Tiger News May 5, 2023

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
Administrative Announcements
Principal Tiger Den Updates!
CMIT NES is going to the State MESA competition!
Our CMIT NES scholars will be attending the State MESA Competition.
First Place: Storybook Theme-park ride, Wearable technology, and Expanding device.
Second place- App design
Our Awards ceremony date is 5/13/2023.
Front Office
Please note, we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann (sally.warf@pgcps.org), Dr. Fryson (tfryson@cmitelementary.org) and Mrs. Virgil (evirgil@cmitelementary.org). Please click here to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form: https://forms.gle/zoLQx9kZThEH8Gge6 to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes. ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until after the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences. For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Mrs. Virgil, Principal's Secretary
Nurse Updates
Notes from the School Nurse
Hello Parents/Guardians!
As we are now into cold/flu season and also still dealing with COVID-19, this note serves as a gentle reminder regarding a few things related to student health.
1. Sick children need to be kept home from school; to include excessive coughing, sore throat, runny nose/congestion, vomiting, and/or high body temperatures (fever). Resting at home will help them get better more quickly and will prevent them from exposing other children or the staff to their illness.
2. For additional information and/or questions regarding when to keep your child home from school please visit the link below:
- When to Keep Your Child Home From School: https://www.pgcps.org/offices/school-health/when-to-keep-your-child-home-from-school
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
Allergy Information
Spring allergy season and those signs/symptoms of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and nose----Parents should START ALLERGY TREATMENTS AT THIS TIME.
~~NO continuous coughing, sneezing, draining eyes or nose in the school building~~
I have medication forms available, if it is to be administered at school.
Clubs are ending!
We have had a great year with our after-school clubs! Please note that the last day of clubs for this school year will be Friday, May, 12, 2023.
Teacher Appreciation week!
Dear CMIT North Elementary School Parents,
Let’s show CMIT North Elementary School Teachers & Staff our appreciation for their hard work and dedication to our children! We would like to offer GiftCrowd as an easy, FREE, and virtual way for parents & students to show appreciation to our School Teachers & Staff. The deadline for sending gifts is 05/12/2023 02:00 PM. Click here to access the CMIT North Elementary School Holiday Gifting Page. How Does It Work?
GiftCrowd will present you with a list of all CMIT North Elementary School’s Teachers & Staff. Click on “Join” next to the Teacher or Staff member you wish to gift and follow the prompts from there!
If the hyperlink above doesn't work you can also click this or copy and paste it into your browser: https://app.giftcrowd.com/app/join-event/gfmQSVmhiH
Our teachers + staff have also created a wish list if you would rather purchase a gift. You can click this link to access their wish list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11Qx9sCE92M3wVNYPoWu7AiwUpIC2-L76e5uqgoAvtik/edit?usp=sharing
Volunteers, we need YOU!
Thank you to everyone that has already signed up for Teacher Appreciation Week! There are still slots open and you can click the link below to sign up. We also have another form if you are available to sign up to volunteer for Muffins for Moms and Matriarchs and/or Field Day. The dates and times are included in the link. Thanks for your help!
Please click here to volunteer for M4MM and Field Day: https://forms.gle/voiKXszVG2MnYdf46
Please click here to volunteer for TAW: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E44AFA82EA2FB6-teacher1
Sign up to join Muffins with Moms!
PTO Election 5/24/2023
We will have Executive Board elections at our next General Body PTO meeting (Wednesday, May 24th) for the following Executive Board positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording and Corresponding Secretary. If you are interested and/or have any questions please email the PTO directly: cmitespto@gmail.com
Please click the link below to learn more about each position:
Kind Kindergarten
Hello Kindergarten Families,
Please check the weather daily, so your scholar is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. Please make sure that you are reading any messages via dojo, class story, or emails pertaining to your scholar’s class.
We will begin our spring testing soon, please make sure that your scholar is getting enough rest, eats a balanced breakfast, and comes to school on time.
