Lakeland Ridge WEEKLY UPDATE
January 19, 2024
Dear Lakeland Ridge families:
As you are aware the fire alarm at Lakeland Ridge was triggered twice today. Immediately, students and staff evacuated the building and were outside for less than three minutes. Once determined it was a false alarm, students and staff returned inside the school, and classes resumed as scheduled.
As you know, we feel open communication with students and families is important. Knowing your child may come home and tell you about the matter, we wanted to ensure you had both timely and accurate information.
If you have any questions about this, or any other concerns, feel free to contact the school.
Andy Cunningham
Principal, Lakeland Ridge
Upcoming Dates & Events
Jan. 18 - 20 Jr. Basketball EIAA Tournament
Jan. 24 - Bell Let's Talk Day
Jan. 25 - Gr 4-7 Sunridge Ski Trip
Jan. 26 - Jr. High Honors Applications Closes
Jan. 26 - 27 - Jr. Basketball Howler Tournament
Jan. 29 - Kinder Field Trip - Strathcona Wilderness Centre
Jan. 30 - Kinder Field Trip - Strathcona Wilderness Centre
Jan. 31 - PL Day - No School
Feb. 1 - Semester 2 Begins
Feb. 1 - New Student Registration Opens 9:00am for 2024-2025
Feb. 2- 3 - Sr. Basketball Howler Tournament
Feb. 6 - Grade 9 Immunizations
Feb. 6 - Grade 2/3 and Grade 3 TWOS Field Trip
Feb. 7 - Early Dismissal - Cash for Care (Ronald MacDonald House)
Feb. 7 - Red, White & Pink Theme Day
Feb. 8 & 9 - No School - Teacher's Convention
Feb. 8 - 21 - Returning Student Registration Opens for 2024-2025
Feb. 12 - Gr. 5 Field Trip - Sherwood Bowl
Feb. 13 - School Council Meeting 6:30pm
Feb. 15 - Linking Generation Visit
Feb. 16 - 23 - Scholastic Book Fair
Feb. 19 - No School - Family Day
Feb. 21 - Gr. 1- 9 Parent Teacher Interviews 4:30-7:36pm
Feb. 21 - 22 - Kindergarten Interviews 9:00AM-6:00pm
Feb. 22 - Gr. 1- 9 Parent Teacher Interviews 4:30-7:36pm
Feb. 22 - Linking Generations Family Meet 6:00-7:00pm
Feb. 23 - 24 - Sr. Basketball Camila / Namao Tournament
Grades 4 - 7 Ski Trip
If students have their own ski or snowboard equipment they may bring any equipment to the school and equipment will be transported in the school owned bus.
In the event of cold weather on January 25, there may be the possibility of the trip to Sunridge being cancelled. Families will be notified via email if the trip is being cancelled.
Junior High Options - Semester 2
Inclement Weather Reminders
The cold weather is finally upon us. Because temperatures have been or have the potential to be in the extremely cold range, we wanted to remind families that supervision of students starts at 8:15am. To ensure the safety of all students, please do not drop off your children any earlier than 8:15am, so that staff are present and doors are unlocked. When temperatures are lower than -22, students will be allowed into the building at 8:15am. During warmer temperatures, students will remain outside until our Entrance Bell at 8:25am.
* Please also ensure your child is dressed for the weather and has appropriate indoor footwear in the event of an unplanned evacuation.
Junior High Honours - Grades 7 and 8
On January 15, 2024, EIPS sent the Junior High Honours application to all grade 7 and 8 families via email. The criteria for EIPS honours program will be outlined in the email. Applications close on January 26 and decisions regarding which school will be hosting the program will occur after this time. Conditional acceptance will be communicated to families of students who applied, qualified and are accepted to the program prior to February 2, 2024. More information will be available on our school website after January 15.
High School Open Houses
In addition to the general high school information, each EIPS senior high school is hosting an open house. The high school open houses provide Grade 9 students and families an opportunity to meet the staff; tour the school; learn about the curriculum, course offerings and alternative programming available; discuss diploma requirements and various career paths; and more. Dates and times for each high school open house are below.
Kindergarten Registration Starts Soon!
Is your child turning five on or before December 31, 2024? If so, it’s almost time to register for kindergarten.
Kindergarten registration opens for the 2024-25 school year on February 1, 2024.
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Additional information regarding Lakeland Ridge’s kindergarten program is available at
Returning Student Registration: 2024-25
Mark your calendars! Returning student registration for the 2024-25 school year will take place February 8-21, 2024.
Families of all current students—with the exception of graduating Grade 12 students—must complete the process to confirm the school their child plans to attend in the 2024-25 school year or advise the Division of their plans not to return to EIPS. Additionally, students who want to attend a non-designated school need to make that request through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space. Watch for more details in the new year.
Summer School Registration 2024
Summer School 2024 registration opens March 15 - see pamphlet or visit regarding updated information, registration, and programming. There are more course offerings than in the past to create more opportunities for students and families. Students can take up to 10 credits in Summer School.
LLR Athletics
Want to know when things are happening? We have an athletics calendar on the LLR school website. Please visit often as our Athletics staff will update as often as they can. Please feel free to contact Mr. Fisher (our Athletics Director) if you have any questions or require more information.