
One Creative Way to Welcome Back Families? Make a Playlist!

Dr. Kara Stern
2 min read
Music Playlist newsletter template.

Sometimes, you gotta meet folks where they are.

And where are they, exactly? Well, they could be anywhere, of course — but wherever they are, many of them are definitely listening to music. And guess what? You can tap into that with your school newsletter.

With a little creative license, of course 😉

GIF of dancing woman Let's Do This

A Spotify playlist is a fun, unexpected way to hook your readers. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Open up Spotify on your computer, you’ll find an option on your left to create a playlist.
  2. Click that, and title your playlist Welcome Back, (insert name of mascot) Families!
  3. Upload a logo. Then edit your profile name to suit your playlist. Like so👇🏽

Then, the fun starts.

Think about what you want to say, and play around with finding song titles that match your message. You can move titles around, and delete any that don’t quite work.

Next step is to add it to your actual newsletter.

Try this:

  1. Title your newsletter: “[Mascot] Back-to-School Playlist.”
  2. Then, take a screenshot of your playlist, and embed it as a big photo at the top of a Welcome Back template.
  3. Link the photo to the actual playlist or add a button link (because anyone can listen to it, even if they don’t have a Spotify account.)
  4. After that, it’s just follow newsletter best practices: use titles & minimize text with bullets, numbers & photos.

Here’s a template to get you started! Have fun 🤩 🎵🎤.

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Dr. Kara Stern

Dr. Kara Stern began her career as an ELA teacher, then shifted into administration as a middle school principal. Dr. Stern is a fervent advocate for equitable communication and family engagement. She spent five years as Executive Director at Math for America, where she designed the professional learning community that exists to this day. An unexpected move to Tel Aviv launched her into the world of EdTech where she became the Director of Education Content for Smore and then the Head of Education Solutions at SchoolStatus. Outside of work, she indulges her love for reading, devouring two novels weekly, with a particular fondness for heists and spy stories.

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