EPIC Newsletter
European Platform for Intelligent Cities
The European Platform for Intelligent Cities is a European Commission-funded project (ICT PSP) that aims to wed state-of-the-art cloud computing technologies with fully researched and tested e-Government service applications to create the first truly scalable and flexible pan-European platform for innovative, user-driven public service delivery.
Topics in this issue of the EPIC newsletter:
- Brief Project Update - Summer 2013
- Overview of our Smart City in a Box solution
- Invitation to Join EPIC at the 4th ENoLL Summer School
- Smart Cities - The Need for Interoperability
- EPIC featured at 26th Bled eConference
- EPIC Shares Smart City Tips With The Balkan States
- EPIC Discussions at U.N. eGovernment Working Group
Brief Project Update - Summer 2013
- Entering EPIC into a prestigious innovation competition in Belgium to win a business incubation grant, the next stage of which takes place this September.
- Hosting a panel, a workshop and summer school tutorial at the annual Samos eGovernment Summit in Greece this June.
- Preparing an EPIC workshop for the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) Summer School this August in Manchester
- Undertaking the projects Final Review meeting in Brussels with the European Commission
- Revamping the EPIC website with project results and, to be launched later this Summer
Peer Reviews
Smart City in a Box
EPIC “Smart City in a Box” provides an achievable one-stop shop for cities wishing to start on their Smart City journey, offering a Roadmap for how, where, when, and why to get started, a platform for delivering smart services, and the services themselves.
The Smart City Roadmap presents a concrete and useful roadmap for cities and city administrations in their journey towards a smart city and the implementation of smart city solutions using the European Platform for Intelligent Cities (EPIC). The roadmap contains multiple steps, starting from defining a strategy for smart city development to the design and implementation of smart city services using this cloud platform and service catalogue. It helps to understand the potential value of leveraging cloud computing for delivering smart city services, in support of city administrations, citizens and businesses. The roadmap has been developed in close interaction with the EPIC stakeholders, ensuring the roadmap is lean, to-the-point and usable and addresses the right supporting requirements throughout any end-to-end implementation.
The EPIC Platform offers an innovative tool for collaboration between the public and private sector. The platform, based on cloud computing infrastructure, offers a flexible, lightweight solution to the delivery of public services. EPIC works by transferring technology-based public services to the cloud. EPIC then makes these services available on-line thereby eliminating the need for costly in-house infrastructure. In addition, EPIC combines services with datasets (such as points of interest data) to offer cities a complete solution to public service delivery and citizens a seamless user experience.
EPIC delivers services to our users and Smart City customers in the form of portlets, individual service components which can be easily combined and interchanged. This combination of portlets is complimented by EPIC's open-standard based Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which allows our platform combine different services and components seamlessly. The use of open-standards is a central tenet of EPIC and has been embraced fully to maximize the compatability of our solutions with the full range of hosting platforms. Simply put, EPIC's open-standards both avoid costly vendor lock-in and maximize potential applications of the solution.
The EPIC Service Catalogue provides the cornerstone for delivering and managing Smart City services that are currently available on the platform. The Service Catalogue is able to search the EPIC platform for available services/applications and to gather available information on the services for publishing purposes. It will provide the starting point for any city administration, SME or other integrator to investigate the possibilities of the platform and the leveraging of already existing smart city services.
Join EPIC at the 4th ENoLL Summer School
What is the Workshop About? : How can the EPIC Smart City solution help my City? This workshop, presented by the EC-Funded ‘European Platform for Intelligent Cities’ (EPIC) Project, provides attendees with a crash course in how using the EPIC platform’s ‘Smart City in a Box’ can revolutionize the way you create, procure and operate smart city services in your city or municipality.
What Will You Learn? : The EPIC Cloud and the City Workshop will focus on giving attendees three takeaways:
- Understanding the Potential of EPIC – Attendees can expect a grounding in how the EPIC Solution can change the way in which your city creates, adapts and uses ‘Smart City’ services
- Working with EPIC – Attendees can expect a thorough introduction to the revolutionary EPIC Platform system of lightweight web services including demonstration of running services
- Integrating EPIC – Attendees can expect practical advice on using the EPIC platform in your city from the project’s step-by-step Roadmap for Smart City service delivery.
In addition to the three takeaways above, the session will also provide attendees with a unique chance to get hands-on with the EPIC platform and explore existing services currently running on the platform. EPIC’s unique workshop allows attendees to put what you’ve learned at the workshop into practice in your own city and change the way you create and deliver services for good.
Who Can Attend? : This workshop is aimed primarily at Living Labs, City Administrators, Community Champions and Citizen Engagement Specialists.
Sign Up: Simply follow this link! http://4thenollsummerschool.wordpress.com/registration/
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013, 09:00 PM
Manchester Metropolitan University Cambridge Halls, Cavendish Street, Manchester, United Kingdom
Smart Cities - The Need for Interoperability
EPIC featured at 26th Bled eConference
EPIC Shares Smart City Tips With The Balkan States
EPIC Discussions at United Nations eGovernment Working Group
Website: http://www.epic-cities.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_192134087487293
Twitter: @CLOUDintheCITY