Band Buzz: October 30, 2022
Falcon Band and Color Guard
Congratulation to the Falcon Band and Color Guard on two beautiful performances at the UIL Area E Marching Contest! The band advanced to the finals and placed 10th overall
Celebrating our Seniors!
The band is going to San Antonio!
Final District Football Game is Friday at Brazoswood!
Kick-off is at 7pm and this is our football team's last shot at playoffs. I have it on good authority that the last three teams who beat us also beat Brazoswood, so this might be an exciting game for those willing to make the drive!
Hopper Stadium
Freeport, TX 77541, USA
Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus-red, and Norfolk Pine sales starting soon!
Poinsettias and Christmas cacti went on sale last week! Not only is this a fundraiser, but the plants also line the stage for our Holiday concert making a gorgeous display for our students and their Holiday music. Plants will be picked up after the concert on December 6th. Plants are $15 each and are fully dressed and ready to gift.
For every 5 plants sold, a student will have their name entered for a $50 Visa gift card!
Happy Selling!
Butter Braid Orders Start This Week!
Parents and Students,
This week we kick off our annual Butter Braids Fundraiser! Butter Braids products are pastries that come frozen and are baked at home. Many of you have purchased them in the past as they are good treats to have around the house during the holiday season, as well as help the Falcon Band Booster Club make their budget! Please click the Kick-Off Video for an explanation of the Butter Braids fundraiser.
Please see the original Band Buzz email for the attached Letter to Parents document for information about this year’s Butter Braid fundraiser and a digital copy of this year’s Butter Braids paper order form (Document: 2022 ButterBraids Order Form.pdf). In addition, attached are the instructions on how to register students for their unique online store (Document: 2022 Butter Braids Online Ordering.pdf). If anyone has any questions regarding registering for the Butter Braids online store, please feel free to contact Sam Houston at 832-407-8375.
The paper order forms with the payment should be returned by Wednesday, November 16, 2022, and can be turned in to the booster box outside the band office or given to a band director. The Butter Braids online store will remain open through Wednesday, November 16, 2022.
Thanks so much!
Sam Houston
Check Out the Band Buzz Blog and Photo Gallery!
We also have a photo gallery of our band and color guard. Check it out here!
Buzz Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the Band Buzz, please contact the appropriate committee or board member. They can send fully edited information to the following e-mail address: . The deadline for submissions is midnight each Wednesday night.
Thank you,
Rebecca Garland
(2nd VP Communications)