SDSL's Cornerstone Newsletter
South Dakota State Library's e-newsletter
August 24, 2023
SDSL Adds Citizen Science Kits
Citizen science is a growing trend where community members participate in real, engaging scientific activities. Citizen science projects can vary from monitoring water quality, tracking wildlife and insect species, analyzing and classifying images of galaxies, and so much more. Community members use the same process as professional scientists to make observations and collect, share, and analyze data so the data can be trusted and used by scientists around the world. Due to their hands-on nature and community focus, citizen science projects are a great way for libraries to encourage scientific engagement in their communities.
The South Dakota State Library has added new Citizen Science Kits available for libraries to check out and use in their communities. These kits include the items individuals need to participate in ongoing citizen science projects. SDSL currently features two types of kits: Observing Pollinators and Exploring Biodiversity.
The Observing Pollinators kit includes instructions and tools for participating in the Great Sunflower Project, which engages volunteers to help scientists understand and respond to changes in pollinator populations and the types of flowering plants that pollinators prefer from wherever they are. Using the instruments in the kit, participants observe any flowering plant for less than 15 minutes, count and identify the pollinators that visit the plant, then log data online as instructed.
The Exploring Biodiversity Kit includes instructions and tools for participants to take and share detailed pictures of nature and help create a living record of life on Earth. By recording and sharing their observations, participants create research-quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature.
These kits offer patrons opportunities to connect with nature and engage in real-world science. They also make a great addition to a local state park trip using the “Check Out South Dakota State Parks” passes!
For more information on the Citizen Science Kits and other kits available through SDSL, visit the SDSL LibGuide Kits for Checkout page.
About SDSL
Email: library@state.sd.us
Website: library.sd.gov
Location: 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD, USA
Phone: 6057733131
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibrarySD
Twitter: @LibrarySD
The SDSL does not endorse any service or product listed in this newsletter.