Hometown School Newsletter
January 24, 2023
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
We are very proud of all of our students showing off their knowledge for MAP testing. Many students went up on their RIT scores. Be sure to ask them how well they did!
We do try to go outside for recess. Please remember to dress your children with winter hats and coats to go out. We will go outside if weather permits.
Title I Family Game Reading Night
We are so excited to welcome our families to the Title I night tomorrow evening starting at 5pm. We have many fun things planned.
Goodies With Grandparents- January 31st
Great News!! We got a volunteer to host the event! This is a great event where students bring grandparents to a morning with donuts. Grandparents spend time with children and are able to see the school. The flyer will be going home with your children today or tomorrow.
100 Day Celebration
We will be celebrating 100 Day on January 31st. Our students are going to be celebrating all of their learning they have completed this year. Students are invited to dress up as if they were 100 years old. Ideas include: suspenders, bow ties, gray hair, old glasses, ect. This is not a complete list, but suggestions.
Family Dance- February 10th
Great news!! We are excited to announce that we got a volunteer to run the dance! Please see the flyer to RSVP for the February 10th Family Dance. We are still looking for a few volunteers to help with set up and take down.
Sign up to Help
In order to sign up for the events please use the link below.
Here is the link for the Sign up genius for PTA
Preschool/Kindergarten Registration
Please register your child for the upcoming school year for Preschool/Kindergarten. The links are provided.
2023-2024 Preschool Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
Morning Drop off
The front parking lot is reserved to our buses and families with passes. Please do not pull up and let your child off. Park down a side street and walk your child up to the correct door.
What's UP in Kindergarten CASE?
Our CASE Kindergarten class is taught by Mrs. Kapelinski and we are lucky enough to have a few amazing aides who help out in that room as well! For the month of January, the Kindergarten CASE kiddos are learning about the theme past and present. Students are learning about items that kids used long ago and items that kids use now. They will also be working on literacy, math and social studies activities that all focus on the past and present theme.
Every month, the students have a core vocabulary focus. This month, the words they are focusing on are UP, DOWN and IN. Mrs. Kapelinski, the Kindergarten teachers, has been reading stories and working on different activities that revolve around the use of those words. These core vocabulary lessons help to give the students a powerful and flexible tool to communicate whatever they want to say!
Fine motor activities that help students increase their ability to make movements using the small muscles in their hands and wrists. Students have been working on some winter based fine motor activities during centers times. During these center times, students are working on cutting, writing and pre-writing activities.
Another focus in CASE is on social skills. Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Students have a social skills group that focuses on playing together and taking turns. You may walk down the hall and hear a rowdy game of Duck, Duck, Goose or see students playing catch. Students are using their individualized communication systems to gain the attention of their friends and participate in the game all while playing together.
We love hearing all about what's UP, DOWN and going on IN Kindergarten CASE.
Working on our colors.
Using our devices to communicate.
Mrs. Kapelinski working in a small group.
Kids Heart Challenge Kickoff
Kids Heart Challenge Time!
Hi Hometown families,
We are excited to pair up with the American Heart Association for our Kids Heart Challenge this year. We just recently kicked off our event last week on Thursday, January 12th. Your child should have brought home an information sheet on the fundraiser. This is an online only fundraiser. Please do not send any cash or checks. Every Friday from now until January 27th students will receive their instant gifts that they earn if they are participating in the Kids Heart Challenge. Some of the gifts come later after the event date is over. The event date is on February 3rd during your child’s PE time. Students can fundraise up until February 3rd. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Kicho or Mr. Dare. Thank you!
Mrs. Kicho x7839 or kkicho@d123.org
Mr. Dare x4389 or ddare@d123.org
Register NOW!
Use this QR code to register your child. Just hold your phone to the code and it will take you to the website.
Save the Date
Please see the attached flyer for tacos and trivia.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown