D25 LitCamp
LitCamp is…
LitCamp uses an exciting, interactive camp format to transform traditional reading instruction. A typical day might look like this:
OPENING CAMPFIRE Community matters to literacy. Each day begins with a community-building activity and an introduction to some key academic vocabulary that will be used throughout the day.
READ ALOUD A research-proven technique that is crucial to a child’s literate life, each interactive read-aloud provides inspirational resources to engage campers.
BRING THE TEXT TO LIFE It’s not just about words on the page, it’s about stories in the world. See what happens when books become fun.
READING POWER A time for leaders to model a key comprehension skill, and for campers to delve back into the read-aloud text to apply that skill.
BUNK TIME: INDEPENDENT READING Independent reading is a key to lifelong literacy. LitCamp encourages and supports choice, purpose, and engagement!
COMMUNITY LIT A chance for campers to connect to one another through discussion and games designed to enhance communication and a sense of belonging.
WRITING POWER If reading is breathing in, writing is breathing out. These LitCamp activities make writing feel important and powerful.
CLOSING CAMPFIRE Literacy learners thrive in a structured yet richly meaningful environment. The daily wrap-up lets campers reflect on what they learned and leaves them excited for the next day at LitCamp!
"Welcome to LitCamp!" LitCamp | Scholastic. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
SummerU 2017
June 13 - June 30, 2017
LitCamp 9:00-11:55
South Middle School
Registration Ends on May 1, 2017
Website: www.sd25.org
Location: South Middle School, 400 S Highland