JSS Newsletter
Jack Stuart School - February 2023
In Our House
JSS School Administration Message by
Mr. Todd Sieben, Principal
Ms. Erica Easton, Assistant Principal
The 2022/23 Alberta Education Assurance Surveys are on the way to our grade 4 and 5 JSS parent/guardians via Canada Post. They will be receiving their survey package shortly, mailed directly from Alberta Education.The survey package includes a copy of the Education Minister's letter to parents/guardians, a letter containing a Random Access Code (RAC) for accessing the electronic survey online (with instructions and the electronic survey link), and instructions for accessing the survey in other languages. Thanks to our grades 4 and 5 parents/guardians in advance for completing the electronic survey. Be sure to click submit at the bottom of the survey. The deadline for completion is Friday, February 24, 2023. Your feedback is appreciated.
In the month of February, we will continue to focus on our School Pledge in our classrooms and with our students. Our JSS pledge reads … “I promise to take care of myself, take care of others and take care of this place, and I won’t forget my promise”. One way to take care of ourselves is by eating healthy (staying away from pop, candy and other foods with lots of sugar in general), one way to take care of others is by washing our hands and staying home when one is sick. And, one way to take care of this place is to keep the school and our school grounds free of litter. As we focus on “Acts of Kindness” in the month of February, our school pledge will set the stage for helping the JSS staff recognize our students for keeping their promise.
As we continue to recognize students who say and do the right things, especially when no one is looking, we randomly pick two student Jaguar Cards (submitted into the “Caught in the Matrix” Jaguar Card Bin in the school office) each week to enjoy a free lunch (made possible by our local eatery/restaurant supporters). Those students have their picture taken and uploaded to the electronic bulletin board in our north entrance lobby. Each Jaguar Card remains in the bin for the entire month, then we start over with an empty bin the next month. 198 JSS students received Jaguar Cards in September, 262 in October, another 102 in November, 96 students in December, and 204 more in January, for a total of 862 Jaguar Cards in ½ of a school year. We are very proud of all our students living the school pledge each day. Stay tuned for our February totals and beyond.
We have had some beautiful weather in the month of January since Christmas break, but we know that true winter weather will soon be here and continuing this month. Thank you for sending your child with the necessary clothing to walk to and from school, and for outside breaks.
Thank you to …
Parents/Guardians who have helped supervise skating, other field trips and assist in our classrooms already this year.
School (Parent) Council for supporting our winter activity (skating) and the delicious cookies and hot chocolate.
The parents/guardians that continue to help out with our School (Parent) Council hot lunch program.
Mrs. Rak and Mrs. Raynard who provide our breakfast program.
Our volunteer coaches for showing up for our kids and making such a positive impact in their lives.
Follow us …
Website: http://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Facebook: Jack Stuart School
Instagram: jackstuartschoolbrsd
Twitter: @jstuartschool
JSS Council & Parents' Society
by Terra Manion, President: jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com
JSS Council & Parents’ Society
We are currently running the Rolling Hills Coffee Fundraiser from Jan.31- Feb.13. If you are buying coffee please have all order forms and payments back to the school on or before Monday, Feb. 13.
Hot Lunch Update:
Feb.8 - Dominos Pizza
Feb.22 - Chopped Leaf
This will be the last time Chopped Leaf is on our menu due to consistently poor quality. The manager has been contacted and a complaint was made. We will try A&W once more in March then a decision will be made whether we keep them on or not. We will be continuing with Domino's Pizza and Subway.
If you have any input, feedback, questions, comments or concerns for Parent Council/Society, School Board Trustees, JSS Principal, Vice Principal or teachers reps, please join us at a meeting.
Next meeting February 22 @7pm - via Google Meet and also in person in the school Learning Commons. A link will be sent via school messenger and also posted on the JSS Council Facebook page
Our next Parent Council meeting followed immediately by our Parent Society Meeting will be on Feb. 22 at 7 pm via Google Meet and also in person in the school Learning Commons. A link will be sent via school messenger and also posted on the JSS Council Facebook page
MRS. BUCKLAND - Excel Program
How long have you worked at JSS? 10 years
When I was a kid I wanted to be? A professional hockey player
What is something that people don't know about you? I played European handball in university and we won gold at a national tournament.
Do you have any pets? Maxie the super-doodle dog
If you could have any superpower what would it be? Mind reader
MRS. RADCHENKO- Grade 5 (5R)
How long have you worked at JSS? Since September 2008
When I was a kid I wanted to be a...? Teacher or a Kinesiologist
What is something that people don't know about you? I was in the Top 3 for swimming (Butterfly) in New Brunswick, which allowed me to get a swimming scholarship to swim for a University in the United States.
What are your currently reading? The Forgotten Child
What would we find you doing on the weekends? Watching my boys play on their sports teams (baseball, soccer, swimming).
Terry Fox Fundraiser
Important Dates
Feb. 1 - Scholastic Book Fair Family Night - 3:06 - 6:30 pm
Feb. 1-6 - Scholastic Book Fair runs at school
Feb. 2 - Early Dismissal 2:06 pm - Staff Meeting
Feb. 8 - Hot Lunch - Domino's Pizza
Feb. 15 - Wear blue for Angelman Syndrome Awareness
Feb. 16 & 17 - Teacher's Convention - No School
Feb. 20 - Family Day - No School
Feb. 21 - Staff Collaboration - No School for students
Feb. 22 - Pink Shirt & Parfait Day
Feb. 22 - Hot Lunch - Chopped Leaf
Feb. 22 - Parent Council & Parent Society Meeting via Google Meet and/or at JSS - 7 pm
Mar. 2 - Early Dismissal 2:06 pm - Staff Meeting
Contact Us
Email: jackstuart@brsd.ab.ca
Website: https://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Location: 200 Mount Pleasant Drive, Camrose, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-672-0880
Facebook: facebook.com/JackStuartSchool
Twitter: @jstuartschool