Davis Richmond E-news
July 28, 2023
Welcome Back, Davis Richmond Families!
Backpack Night - Thursday, Aug. 10th (4-6PM)
Hope you can join us for Backpack Night. Here, you can drop off your school supplies, confirm transportation for your child and see our schools. See flyer for more info.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - Monday, Aug. 14th
The first day of school is Monday, August 14. Please note that parents are not permitted in the building. Davis and Richmond have all staff on deck to help your child navigate to their classroom once they arrive. Please follow the normal arrival procedures to help your child get used to the morning routines.
School Hours: 8:00 - 3:00
The elementary day will be 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Half Day kindergarten will be 8:00-10:55. We will have an early release monthly on Wednesdays at 2:10 p.m. Please click HERE for a calendar for details.
Class Assignments & Bus Routes
- Class assignments will be available in Home Access Center (HAC) beginning August 4th at 8 a.m.
- The following week, bus route information will be available on Monday August 7th.
We will still offer the Davis/Richmond shuttle this year, however you MUST REGISTER to use this service. Please call the school’s main office to sign-up.
Students who live in walking distance to Davis walk to Davis Primary. Richmond students walk to Davis Primary and board a shuttle at 7:40 am and are dropped off at Richmond by the 8:00 am start time.
Students who live in walking distance to Richmond walk to Richmond Intermediate.
Davis students walk to Richmond and a board a shuttle at 7:40 am and are dropped off at Davis by the 8:00 am start time.
Electronic Devices
As you are busy preparing for the new school year, please review the excerpt below from our student handbook on electronic device use at school. If you would like more information on our student handbook, please click HERE.
Phones/Smart Watches
Students are extended the privilege of possessing phones/smartwatches on school grounds; however, their use is limited to after-school dismissal and non-school days. These devices must be in the off position on school grounds, including bus transportation.
Davis Richmond has a Facebook page!
Keep Learning during the Summer with i-Ready!
Your student can continue learning during the summer with i-Ready lessons and Learning Games! i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their skill levels and needs, so they can learn at a pace that is just right for them.
These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn. In addition to the lessons, Learning Games for Mathematics allow students to practice math in a fun and engaging ways, helping them develop a positive view of math. I-Ready will be available for student use during the summer until the end of July.
PTO News
Please join us on August 17th at 7pm in the Davis LRC to meet the board and learn all the ways you can be involved this school year!
Please use this Year at a Glance to mark important days on your calendar so you don't miss a moment!!
District News
Returning Student Registration
Did you register your child for school next year? Don’t delay, register today! When families register early it helps us with making staffing decisions early in the summer. It’s really important we know our numbers, so please register as soon as possible at the link below or with the QR code - if you haven't already! https://district.d303.org/returning-reg
Davis Primary
SAVE THE DATE - Curriculum Night
Dear Parents,
Looking ahead to the 2023-2024 school year, if your child requires medication or any action plans, your child will need new physician orders and action plans for the school year. Forms can be found under health services on the D303.ORG website or linked directly here:
Students entering into kindergarten or 2nd grade will need a dental examination and form completed within 18 months of May 15th, 2024. A vision examination and form is also required for incoming kindergarten students as well as a physical examination and form.
These forms can be submitted to the main office or emailed to the school nurse at Peggy.Faught@d303.org.
Thank you!
Nurse Peggy and Nurse LeeAnna
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
SAVE THE DATE - Curriculum Night/Open House: Please join us Tuesday, September 12th anytime between 5:00-7:00 p.m. for our Open House.
Summer Reading
Summer is already here - that means it’s time for the Summer Reading Bingo Challenge! To maintain your child’s reading growth from the school year, it is important they continue to read throughout the summer.
Your child brought home a paper copy of the Summer Reading Bingo sheet before the end of this school year. The goal is for your child to complete 12 or more Bingo activities throughout the summer. When your child completes a bingo activity, cross it out and write a parent/guardian’s initials in the square.
In the fall, have your child return the Bingo sheet to their new classroom teacher, so they can receive a book and prize. Please write your child’s new teacher for the fall of the 2023-2024 school year in the top-right corner. Here is the link to the Summer Reading Bingo sheet in English and Spanish in case you need another copy. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Landells at tracie.landells@d303.org.
I encourage families to visit the St. Charles, Geneva, or other area libraries this summer. The Elgin and Schaumburg libraries are beautiful and worth a drive. Our public libraries offer many great programs and resources for all ages, and spending some time reading books at the library is a great way to spend time together. Happy reading!
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303