As we prepare for our Kindergarten promotion ceremony which will take place in June. We would like to have a baby picture of your scholar to use in our slide show, please send the picture to your scholar's teacher’s email, which can be found below.
ELA: We will learn to retell a story and talk about characters and setting. The students will work on: reading and listening comprehension, and we will ask students to retell a story and talk about the characters, setting, and what the story is about. We will continue to review the bossy e letter. Our sight words for the week are: want, every, and please, your scholars will use them in a sentence and practice writing them this week.
Math: We are continuing with topic 15; jump start to 1st grade lessons, and our lessons will be on our online platforms; boddle, prodigy, and IXL. We will work on composing numbers by putting parts together, along with using addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.
Science:We will discuss different types of habitats in our environment.
Social Studies:We will talk about long ago and things that happened in the past.
Kindergarten promotion ceremony will be on June 8, 2023 (each student will receive 3 tickets for the ceremony)
Ms.Thornton’s class will be wearing the color white
Ms. Echols class will be wearing the colors white with a splash of yellow
Ms. Tate’s class will be wearing the color white with a splash of blue
Ms. Major’s class will be wearing the color blue
The first ceremony will be at 8:30am and that will be Ms. Thornton and Ms. Echols class. The 2nd ceremony will begin at 11:30am and that will be Ms. Tate and Ms. Major class.
Friendly reminder: Class dojo is one of our main forms of communication for any classroom activities, events, and messages. Please make sure that you are connected to your scholar’s Class dojo. Teacher emails and the communication folder are other ways to stay connected as well.
Ms. Tate: krenaudtate@cmitelementary.org Ms. Major: jmajor@cmitelementary.org
Ms. Echols: eechols@cmitelementary.org Ms. Thornton: athornton@cmitelementary.org
Please provide a nut free snack for your scholar daily. Your scholar should have a full set of extra change of clothes that are labeled with their name (uniform) that can be kept in their cubbies.
If your scholar’s form of transportation changes for dismissal, please complete the necessary forms and upload into the document, as well as notify your scholar’s teacher.
Thank you from your Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Friendly First Grade
Please remember that if your dismissal plans change, notify your child's teacher via dojo as well as the front office before 1:00 p.m. on the day of the change.
Dates To Remember:
May 8-12: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 15: DIBELS testing begins
Content area focus this week:
Unit 4: Making History Assessment
Unit 5: Beyond My World
Phonics: middle and ending sounds; oa, ow, oe
Literacy: Informational Text
Language and Conventions: Adverbs
Topic 13: Time and Money
Value of Coins
Telling time to the hour
Social Studies
Chapter 5: One Nation, Many People
Lesson 1: What is Culture?
Chapter 6: Parents and Offspring
Lesson 1: Plant and Animal Life-Cycles.
Health/Social Emotional Learning
Lesson focus: students will be able to differentiate between indoor and outdoor voices.
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Sensational Second Graders
As we approach the end of the school year, I wanted to share some updates on what we've been working on in class, as well as some important reminders.
First, I'm excited to announce that we have finished working on our class books and have shipped them off to get published! This is a huge accomplishment for our students, and I am incredibly proud of all of their hard work.
In reading, we will be focusing on biographies. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn about inspiring figures from history and practice their comprehension skills. Our spelling pattern for next week will be words with prefixes un-, re-, pre-, and dis-. Additionally, we will be practicing writing personal narratives to help improve our writing skills.
In math, we will continue learning strategies to subtract within 1,000. This is an important skill for our students to master, and we will be working hard to ensure that everyone is confident and comfortable with this concept.
In social studies, we will be learning about heroes of the past who made a difference. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn about the positive impact that individuals can have on the world around them.
In science, we will be finishing up our unit on the life cycles of plants and animals. Our students have learned so much about the natural world over the past few weeks, and I'm looking forward to seeing them apply their knowledge.
Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone that testing begins next month. It's important that our students are prepared and well-rested for these assessments, so please encourage them to get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast on testing days.
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support!
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Terrific Third Graders
In Reading students will begin Unit 4:Week 5 Drama. Students will work on the skill homophones.
