Chavez Chat
March 29, 2022
Don't miss out on great Chavez Champion memories
Families, yearbooks are on sale now for only $20!
Ordering is easy! Go to and enter the code 10305122
OR send in payment with the paper order form that your child brought home.
The class in each grade level with the most yearbooks sold will earn a popsicle party!
Thank you for your support!
Student Council members worked hard to beautify Chavez Elementary and keep our campus clean and litter-free.
Chavez Learns
Benchmark Testing this Week
Dearest Parents and/or Important People,
Our Third, Fourth and Fifth graders will be taking STAAR benchmarks next week. Please look for more details from your child’s teacher(s).
These assessments will guide our ongoing instruction in the Spring semester. Your learner(s) will take the tests as follows:
Tuesday, Mar. 29th - 3rd, 4th & 5th Math
Wednesday, Mar. 30th - 5th Science
Thursday, Mar. 31st - 3rd, 4th & 5th Reading
On each day start time approximately: 8:10-8:15 am (The test will take part on the designated day and students will have a four hour time limit work each day. )
Students have worked hard this year and have many skills to demonstrate on these two days. We are confident your students are well prepared and ready to give it 100%. A few tips to maximize your son and/or daughter(s) success are…
Students should arrive on time. Please do your best to make sure there are not any conflicts with out of school appointments on these days for your student.
Get a good night’s rest in order to feel alert and ready to focus.
Every learner will need their charged chromebook - we will have all students leave their device at school on Monday - be sure you bring your charging cord.
Eat a healthy breakfast either at home or at school.
Have a positive send off for your student in the morning. Students should feel supported by you as well as confident that they are prepared. We know some nerves are typical and healthy. Again, we will assure students that all the hard work until this point of the year is their preparation.
We want to remind parents and students that on testing day all cell phones and/or electronics including smart watches must be turned in to the teacher during the test for test security reasons. Cell phones will be taken care of and returned as soon as testing has concluded. We understand students have phones for various reasons and just want to encourage them to follow procedure and turn them in. Thanks in advance for reminding your student to do so.
Please be advised that students will have a slightly altered schedule on this day based upon testing. Teachers will communicate further about this with parents impacted. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or our office at 972-947-9452.
Chavez Proud,
Christine Gibson
Principal, Cesar Chavez Elememtary
Do you know an excellent teacher?
Submissions may be emailed to Deidre Miller at or turned in to the front office of the student's main campus. Written letters may be turned in to the office no later than Monday, April 4th, 2022.
Coming Soon - Add it to your calendar!
Save the Date- STEM & Literacy Night
We can't wait to see you there!
~ Your Chavez Champion Team
We NEED you for an amazing Career Day
If you know someone who would be interested in volunteering to share about their career please have them fill out the Google Form here. Thanks so much for your help!
We value your input as parents - please fill out our Parent Survey
News You Can Use
Absence Notes Made Easier
All absence notes can be submitted through an absence online form. This form allows you to snap a photo of your doctor's notes or any other documentation you need to attach to your form.
A link to the form will be sent through the automated absence notification, but you can also access it through Parent Resources on the District website.
Community Information
Stay Connected
Please stay plugged in and follow us to stay up to date on current happenings at Cesar Chavez Elementary! #ChavezChampions
Location: 2600 Hart Road, Little Elm, TX, USA
Phone: 972.947.9452
Twitter: @Chavez_leisd