02.05.23 - CFI 27 Weekly Newsletter
February 5, 2023
A Note From Principal Herbert 🍎
Week 25:
CFI 27 Team,
It is showtime! This is our MOY time for NWEA! Our growth results thus far are IMPRESSIVE! Shout out to classes who began testing last week!
We will recognize the TOP 5 students in each grade level at community meeting. Review grade level data with your PLC and enter the Top 5 student names on the slides for your grade level (#5-#2 are names on a colorful slide and the TOP growth student name should be typed in the the certificate slide).
Upcoming Events and Meetings 📅
PLC/Grade Level Meeting: (2/5 - 2/10)
2/7: Valic Rep on site during all lunches
2/7: Grade 2 & 3 IREAD Parent Meeting 5:00pm
2/8: Staff Meeting 8:00am
2/8: MYP Wrestling @ G. Washington 5:00pm
2/9: PTSA Meeting 6:00pm
2/10: PYP Friendship Dance [K-2- 2:30-3:00] & [3-5- 3:10-3:40]
2/10: 4th SFS observation completion deadline
2/15: Dine for Dollars @Byrne's Grilled Pizza
Location: 5615 N Illinois Street Indianapolis, IN 46208
(Dine in or Carry Out- Mention CFI 27)
2/23: Dine for Dollars @Flying Cupcake 423 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46204
🎉 Shout Outs and Celebrations
Do you have someone you would like to give a "Shout Out" to?! Click here to share your token of appreciation or recognize your colleague(s) on their special accomplishments!
Upcoming Birthdays! 🎉🎈🎂
2/19 - Natalie Freehan
3/08 - Sarah Kingdon Gore
3/11 - Hannah Andrews
3/31 - Ramona Koch
CFI 27 Announcements
Outdoor Mindful Movement
Outdoor mindful movement temperature is at/feels like 20 degrees.
Rebuilding Stronger
I have created a google folder on our Back to School Drive for Rebuilding Stronger. The purpose to have one place to keep all emails, memos, and information coming from district. Some of you reached out with questions from the recent memo regarding board vote. In the folder there is a new Parking Lot for your questions. Some of the questions I might be able to answer. If not, I will seek the answer.
I know there is a lot circling the district with RBS and having a common place to explore, inquire, and seek guidance is helpful for all in our school (staff) community.
Show Me Your "Tiger Paw"
Use this Visual as this Will be Our Whole School Visual when said "Show Me Your Tiger Paw" 🐾
1. Eyes Watching
2. Ears Listening
3. Voice Quiet
4. Body Still
Whole School Celebration NWEA
Thank You to those brave souls who have volunteered to be Pie'd in the FACE :) Calendar invites have been sent out for all three School Wide Incentives. See below for those dates and times.
Here are our Lucky Pie Face Volunteers: Julon Holmes, Ashley Votier, Kelly Agee, Chanel Davis, Alyssa Klingstein, Bren Lester, Janis Macey, Hannah Andrews, Ash Hall, Stephanie Sherrard, Chris Strattman, Katie Akers
District Announcements
Take Care, Be Aware Safety Campaign
IPS program Take Care, Be Aware Safety Campaign is a partnership with Butler University to help continue to make more informative decisions on educating our youth, our staff and gathering resources for our parents and community.
ALL Staff are required to complete this short survey https://butler.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d4Ncc4CGT3E32uy
CFI 27 Data Tracker
All teacher are responsible for entering in their students MOY NWEA Math and Reading scores into the tracker.
MOY NWEA/Intervention "At-A-Glance"
Behavior Referrals/MTSS
People to Email/Notify: K. Sullivan, A.Votier, L.Stafford, D.Dickson, J.Carbaugh, C.Mehringer, N.Freehan
🧠 SEL and Book 180 ❤️
180 Teacher Self Care Book
Week 25 Challenge: Play
"Play brings joy. And it's vital for problem solving, creative and relationships" (Tartakovsky, 2018). This week's challenge encourages us to find our "inner-child". What did play mean to you when you were a child? What did you do when you were playing? Who were your playdates with? What were your favorite toys?
