TCES Weekly Bulletin 1.21.24
"Welcome to the Trace Jam"
Parent P.E. Information
Blue Cross Blue Shield Kids Marathon & Kids Heart Challenge Kick Off
Students who have registered for the Kids Marathon on Saturday,February 24th may come to the gym every Thursday morning 7:10 to 7:30 to run. Practice is not required, it is for students to meet other students who are running and to work toward their mileage.
Trace Crossings Kids Heart Hero Challenge will kick off Monday, January 22nd during P.E. class. Students will learn the importance of a healthy heart and how the American Heart Association uses the funds for research. A percentage of money raised is given to Trace Crossings to purchase equipment for P.E. This is an online fundraising event please do not send money to the school. An informational flier will be sent home with your child to explain how to register or you may follow the link below. The American Heart Association gives thank you gifts to students who participate. Coach Miller and Mrs. Culberson will hand out the registration bracelet and book bag trinkets during class, but all other prizes will come two to three weeks after the event ends February 2nd. If you have any questions please contact or .
Search for your child's school and click "Sign Up".
Choose Option 1– (Yes, Log in) because you participated last year
If your child has been helped by the American Heart Association due to heart disease contact Mrs. Culberson at She would like to feature them on broadcast during the Kids Heart Challenge and let them tell their story.
Theatre for Youth Deadline Extended to 1.24!
Vision Screening Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed are for our annual vision screening for students on Thursday, February 1st. 3 shifts are available. Sign up here:
TCES Yearbook Order Deadline February 2, 2024
Snacks for TCES Faculty & Staff
Please help Trace PTO stock the workroom with snacks for Trace teachers. Drop off during morning carpool during the week of February 5th-8th or send items to the front office labeled "PTO Teacher Snacks." Sign up here:
Duty Free Lunch Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to watch students in the cafeteria so our teachers can enjoy a duty-free lunch on February 9th. Two one-hour shifts are available for volunteers. Sign up here:
TCES Calendar of Events
January 22- February 2 - American Heart Association
February 1 - 2 Vision Research - Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th Grades 2023
February 2 - House Friday
February 2 - 1st Grade Fairy Tale Ball
February 6-10 National School Counselor Appreciation Week
February 16 - Career Day
February 19- Teacher Professional Development (No Students)
February 20 - Beef O Brady’s Spirit Night 5-9pm