Madison Moments
Morning Arrival Pilot
For the week of May 20 - May 24 we will pilot a hybrid of our current structure with the structure that we use for inclement weather. Therefore, starting at 8:00 students that want to play on the playground may. At 8:15 they will be escorted into the building and to their classroom. If a student doesn't want to play outside, they may come into the building at 8:00. Once in the building they will wait in the hallway outside of their classroom or inside of the classroom (based on teacher preference).
The reason for this pilot is to see if this allows students to be more settled in and ready to start the day at 8:20. At present, staff notice that on inclement weather days, the students are ready to dive into their learning much quicker than on "regular" arrival days. If this system better meets the needs of the students, we will make the shift for next school year.
We appreciate your patience and that of the students during this pilot.
Counselor Changes for Next School Year
As a result, we have hired a new counselor, Mr. Ryan Bahnaman. Mr. Bahnaman comes with a wealth of experience as an elementary counselor in Waupaca and Milwaukee Public Schools.
Click here to read more about Mr. Bahnaman.
***The original communication sent to families on Thursday listed Mrs. Misirian's new placement as Greenfield Middle School. It is actually Greenfield High School.***
Updates and Reminders
- May 16 - Volleyball Game/ Ice Cream Social 6-8pm
- May 23 - High Interest Day
- May 24 - Snow Make Up Day (School IS in session)
- May 27 - No school
- May 29- 5th Grade Field Trip to Miller Park
- June 4 - Kindergarten Round Up
- June 5 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to Hawthorne Glen
- June 6 - SK Field Trip to the Milwaukee Zoo
- June 11 - SK Celebration at 11am
- June 12 - All School Assembly and 5th Grade Promotion at 1:00pm
- June 13 - Last day of classes
District Purchase Award
One of our students created one of the six selected pieces this year! Great job Ryann!
PTA Update
Upcoming PTA Events:
Volleyball & Ice Cream Social May 16
High Interest Day May 23
Congratulations to our 2019-2020 Madison School PTA Board. The following people were elected at last night’s PTA meeting:
President: Val Weiler
VP of Committees: Candace Wagner
VP of Hospitality: Angie Castro
Treasurer: Rita Wiesneski
Recording Secretary: Dave Anderer
Corresponding Secretary: Jessie Summerfield
This leaves two open board positions: President-Elect and VP of Membership. If you are interested in either of these roles please contact one of our nominating committee members:
Candace Wagner cjneis@hotmail.com
Molly Schoen mollyschoen88@gmail.com
Tristan Almazan tristan77@wi.rr.com
Volleyball & Ice Cream Social
May 16 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Please join us for the annual volleyball game featuring teams made up of our very own 5th Grade Students and Madison Elementary Staff! Immediately following the games at 7:00 pm, head over to the cafeteria for ice cream sandwiches! Ice cream sandwiches will be 50¢ each (cash only). Volunteers are needed to help open doors, sell tickets, and distribute ice cream. Please sign-up here to help out!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
A BIG thank you to all of the Madison School community for making the Spring Book Fair a great success! During this book fair, we were able to give EVERY child a free book! We used funds raised from previous book fairs to create this special surprise for the students. An even bigger thank you goes out to our volunteers: Theresa Stamm, Rebecca Mattice, Sara Teske, Angie Castro, Andrea Loughney, Christa Hulverson, and Laura Dykstra. A special shout out to my book fair co-chair, Theresa Stamm, for helping me the last few years make these book fairs fun and rewarding for the kids. I also want to highlight that Theresa and I are handing over the book fair next year to Rebecca Mattice, so please welcome her next fall and support her efforts to bring great books to our Madison kids!
Thanks everyone! – Tristan Almazan, Book Fair chairperson
Thank you to Alicia Moore for coordinating Teacher Appreciation Week. We appreciated the teachers’ lists of favorites! It made showing our staff some love a little easier. Thank you!
Thank you to Val Weiler for coordinating the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast! And thanks to everyone who donated delicious goodies to help show our teachers that we appreciate them!
Thank you to Jessica Summerfield for organizing, collecting and counting all of the box tops and food for the food drive! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to give back to our community and the Madison PTA!
High Interest Day
May 23rd
We are in the final stages of High Interest Day planning. We are looking forward to a fun filled day!
Madison PTA's Annual Volleyball and Ice Cream Social
Thursday, May 16, 2019
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Come for the volleyball and stay for the ice cream sandwiches!
For more information, see the flier here.
9th Annual STEM for Girls
Auditions for Cinderella
Children's Theatre of Wauwatosa
CTW Players
announces auditions for
Students in grades 6-12 as of September 2019 are invited to audition for the fall trouping of
Cinderella. The play, an original script by CTW, is a non-musical version of the original story. Various male and female roles are available.
1st Audition: Monday, May 13, 6:30 - 8:00pm (Arrive 15 - 20 minutes early to complete paperwork)
Callback Audition: Wednesday, May 15, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Auditions are held at the Lois Weber Theater, Longfellow Middle School, 7600 W. North Avenue
Rehearsals will be held 3 times per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, 6:30-9pm, beginning Wednesday, September 4th. In lieu of a Labor Day rehearsal, there will be one Saturday rehearsal on September 7th at 9:00am. Tentative performance dates are October 19, 26, and a daytime date during the week of October 14.
For further information email Fran Panek at franpanek@me.com or Lynn Leider at lleider2@gmail.com.
Counseling Corner with Mrs. Misirian, Mrs. Jakubowski and Mr. Barnes
Find out about the upcoming 5th Grade: Academic Career Portfolio Conference Sign-Up Information and well as what the SK -2nd graders have been learning during guidance in this edition of the Counseling Corner newsletter here.
Right As School Fall Enrollment is OPEN
Rec Department Summer School and Summer Activity Guide
Information about courses, Summer School dates, hours, attendance policy, registration and more can be found in the Wauwatosa Recreation Department’s 2019 Summer Activity Guide, which was recently mailed to all residents, or on our website www.wauwatosaschools.org/summerschool.
Right At School Summer Camp!
Right At School’s Summer Camps keep students active and engaged during the summer break. With a brand new summer curriculum with fun activities like:
- Outdoor Water Play
- Swimming (In select locations)
- Field Trips
- Group Sports and Outdoor Play
- Science Experiments
- Arts and Crafts
For more information, visit righatschool.com or see the informational flier here.
Planned Absence Form
Follow Madison on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madison.tosa.3
Twitter: https://twitter.com/madisontosa
Instagram: @madisontosa
Madison Elementary School
Mrs. Sherwood, Administrative Assistant - 414-773-1405
Mrs. Chappell, Educational Assistant - 414-773-1406
Attendance Line - 414-773-1402
Main Office - 414-773-1400
Email: marbleni@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.wauwatosa.k12.wi.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=15
Location: 9925 W Glendale Ave Wauwatosa, WI 53225
Phone: 414-773-1400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madison.tosa.3
Twitter: @madisontosa