The Collection Connection
News From Your State Library
Volume 2 Issue 1
Spring into Reading, Recording, and Research!
Are you planning for retirement, looking for work-life balance solutions, or wanting to polish your Microsoft Teams skills? We have added many exciting new titles in our General Collection, curated especially to provide resources for working on personal and professional goals. A few of these titles are highlighted in the New and Notable Titles section below. Also in this issue, be sure to check out information on our new Oral History kits, and the BioOne Complete research database.
Library Account Application
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New and Notable Titles
See something of interest? Click on the hyperlinked title to be taken to the item record in our catalog, sign in, and click Send to My Office. If the title is also available as an eBook/audiobook, you can click on the blue View button to be taken to KY Libraries Unbound for check out. Only like general and genre fiction? We also have all types of fiction in large print and audiobooks, as well as plenty of fiction eBooks/audiobooks through Kentucky Libraries Unbound.
Employee Wellness & Workplace
- 12 Ways to Retire on Less: Planning an Affordable Future by Harriet Edelson
- Credit Repair by Amy Loftsgordon
- Single Women and Money: How to Live Well on Your Income by Margaret Price and Jill Gianola
- Comfort for the Grieving Adult Child's Heart: Hope and Healing after Losing Your Parent by Gary Roe
- Curating Your Life: Ending the Struggle for Work-Life Balance by Gail Golden
- The Power of Discord: Why the Ups and Downs of Relationships Are the Secret to Building Intimacy, Resilience, and Trust by Edward Tronick and Claudia M. Gold
- Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty
- Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind by Judson Brewer
- College on the Autism Spectrum: A Parent's Guide to Students' Mental Health and Wellbeing by Laurie Leventhal-Belfer
- Disconnected: How to Protect Your Kids from the Harmful Effects of Device Dependency by Tom Kersting
- Fourteen Talks By Age Fourteen: The Essential Conversations You Need to Have With Your Kids Before They Start High School - and How (Best) to Have Them by Michelle Icard
- Taking "No" for an Answer: & Other Skills Children Need: Developing Empathy, Cooperation, and Respect Through Play by Laurie Simons
- When the World Feels Like a Scary Place: Essential Conversations for Anxious Parents and Worried Kids by Abigail Gewirtz
- Adobe Photoshop 2021 Release: Classroom in a Book by Andrew Faulkner
- The Dark Side of Our Digital World: and What You Can Do About It by Andrew Weiss
- Hands-On Microsoft Teams: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Enterprise Collaboration with Microsoft Teams and Office 365 by Joao Ferreira
- Microsoft Office 365 All-in-One for Dummies by Peter Weverka
- Social Media Strategy: Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations in the Consumer Revolution by Keith Quesenberry
- You're on Mute: 101 Tips to Add Zip to Your Zoom by Jo Hoare
- Hire Right, Fire Right: A Leader's Guide to Finding and Keeping Your Best People by Roxi Bahar Hewertson
- Introverts Guide to the Workplace: Concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed by Thea Orozco
- Mindfully Wide Leadership: The Secrets of Today's Leaders by Keren Tsuk
- Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization by David Logan et. al.
- Understanding and Navigating Discrimination in America by Jamie Maniloff
Kentucky Highlights in Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Back to the Light: Poems by George Ella Lyon
- Before Fort Campbell: History, Landscape, and Communities by M. Jay Stottman, Lori C. Stahlgren, and A. Gwynn Henderson
- Blood and Treasure: Daniel Boone and the Fight for America's First Frontier by Bob Drury and Thomas Clavin
- Bluegrass Bourbon Barons by Bryan S. Bush
- A Brief History of Northern Kentucky by Robert D. Webster
- Coach Hall: My Life On and Off the Court by Joe B. Hall
- In the Shadow of the Valley: A Memoir by Bobi Conn
- Just a Few Miles South: Timeless Recipes from Our Favorite Places by Ouita Michel
- Masked Man, Black: Pandemic & Protest Poems by Frank X Walker
- Palmares by Gayl Jones
- Profiles of Kentucky's United States Senators: 1792-Present by Paul L. Whalen
- The Taking of Jemima Boone: Colonial Settlers, Tribal Nations, and the Kidnap That Shaped America by Matthew Pearl
WorldCat Discovery Catalog
Click the button to discover a world of titles!
KDLA Oral History Kits
KDLA has developed Oral History Kits in partnership with the Kentucky Historical Society, the Kentucky Oral History Commission, and with a generous grant from the Kentucky Colonels. They are portable, user-friendly, and contain everything needed to preserve the stories of Kentucky and Kentuckians for future generations. You can schedule one of these kits to preserve your unique family histories by contacting your local public library. Just ask for the staff member who handles interlibrary loan. These kits are for personal use only. The recordings will not be archived at KDLA or KHS. For more information about the project, visit this page on the Kentucky Historical Society’s website, or this page for information on the kit contents.
Database Spotlight
BioOne Complete is the flagship product of the non-profit publisher BioOne, described on their website as "a collaborative endeavor [of] librarians and publishers working together to address the inequities posed by commercial journal publishing." Their community includes more than 150 publishing societies, museums, associations, and independent presses; 3,500 accessing libraries and research organizations; and millions of users worldwide. The BioOne Complete database contains more than 200 open-access, scholarly and peer-reviewed, full-text titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. Specific subject areas include agriculture and agronomy, biodiversity conservation, biology, ecology, entomology, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, marine and freshwater biology, ornithology, paleontology, plant sciences, veterinary sciences, and zoology. Per a review in the April 2017 issue of Library Journal , nearly "80 percent of subscribed titles are ranked in Thomson Reuters' Journal Citation Reports and 67 percent are available online exclusively in Bio One Complete." Not only do they have titles from prominent publishers such as the American Museum of Natural History, the American Fisheries Society, and the American Institute of Biological Sciences, they also include just for fun features, such as this month's March Mammal Madness, a tournament of simulated competition between animals, in their BioOne Vista publication. If you need a refresher, or training on how to best use BioOne for your research needs, go to our Archived Training Sessions page for a recorded one hour webinar.
Connect with the State Library
Email: KDLAReferenceDesk@ky.gov
Website: https://kdla.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 300 Coffee Tree Road, Frankfort, KY, USA
Phone: 502-564-8306
Facebook: facebook.com/kystatelibrary
Twitter: @KYStateLibrary