2018/04 - EUPHAnxt newsletter
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Good news!
EPH Abstract Mentor Programme
The Abstract Mentor Programme has been extended until April 15th, 2018. This provides an opportunity for young and/or less experienced abstract submitters to receive feedback from experienced reviewers on their abstract for the upcoming EPH conference. The programme is especially targeted at researchers who have limited access to colleagues to ask for guidance and comments on their proposed abstracts.
How does it work?
Prepare a draft abstract in accordance with the EPH Conference Abstract Submission
Indicate tracks of your abstract (list available under “Guidelines”).
Send your anonymous draft abstract as a Word document for mentoring
Important: The mentoring process is anonymous, and you will receive feedback within two weeks!
We want your input!
Every year, EUPHA organise a workshop at the EPH conference to help young professionals and students to develop their skills.
This year, would like to focus on a specific method of evaluation in Health Economics. To meet your needs, please let us know what methods you'd like to work on.
Please provide your answer in our online survey.
Useful Info
There is an excellent opportunity to attend an upcoming seminar, with some sponsored places available for the European Health Policy Group Spring meeting in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) on 19 and 20 April 2018.
The theme of this seminar is of special interest to policy and practice in public health, since it deals with environmental and social determinants of health, which requires cross-sectoral collaboration.
The meeting is sponsored for EUPHA members. You may register with j.velthuis@euphaofice.org. Please register before Tuesday, April 10th so that we know how many attendants we can expect.
If you have a spare minute...
A member of EUPHA’s section on Sexual and Gender Minority, and Dublin City University PhD student is seeking those aged 18 or above, and identify as non-heterosexual to take part in a survey for a study on anxiety in sexual minorities.
To take part, click on the link here.
Future events
11th UCL Health and Society Summer School: Social Determinants of Health
Date / location: 2 Jul 2018 - 6 Jul 2018 / UCL, London
Organiser: University College London
Early bird discounts apply until May 15th, and one scholarship is available this year.
Summer Course in Health Law and Ethics
Date / location: 2 Jul 2018 - 6 Jul 2018 / UCL, London
Organiser: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Euroscience Open Forum
Date / location: 9 Jul 2018 - 14 Jul 2018 / Toulouse, France
Organiser: Euroscience
Registration early bird is until 15 April and there are special cheap offers for students including PhD students (50€ for the 6 days) and young researchers (150 €). More info on the programme here.
How to join EUPHA
EUPHA is a big family and it's happy to welcome new members.
EUPHA has two sorts of membership. There is full membership, which is open for national public health associations in Europe (WHO/EURO definition of Europe). There is associate membership, open for individuals, public health institutions and associations outside the WHO/EURO region. Please find here more information on membership benefits and the application procedure.
As always...
If you are looking for an internship, EUPHAnxt could facilitate some internship positions among the different EUPHA sections. If this is something that you would be interested in, send us an email with your resume, preferred dates for the internship and your preference regarding sections.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter/FB/Instagram and LinkedIn
Email: info.euphanxt@eupha.org
Website: eupha.org/euphanxt
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euphanxt
Twitter: @euphanxt