations on your first performance at Thursday's home basketball game! We look forward to seeing more of you.
Archery Team Updates
November will be a busy month for the archery team, with 3 tournaments planned:
Nov. 4-6 (North Mobile Christian)
Nov. 11-13 (MGM tournament at Semmes Middle School)
Nov. 18-20 (Denton Magnet School)
All tournaments have a $2 spectator fee for adults, while children are free. To learn more, contact Mr. Jonathan Braswell at jbraswell@mcpss.com.
Partners in Education
Faculty Spotlight
Mr. Ron Sayles has joined the faculty of Clark-Shaw this year and has already made a huge impact as 7th/8th grade counselor! In addition to filling in wherever he is needed, he has also started a Peer Helpers student organization and organized Red Ribbon Week. He is a native of Urbana, Illinois and has been teaching and counseling for 26 years. He retired from Jackson Public Schools in Jackson, Mississippi in 2019 and moved to the Gulf coast. Mr. Sayles is married with 2 sons (ages 21 and 26) and two daughters (ages 10 and 11). His educational philosophy is that all students can learn as long as education is relevant to their lives and the environment in which they grow up. His goals here at Clark-Shaw are to promote the social and emotional well-being of his middle school students and academically prepare them for high school and beyond.
Some FUN FACTS about Mr. Sayles: His favorite college team is Illinois, he loves to golf and go on vacations, and he used to be a DJ! He also likes to make others laugh or smile, which is evident every day. Thank you Mr. Sayles for the difference you are making!
Peer Helpers
We've started a new program at Clark-Shaw called Peer Helpers, which is based on the concept of students helping other students. Its purpose is to equip peer helpers with the skills and resources necessary to inspire and assist their fellow classmates. Peer helpers were chosen from the 7th and 8th grades and are expected to maintain high personal standards and be positive role models for their peers, as well as being committed to an alcohol-free, tobacco-free, and drug-free lifestyle.
Here are the 2021-2022 Peer Helpers: Victoria Howell, Rahaf Mustafa, Laura Kate Wiley, D'Anthony Washam, Brayden Turner, Angeleah Palmar, MacKenzie Conklan, DeShawn Spencer, Yadiel Santana, Toddrick Withers, Kennedie Rose Dailey, Aleahah German, Kar'Moniy Gibbs, and Eli Weatherford.
Red Ribbon Week
Halloween Fun 2021
Our 8th grade faculty were off to the see the wizard for Halloween 2021!
Cruella de Vil and the dalmations!
Report Cards & ACAP Scores
A score report from the spring state accountability assessment, called the ACAP, was also sent if your child took the ACAP last year at Clark-Shaw. This report will show their proficiency level in English Language Arts, Math, and Science. Proficiency levels are 1 through 4, and we strive for our students to be proficient with at least a level 3 or to excel with a level 4. A level 1 or 2 indicates non-proficiency and means it is an area where they need to make significant progress this year. Please contact your student's teacher(s) with questions about this assessment and what your child can do to improve their areas of weakness.
Saluting Clark-Shaw Veterans
Ms. Crystal Reynolds, our band director for grades 6-8, served with the U.S. Marine Corps as an ammunitions technologist from 2001-2005. Sergeant Reynolds spent most of her enlistment at Camp Lejeune, NC, which is home of the Expeditionary Forces in Readiness for the U.S. Marine Corps.
Mrs. Angela Hansen, 6th grade science teacher, served six years with the U.S. Naval Reserves. Yeoman Hansen worked as an administrative assistant with the Navy during college and was stationed in London, England; Tallahassee, Florida; and Atlanta, Georgia.
Mrs. Dena Van den Bosch, 7th grade civics teacher, was a military intelligence linguist/voice interceptor with the U.S. Army. Sergeant Van den Bosch was stationed with the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) in Fort Drum, NY and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2003 -2004 for the Global War on Terrorism.
Thank you all for your service to our nation!
Ms. Crystal Reynolds
U.S. Marine Corps
Mrs. Angela Hansen
U.S. Naval Reserves
Mrs. Dena Van den Bosch
U.S. Army (pictured with her sister)
Scholastic Book Fair
Mark your calendars for November 15-19! We’re excited to host a Fall Scholastic Book Fair. This event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our school.
After missing out on many beloved traditions, our fall Book Fair will be a familiar, welcome, and safe event for our students. Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place from November 15-19, 2021 in the Clark-Shaw Library:
*Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that your child can use for shopping at our Fair. Grandparents, friends, and
others can contribute, too!
*Families can also shop online at our school’s Virtual Book Fair. All orders ship directly
to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also
benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/clarkshawmagnetschool
Softball Try-outs
Clark-Shaw Softball Tryouts
When: November 1 - 4
Time: 3:00 – 4:30
Where: Meet at the locker room
What to bring: Change of clothes (dress according to weather), glove, cleats or tennis shoes, bat and helmet
Try Out Fee: $10 dollars to cover insurance (Turn in to Coach Peabody)
All players need a current sports physical and all paperwork completed in Dragon Fly before tryouts begin. If you have any questions, email Coach Kelly Simmons at ksimmons@mcpss.com.
