OLHMS Weekly 4/4/23
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know Graduation Fees are due this Friday?
Did you know there is no school on Friday (4/7/23 & 4/10/23)?
Did you know D123 Summer Programming is NOW available?
Looking past the next 44 days of school might have a few of us thinking about Summer! Check out this link for D123 Summer programs!
Announcements/ Reminders
Mustang Families,
Welcome back from Spring Break! Hopefully, everyone is feeling rested and rejuvenated as we navigate the final forty something days of this school year!
OLHMS Food Drive: Our Food Drive has begun! Help our scholars prepare for Service Day at the end of this month by donating food items!
8th Grade College Tours: Our Class of 2023 had a wonderful experience visiting Trinity Christian College or Moraine Valley College yesterday! Our Mustangs were celebrated by each college as they exemplified pride in our school with their behavior and etiquette!!
OLHMS Career Fair: Thank you for the support! We are looking forward to the more than 35 career professionals coming this week to share their professions with our scholars!
Congratulations to OLHMS Educators: Ms. Faheem and Mrs. McCarthy!
Mrs. Faheem will be recognized later this month at the 49th Annual Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet with an Award of Meritorious Service in the Teacher category.
Mrs. McCarthy is a finalist in the category of Woman in Education for the Women Changing the World Awards!
Traffic and Buses: Thanks to our families who have continued to be respectful of our one way during arrival and dismissal. If you have a family member dropping off student(s) or adjusted your routine, please remind them of this one way pattern on Oak Center Dr.
- It is very helpful to pull all the way up on the circle to drop off students or allow them to walk the circle drive to the entrance. We have been experiencing some delays due to cars stopping at the entrance of the half circle.
- Our main entrance is for buses only. Parents should not be using the main entrance to drop students off in the morning(8:30am) or pick them up during dismissal(3:20pm).
Skyward Family Access: Make sure you are checking/ logging into Skyward Family Access routinely. This is a great place to obtain supportive information such as student's courses, bus routes, student fees/ debts.
Student Debts: Please make sure to review student debts via Family Access. There are multiple students who have accumulated debts purchasing items from the cafeteria and lost ID's.
Student IDs: Please remind our scholars that they should be maintaining and wearing their student ID daily. Students do receive charges for lost, missing or damaged ID's.
Class of 2023 Reminder/ Update
SELECT 123 applications are due Thursday, April 6, 2023
Graduation Fees are Due by Friday, April 7, 2023
Graduation Yard Signs Now Available for Purchase!
Order Due Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Yard signs can be purchased online at: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store#
OLHMS PTSA: Next Meeting 5/1/23
All staff and families are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
- Thank you all of the families attending our last meeting. Our report outs were perfect and we were excited to announce next year's board!
- The Century Fundraiser ended and pick up took place on Monday- thank you for your support and for the volunteers distributing!
Membership can be online using this link: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store
Looking Ahead
4/3/23: Food Drive began
4/6/23: Erin’s Law Presentations (AM), Career Fair (PM)
4/7/23: No School
4/10/23: No School
4/10/23: D123 Family Skate
4/12-4/14/23: IAR Testing
4/19: Parent University
4/27/23: D123 Art Show
4/28/23: Service Day
4/29/23: IGSMA State Competition
2023-24 School District Calendar Approved
D123 Hiring
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Little Redhawk Tutoring Program
Mother McAuley Science Bowl Registration
Providence Catholic High School