Guided 365 Day Reflection Journal
Scripture For Grief, Recovery, & Joy for March 16

Today’s Scripture
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
Exodus 3:11 NIV
Today's Guide
When preparing for today, think about the following: Are You Willing To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?
Food For Thought
Have you ever felt like Moses in today’s scripture - questioning why God would choose you to accomplish something that seems too hard or out of reach? We can all relate to Moses’ feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, but thankfully, God already knows our weaknesses and has equipped us with what we need for the journey.
God's word is filled with stories of people who were called upon to do great things despite their lack of qualifications. Abraham was 75 years old when he was told by God that he would be the father of many nations. Gideon had no army, only a small band of 300 men, yet he led them into battle against impossible odds. David was a mere shepherd boy when anointed as king over Israel. All these examples show us how it's not about our own strength or abilities but rather trusting in God’s power working through us.
We don't have to worry about being perfect or having all the answers before we start on this journey; instead, it's important to remember that even though we may feel inadequate at times, nothing is impossible for those who believe (Mark 9:23). Through prayer and relying on His strength, we can ask God for the faith and courage to do what He has called us to do.
We must remember that even though it may seem like an insurmountable task, with God's help, nothing is too difficult or impossible. The same God who spoke to Moses and gave him a job to do is the same God who speaks to us and equips us for our own journeys. He will never ask you to do something without giving you all that you need for success. All we have to do is trust in Him and His promises; He will provide whatever we need whenever we need it.
The journey of faith and courage can be difficult at times, but gratitude helps us to find hope in the storm. Being thankful for all that God has done in our lives — from the small things like providing us with the strength to go through our day-to-day tasks to bigger miracles like giving us renewed hope and purpose.
Today, what task or miracle are you grateful God gave you the strength to get through in your life's journey?
Today's Prayer
How often, Lord, have I complained that I am not qualified for what You have called me to do? Yet, like Moses, You say I don't have a problem with Your weakness or inexperience, for I will equip You with what You will need for the journey. Forgive me, Lord, for doubting. Amen
Website: https://everyonehasthefreedomtochoose.com
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