Let's have some fun this week :) We all need fun - let loose and enjoy life!
Monday - listen/watch TED Talk titled "Play Is More Than Just Fun" by Stuart Brown.
Tuesday - reflect on your own play history? What were did you play with as a child? What was your favorite toy to play with when you were alone?
Wednesday - What do you play with now as an adult?
Thursday/Friday - GO PLAY! Do something that feels like total play to you! Ride a bike, puzzle, color, karaoke, swing!
Research confirms, too, "that fun is not just beneficial to learning but, by many reports, required for authentic learning and long term memory" (Sean Slade as cited in Briggs, 2015).
Second Steps Tracker
Please remember to fill out your Second Step tracker" in this attached link.
February District SEL Newsletter
Chattin' with Chad (IB Updates)
Integrating the Inquiry Indicators Into the Process of Inquiry
In January, we observed over 100 classrooms for the Inquiry Indicators. So far, we are averaging about 2 indicators per observation. I would like to see that number increase. The inquiry indicators describe not only what inquiry looks like in practice, but also the process of inquiring. Many inquiry practitioners have simplified the description of how students inquire. One of my favorites is "mess around, make sense, and move beyond." Another one is "engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate." When you think about these simplified descriptions of the stages of the inquiry process, you can match the inquiry indicators to the stages. Which indicators represent mess around, engage, and explore? Which indicators best represent make sense and explain? Which indicators represent move beyond, elaborate, and evaluate? Units of inquiry move students through an inquiry process. Lessons can, too. As you design learning for your students, use the inquiry indicators to move them through the process of inquiring. This mindset should help you integrate more inquiry indicators into each lesson. Let me know if I can help you plan.
Data and Curriculum PLC Week of 2-6-23
We will be discussing SEL in Curriculum PLC's this week. Please continue your data conversations. As NWEA data rolls in, we will have some reflective questions for you to consider about this new data. WIDA testing in Room 220 continues this week, so please continue to meet in the same classroom.
MYP Community Project
MYP students are working in Phase 2 (Planning) or Phase 3 (Taking Action). Our students need support with communicating with a primary source, thinking through possible actions to take, and putting the steps into motion to take action. These two phases can be challenging for students, so please keep in touch with your students. Our students have really appreciated the help and guidance that you have been giving them.
💻 Technology Update
Assessments and More
Tips for a positive testing enrolment
1.Genuinely greet students to reinforce the positive relationship.
2.Arrange your classroom. The physical environment provides a structure. Consider rows for testing to get students in a different, yet focused mindset.
3. Share and set high expectations and remind students of their goal.
4. Set the tone. Be calm, cool, and collected.
5. Minimize distractions from students.
L👀king ahead:
February 2-8: MOY NWEA- PYP Schedule (PYP pick your time and dates) MYP Schedule
March 6: IREAD 2nd and 3rd grade
April 17: ILEARN grades 3-8
May 1: NWEA EOY window opens K-8
Closing ✌️
CFI 27 Family,
It has been exciting to see the NWEA scores thus far! This profession is not an easy one by any means. My grandmother was a kindergarten teacher for 35+ years! My mom recalls her staying up late every night to lesson plan or prepare for the next day and would then be up before the sunrise! Even after retiring, this routine was so engrained into her....I even remember her staying up late and waking up early!
I share this because even though education in many ways has changed since my grandmother taught, the one thing that stays the same are those who choose to enter this field. Educators dedicate their time, love, energy, passion, money, and so much more! At times it feels as if it is for nothing considering how much we do give! But in the little moments, such as seeing your entire class grow at least 1 point...some even 15+ points on NWEA!! Or a former student reaching out to express their gratitude....it reminds you why you chose to dedicate and give so much to begin with!🧡
I leave you with this week’s quote:
"It is what we know already, that prevents us from learning."
--Claude Bernard
YOU got this