In Social Studies, students will review Chapter 4: Government, Landmarks, and Symbols in preparation for Chapter test on Friday!
In Math, students are taking their math section of the MCAP this week! Please support your scholar by making sure they get plenty of rest, a nutritious breakfast, and that they arrive at school on time. We are also continuing our work on quadrilaterals and finding perimeter.
In Science, scholars are working to determine why animals work together in groups. They will research different species that tend to live alone and compare them to species that live in groups.
-MCAP Testing will resume, please make sure that students are getting their proper rest and arriving on time!
- If your student is sick please for the safety of others, remember to keep them home!
Third Grade Team
Fourth Grade
Fantastic Fourth Graders!
We strongly encourage parents to check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's progress in all academic areas. Students can redo eligible assignments within a week of being posted. Weekly check-ins with your scholar about his/her grades is a great way to set goals and reflect on progress.
We are in need of hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, and facial tissues. Allergy season is upon us and we would like to continue to keep our classrooms germ free.
It is important that students are arriving to school on time and have eaten a well balanced breakfast to remain focused and alert during MCAP testing.
Let's have a great week on purpose.
Upcoming Dates
5/8- 5/12 MCAP Math
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Graders
The Fabulous 5th Grade Team:
Ms. Tellis, Mrs. Linton-Philp, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Robinson
Tigers! Tigers! What a week! Thank you for your hard work this week while completing the reading MCAP! We will migrate into the math portion of the MCAP next week and we know you will do your best! Thank you for your perseverance! Remember, make sure you get plenty of rest the night before and eat a balanced breakfast before testing. Please arrive on time each day. Please be present and accounted for. You all are appreciated and we thank you for your dedication and hard work! Go Tigers! Roar!
Subject Content:
Students worked SO hard this week on the Reading MCAP! Next week students will take the Math MCAP. We are working with Science Fiction Writing.
For math, this week, students will write the MCAP Math test.
For science, we will continue with Matter in the Ecosystem.
Thank you!
~Mrs. Linton-Philp
Social Studies:
Students will continue to work on MCAP testing! Let's go Tigers!
Mental Awareness Month:
Mental Wellness month is important not only in the month of May, but everyday. Use daily positive affirmations and decrees that help you focus on staying calm and balanced. Affirmations are words that help one think and stay positive. Using affirmations on a daily basis can help build a balanced mindset. Find calming spaces and set a quiet time that can help you rebalance and reset. Remember, you are needed, appreciated, and necessary. Take care of yourself!
Thank you for all you do!
Team 5th Grade
Creative Arts
Captivating Creative Arts
Tigers have presentations. Classes will primarily consist of independent work to finish their projects and critiques. Projects include portraits, landscapes, cityscapes, abstract, and other activities that develop their understanding of depth of field and value. We will continue to stress craftsmanship as a priority.
Students in grades 4 and 5 are finishing up their Jingle Projects, creating a catchy Jingle and background music for a fake product advertisement. Their products are hilarious and amazing - best of luck to all product development teams on their presentations.
If you need one for your student, please message Ms. B on dojo and she can set one up for them. All recorder cases must have student names on them.
K-2 practiced:
Keyboarding: Locate and Type Numbers
The learners receive direct instruction and practice in keyboarding numbers 0 through 9 as they locate and type numbers, learn the relationship between the numbers on the keyboard and the screen, strengthen counting skills, and reinforce basic shape recognition in this engaging and interactive digital lesson.
3-5 practiced:
Tynker- Digital Citizenship
In this course, students learn how to use the internet in safe, responsible, and efficient ways. Additionally, students will learn about cybersecurity and cyberattacks.
This week we are playing a communication game, where students will be using verbal and nonverbal communication tactics in order to maneuver through the game.
K-2 Students are introduced to numbers 21-30 and parts of the house.
3rd grade- Parts of the house
4th and 5th Continuation of “Como se dice”
Tigers are being creative and building designs that first come to their mind.
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.