Welcome Back BRMS
Tiger News
In this months edition
- Message from Mrs. Perez
- BRMS Office Staff
- Registration Information
- Schedule Change Information
- Notes from our Nurses
- School Supply List
- Cafeteria Information
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- Bell Schedule
- Campus Map
- Follow us on social media
Principal Update
Hi Super Tiger Families!
It has been a busy week of professional learning with our super teachers. We have had a crazy, fun, and productive week of back to school preparations. Thank you to all who came to meet the teacher on Monday. It was so good to see all of our students' faces. We have rectified the error on schedules and a new one should be posted in the parent portal but to reduce anxiety with all students, we have provided a map of the middle school below. We will have new schedules available on the stage in the morning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Our first day of school will begin on Thursday, August 10, promptly at 8:15 am. Our campus doors open at 7:20 am for students only. Middle School girl athletes will meet in the middle school gym when the first period starts at 8:15 am. Middle School boy athletes will meet at 8:00 am in the middle school gym.
Drop off in the morning will be in the middle school cafeteria and pickup in the afternoon is on the back side of the building at 3:55 pm.
We cannot wait to have our halls full again. Get some good rest and see you on Thursday!
Mrs. Perez
BRMS Principal
BRMS 23/24 Office Staff
During these last few days of summer, the staff have been preparing for the return of school. I want to share all the office staff contact information in case you need something. The direct phone number to the middle school is 972-752-4511.
Attendance Clerk- Cathay Agan cathy.agan@brisd.net 972-752-5554 ext 511
PEIMS/Campus Secretary- Lynn Langwell lynn.langwell@brisd.net 972-752-5554 ext 512
Counselor- Karolyn Palitza karolyn.palitza@brisd.net 972-752-5554 ext 532
Math Instructional Coach- Stephanie Bermudez stephanie.bermudez@brisd.net 972-752-5554
Assistant Principal- Brayden Bunting brayden.bunting@brisd.net 972-752-5554
Principal- Angel Perez angel.perez@brisd.net 972-752-5554
Registration for returning and new students
Registration Forms to be completed before school starts for returning and new students.
If you have not completed your parent portal for registration for the 23/24 school year you will need to do this as soon as possible. This is required for every student attending BRISD and everyone is required to turn in a proof of residency. We are so happy that access to all of the registration process is completely online this year.
Schedule Changes
Schedule Changes request are available from Ms. Palitza
All requests are due by noon on August 18, 2023.
Note from our Nurses
Welcome back to school BRMS Tigers! Please read the following information carefully regarding important health updates as we start off this year strong!
If your student has a new or updated health condition or allergy, please reach out to the nurse to discuss their health needs for the school year.
If your student will require daily medication in the school clinic or will be self-carrying medication (Ex: Inhaler, Epi-Pen, OTC medication), PLEASE reach out to the school nurses via phone or email. ALL medications require a new parent consent form to be filled out every school year. Please note, controlled substances cannot be self-carried by students and must be pre-approved and distributed in the clinic.
Let’s Have a Smart Start!
State law requires children to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases to attend school in Texas. Getting your child vaccinated protects your child's health and that of the community.
To ensure we all have a healthy year, please make sure your student is up to date on all required immunizations. Immunizations help students learn and grow by helping prevent serious illnesses. Please forward any updated shot records to the nurses office. Click the link below to see which immunizations are required for your student by grade level!
Your district nurses are looking forward to a GREAT school year! Please feel free to reach out to your campus nurse any time you have questions or concerns about your child.
We are here to partner with you to help ensure your child is healthy and has the resources they need to succeed in school.
Click the link below to access the BRISD Health Services page for links to information and forms you might find helpful.
Catherine Stallings, BSN, RN
Elementary School Nurse
Blue Ridge ISD
Phone: 972-752-5554
Melissa Miels, LVN
Secondary School Nurse
Blue Ridge ISD
Phone: 972-752-5554
School Supply List
If you pre-ordered school supply kits, they will be available on the first day of school. They will be delivered to them in the morning.
School Lunch Prices 2023-2024
School breakfast for middle school is $2.00
Student lunch for middle school students is $3.25
School breakfast and lunches are no longer free for all students
In order to qualify for free and reduced lunch benefits, each family household must complete a new free and reduced lunch application each year. These applications also provide additional benefits so please click below to apply for the Free and Reduced Price Meal Program. https://www.myschoolapps.com/
Starting Sept. 1 if your child qualifies for reduced breakfast they will no longer be charged.
Breakfast & Lunch menus are available on the BRISD website.
Please Join our Awesome Blue Ridge PTO!
Hello from the PTO! My name is Bailey Carey, and I am the PTO President. I am very excited to get the 23-24 year started after the (not long enough!) summer break. The PTO has some great things planned for this year, however, we cannot accomplish them without volunteers. If you are interested in joining the PTO, I would love to extend an invitation to become a member. Please use the link below to fill out a membership form. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at pto.blueridgetx@gmail.com.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
10 Students’ First Day of Class
24 BRMS Pep Rally
28 BRMS VB Game vs Pottsboro
2 BRMS Cross Country Meet @ Ft. Worth
4 Labor Day (Staff and Student holiday)
6 BRMS Football Game @ Wills Point
7 BRMS VB Game @ Leonard
9 BRMS Cross Country Meet @ McKinney
Bell Schedule
Follow us on
Facebook: Blue Ridge Middle School
Instagram: brms_tigers
Twitter: Blue Ridge MS