Baseball Try-outs
Science Fair Deadlines
Tuesday, October 26 - Research Plan due
Wednesday, December 1 - Data Checkpoint due
**Grade 8 must submit student-created Data Table plus minimum of 10 pictures
Monday, December 13 - 8th grade Display Board, Composition Log Book, & Abstract due (each component counts as a 3rd Quarter MAJOR GRADE)
**Grade 8 Math Component due to math teacher (3rd Quarter math test grade)
Tuesday, December 14 - 7th grade Display Board, Composition Log Book, & Abstract due (each component counts as a 3rd Quarter MAJOR GRADE)
**Grade 7 Math Component due to math teacher (3rd Quarter math test grade)
Wednesday, December 15 - 6th grade Display Board, Grade-Level Log Book, & Abstract due (each component counts as a 3rd Quarter MAJOR GRADE)
**Grade 6 Math Component due to math teacher (3rd Quarter math test grade)
Basketball Tickets
Come support our basketball teams! This year, spectators are not required to leave the gym between basketball games, so guests can buy one ticket for entry into the boys and girls games. Tickets are NOT sold at the door and children aged 6 and under are free.
Here are the new Go Fan links for our home basketball games. Games will be turned “on” the week of for parents and students to buy tickets. Parents and students will type http://gofan.co/app/event/ID Number in their browser to purchase tickets. Parents and students must present ticket verification upon entering the gym for games. For away games, student and parents will go to the GoFan website and search for the school we are playing.
Here are the ID Numbers for home games:
427834 Oct 28 vs. Phillips
427836 Nov 2 vs. Scarborough
427839 Nov 4 vs. Calloway
427857 Nov 15 vs. Pillians
427868 Dec 2 vs. Semmes
427880 Dec 9 vs. Causey
427889 Dec 16 vs. Burns
427896 Jan 10 vs. Hankins
427905 Jan 20 vs. Grand Bay
Signature Academy Info
Boss's Day
American Heart Association Award
Last year, Coach Peabody organized numerous opportunities for students to donate during Heart Awareness Month in February. By donating on Wear Red Days, sending candy grams, and participating in Jump Rope for Heart, students at our school raised $877 for the American Heart Association. This marks the 3rd year in a row that we were the top middle school in Mobile County. Let's see what we can do in 2022!
Baby Shower for Mrs. Hester
Eagle Wings service club
Eagles Wings is always looking for students with big hearts and good work ethic. For more information, contact Mr. Brian Roberts at jroberts2@mcpss.com.
8th grade Personal Ads
2021 - 2022 Yearbooks
Nurse's Corner
MCPSS Superintendent Chresal Threadgill has changed the mask policy, effective November 1, 2021. Masks are now optional but strongly encouraged. However, there is one exception. Facemasks will continue to be required on all MCPSS buses, in compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines for public transportation.
We will still implement safety practices such as social distancing as much as possible, the frequent cleaning of our facilities, and the use of sanitizers. Please note that students who wear masks are less likely to be quarantined, in accordance with the CDC and ADPH guidelines. Please remember to continue to send a non-glass water bottle filled with water to school each day with your student. If you have any questions regarding Covid or medical needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to the nurse, Mrs. Jolene Walker, RN at jhwalker@mcpss.com or by calling the school at 251-221-2106.
Cellphone Policy
Element Dress-up Day
Parent Access to Student Grades
Girls Track Try-outs
Monday, November 29, 2021: 100m / 200m Dash/400m Run and Relays and 100m Hurdles
Tuesday, November 30 , 2021: Distance (800m/1600m run) and Shot Put
Wednesday, December 1, 2021: Jumps (Long and High Jump)
Students may come to all 3 days. You must be picked up at 4:30 pm each day. More information can be found by clicking here and by emailing Coach Peabody at llpeabody@mcpss.com.
Special Delivery for Mrs. May!
Discover Engineering Day at USA
Important Dates
November 22 - 26: NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)
Cafeteria Menus - November
Reteach-Retest Policy
Reteaching is an essential part of instruction that promotes student learning. After necessary reteaching has been provided, students are allowed one retest per subject on the first assessment where a student fails a major grade. The higher of the two grades will be recorded in the grade book. Reteaching and retesting should occur within a reasonable time frame.
Teachers are empowered to retest at their discretion beyond once per quarter when they feel circumstances warrant such an opportunity. Student accountability is an important component of reteaching and retesting procedures. Therefore, teachers and school leaders are encouraged to establish criteria that students must meet to earn the opportunity to retest a major grade.
If the class average on any major assessment is 65 or below, then reteaching and retesting must promptly occur with the entire class. The teacher will record the higher of the two grades in the grade book.
Eagle Eye News
Don't miss out! Catch the latest announcements, Dad jokes, lunch menus, student interviews, birthday announcements, and other entertaining features from Mr. Sikes' broadcast team. Click the link here or the button below to watch our daily broadcasts via YouTube. You can also participate in their weekly poll question on the Clark-Shaw homepage.
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5jO4hJwMgEawGLisFn4Lw/featured
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com