Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022
12 January 2024/ Issue No. 270
Mix & Match Sight Words
Students in Ms. Deal's classroom enjoyed a fun movement-based sight word review activity recently. Students were given an index card with one of their sight words. They were then instructed to perform a specific locomotor movement (ex. balance walking, hoping, walking lunges, tip toeing, etc.) around the room until the time was up. Then they had to switch cards with the person that was closest to them. After getting a new card, they had to match up by finding the person in the room with the same sight word. Once they found the match, they performed jumping jacks until everyone had found their partner. The students then took turns reading aloud their sight words to the group. Then, the activity continued with a new locomotor movement and switching of word cards. At the end, the students all said that they enjoyed the review activity.
This past week, Commit to Be Fit resumed mindfulness lessons in the ABL lab. Students learned how to sit in a mindful body position and focus on the sounds around them to help regulate their bodies and emotions. Classes will learn more mindfulness skills throughout the semester.
Save the Date!
Mark your calendars- Karen's Line Dancing is returning to RCES on Saturday, January 20th.
Walking Group
Walking Group will NOT meet on Monday, January 15th, due to the holiday (no school). We hope you can join us on Monday, January 22nd.
Lace up your shoes and join us for Walking Group on Mondays! This group meets at 3:45 pm at the RCES flag pole. Whether you are competing in one of our physical activity challenges or you would like to get a few extra steps in, we would love for you to come out and walk with us! This group is open to the entire community. Tell your friends or bring them with you!
Now that we are in winter, there may be times that school is closed due to weather. Walking Group will not meet when school is not in session. We will email our newsletter subscribers if there is a cancellation. School closures will be announced on the RCPS website as well.
Aging Gracefully
None of us are getting younger. Believe you me, I experienced the real meaning of those words last weekend with a harder than normal fall to the bum trying to hang with the younger crowd on the ski slopes. Lesson learned: know you’re limitations.
Let’s face it. As we age our bodies just cannot take the abuse they once could and recovery takes a little longer. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy all the activities we love. We just need to use a little more caution. Injuries not only hurt, they set us back in other areas of our fitness. Nothing like a sprained ankle or broken tail bone will get you on the couch longer than needed.
If you’re thinking of starting a new activity or dusting off you’re old snowboard, think safety. Begin slowly and use the appropriate safety gear. Just because others make it look easy doesn’t mean it is. As for myself, my brain sometimes thinks my body is its young self but my body says, “Nope, let me show you how it REALLY is!” So, still continue doing all the fun things, but realistically and safely. The goal is to get old. Let’s just do it gracefully.
Making Your Resolutions a Habit
For many, the beginning of the new year starts with high hopes of sticking to our resolutions and holding strong, until about mid to end of January, where some of us tend to fall off the wagon. It is important to remember that a new routine takes time to become a habit. Studies have shown that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. That’s not to say it may not take you less or more time, but be mindful that we all adapt at different rates. It may take time and devoted attention to a new routine but with repetition and patience, it will become easier and more natural for you. To help stick with it, set motivational reminders of your goals each day. Find yourself an accountability friend or family member that shares the same interest. We are much more likely to stick with something if we have someone working towards it with us. Expect setbacks and initial struggles. Don't get discouraged if you have a bad day, there is always tomorrow. You will be so proud of yourself once you push through!
Tips to Reduce Muscle Soreness
Muscle soreness happens, especially when starting a new exercise program. During strength training, small micro-tearing occurs in the muscles. The good thing is that the muscles will grow back even stronger! Here are 5 helpful tips to promote muscle repair and help to reduce soreness.
Hydrate- Proper hydration helps to keep fluids moving. Drinking water helps ease inflammation and provides muscles with nutrients.
Active Recovery & Gentle Stretching- When you are sore, you may not want to move. However, engaging in light movement (such as going for an easy walk) will help increase blood circulation and promote more blood flow to your muscles. Also, gentle stretching helps, but be sure to do this after warming up.
Take a Warm Bath- Warm baths (but not too hot) can help to increase blood circulation, which allows more blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients, to go to your muscles. Also, this increase in blood flow may help remove chemicals contributing to the soreness, although research is mixed on this theory.
Sleep- Muscle repair occurs in deep sleep. It's imperative to make sure you are getting enough sleep, at least 7 hours a night, throughout the program (and beyond).
Take in Protein within 30 minutes of working out- Protein helps to rebuild muscles. However, it's essential to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet in general. Providing your body with proper nutrients promotes healing and may reduce the recovery time.
Finally, be sure to warm-up before each workout and finish with stretching. This will help to reduce soreness as well. Also, don't be discouraged if you feel sore in the beginning. Remind yourself why you are doing this, and it's an initial byproduct of muscle growth.
Black Bean and Sweet Potato Quesadillas
RCES Reset Room
RCES Staff- Do you ever feel you could use a quick reset? It's amazing what a few minutes of relaxation and deep breathing can do to change your mood. C2BF invites you to visit our Reset Room, which is reopening on Monday, January 8th. Each day from 9:30-10:30 am, the ABL lab will be transformed into a relaxing oasis, complete with dimmed lighting, tranquil sounds, and calming images projected onto the wall. Grab a bean bag chair and take a moment to let go of your stress in this immersive, peaceful environment. Additionally, we encourage you to bring in any students who may benefit from this experience as well.
Teachers- feel free to email us (c2bf@rappahannockschools) if you would like for us to cover class for a few minutes. We would be happy to come in and lead a classroom mindfulness activity while you enjoy a quick reset.
Staff Salad Bar Winners
The winners of this week's FREE salad bar coupon goes to Renea Raines (RCES) and Amy Newman (RCHS).
Teacher Resources
RCPS Teachers-- As a friendly reminder, we have a massive database of brain breaks (PreK-12) and movement games/activities with SOL and content integration ideas (PK-5). CLICK HERE to view the Teacher Resource page. If you prefer, the C2BF team would be happy to come to your classroom and lead a brain break, activity, or even a mindful minute. Email to schedule a push-in.
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.