WMS Family Smore
March 12, 2023
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Dear WMS Families,
March is a busy month, and this week is no exception. There are many new announcements this week, check them all out below.
Here are some dates to be aware of this week:
March 13: Caregiver Coffee/Snacks with the Principal (8:35-9:25am, WMS cafeteria)
March 14: Grade 8 Parent Math Night (7:00pm, virtually)
March 15: Early Release PD Day, 12:30pm dismissal with grab n go lunch (Day D2, will see every class for a shortened period of time)
March 15: Bandarama 4th-12th grade (7:00pm, WHS Gymnasium)
March 15: ELPAC (7-8 pm, Hosmer Learning Commons)
March 16: Diversity Council (7:00pm, virtually)
Respectfully yours,
Ms. Jennifer Chen Fein, Principal
Ms. Susan Carle, Assistant Principal (Clusters 1, 3, 5)
Ms. Jennifer Sarmiento, Assistant Principal (Clusters 2, 4, 6)
News at WMS
Caregiver Coffee/Snacks with the Principal - tomorrow, March 13
This will be an in-person discussion at WMS from 8:35-9:25am. Coffee and snacks provided.
Future topics to include:
- School safety
- The impact of WPS construction at WMS
Sign up for Student-led Caregiver Conferences: March 23, March 28
Attention all student caretakers! Our Student-led Caregiver Conferences are coming up with both virtual and in-person opportunities to meet with your child's teacher(s).
Thursday, March 23
1:00-3:00pm (virtual)
5:00-7:00pm (in-person)
Tuesday, March 28
1:00-3:00pm (in-person)
6:00-8:00pm (virtual)
We kindly request you to use this WMS March Conferences Links 2023 to sign up for a time slot that is convenient (as possible). There will be interpretation in a variety of languages available. Please note that these conferences are student-led, which means your child will be communicating their work and progress during the meeting. This is a great chance to meet your child's teacher, learn about your child's progress in school, and see how you can work together to help your child achieve their goals.
This time around, we will also have counselors, specialist teachers, and other support staff available in the WMS Library during our in-person conference times. Caregivers are encouraged to stop by the library to ask any questions of the educators there, to receive help navigating PowerSchool, or for any other questions you may have.
Please reach out directly to your child's teachers with any specific questions about scheduling a conference.
WMS Afternoon Social - March 24
Get excited for a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade after school social! Get a group of friends together, grab your favorite board game from home, make new friends, learn new games, and have some tech-free fun!
What: Board games, card games, arts and crafts, And more!
When: Friday March 24, 3:30-5:50 pm
Where: WMS Cafeteria
More information to be shared soon!
8th Grade Washington DC Trip Update
Since the School Committee and the Watertown Educators Association have finalized their agreement on a new contract, teachers will once again be volunteering at events outside of their contractual obligations. This includes chaperoning the Washington DC Trip. We are all very excited to finalize the plans for this amazing trip!
Cradles to Crayons Children’s Clothing Drive
WMS 8th grade student, Maddox Caron is working with Cradles to Crayons and Project351 to run a 0-12 clothing drive between March 20th and March 31st. Join in!
New or lightly used clothing can be dropped off in the box at the main lobby.
Ages 0-12, but any size is accepted
New or lightly used
Undergarments & socks must be new
1 in 3 children in Massachusetts is at risk of experiencing clothing insecurity. Together we can make a difference!
WMS Parent Math Nights
Date change: Grades 6 and 7: Thursday, March 30th
Grade 8: Tuesday, March 14th
RSVP here to let us know if you will be joining us!
Please join the WMS math coach and the math coordinators to learn about how your students are developing their math skills.
Essential skills and concepts taught at each grade level
Future math programming in upcoming grades
How to support your mathematician at home
Contact Elizabeth Kaplan, K-7 Math and Science Coordinator with any questions
Watertown Public Schools and the Fine, Applied, and Performing Arts Department present...
The return of BAND-A-RAMA
A performance for all band students in grades 4 -12. This includes: percussion, xylophone, flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, horn, tuba, and clarinet.
Rehearsal: Monday March 13th at 3:15pm Watertown High School
Performance: Wednesday March 15th 7pm Watertown High School Gymnasium
for questions please contact: Maxwell Thew (grades 4-8) maxwell.thew@watertown.k12.ma.us
Daniel Jordan. (grades 9-12) daniel.jordan@watertown.k12.ma.us
WMS Spring Clubs!
Here is the flyer with all of the information: WMS Spring Clubs! Students also received this flyer in advisory this past week.
Please direct any questions to Laurie Brackett at laurie.brackett@watertown.k12.ma.us
Previously Shared News from WMS Teachers
Click on the links below to find updates from your child's teachers. These cluster/class smores are a helpful tool to know what your child is learning. These s'mores will be updated monthly in the WMS Family Smore.
WMS is Hiring
We are hiring for a few positions:
- Lunch Aide
- School Nutrition Worker
- Building-Based Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Instructional Assistant
Please share with your networks.
Opportunities for Parents/Caregivers To Get Involved
ELPAC - March 15
We will be meeting on March 15th from 7-8 pm at the Hosmer Learning Commons to learn more about bullying and supporting students around this topic. Any parent whose student who has been in the English Learner Program is welcome to attend. Please let Kate Phillipson (kathryn.phillipson@watertown.k12.ma.us or text 617-581-8200) if you will attend and need an interpreter.
Diversity Council - March 16
School Site Council (SSC) - April 4
The WMS SSC meets once a month on the first Tuesdays at 7:00pm, virtually. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 4th, 2023, with our K-7 and 8-12 Science Coordinators coming as special guests.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) - April 12
The PTO meets virtually on the second Wednesday of each month, and the next meeting is on Wednesday April 12 at 7pm. Reach out to the PTO President Erin Macomber at erin_macomber@neds.org with any questions or to express interest.
WMS PTO fun-raiser - Get Fit, Get Form, Get Lively
Our next "fun-raiser" for 8th grade end-of-year events is coming up on Tuesday, March 28th. It's an early release day so we thought that a fun way to raise money for the class events would be to do a workout boot camp with Jan Taylor from Get Lively Fitness Studio!!
The cost is $25 and the whole amount is going to the kids (since Jan is donating her time and studio which is amazing!!) So the more kids that sign up, the more funds we raise for the class!
You can also use this link: www.getlivelynow.com/wms to go straight to the eventbrite page!
So sign your kid up and have them bring friends!! Families with students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are welcome to attend!
Information from our WMS Community
Spring family offerings from the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture
In-Person Event | Saturdays, March 11, April 8, May 13, 2:00–3:30 pm
Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge
Meet up-and-coming scientists and learn about questions at the forefront of research today in this series of monthly short talks. Perhaps you’ll discuss how studying dog reactions help us learn about the evolution of social behavior, or maybe you’ll consider the regrowth of a microscopic worm after injury. Recommended for ages 10–Adults.
Let’s Draw: HMSC Sketching Weekend
In-Person Event | Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19, 1:00–4:00 pm
The Harvard Museums of Science & Culture provide inspiration for all levels of artists and curious visitors. Elevate your own creative process by trying your hand at sketching this weekend. Meet HMSC Volunteer Sketching Facilitators in the galleries and learn what motivates them to draw in the museums. Then try sketching a museum object yourself.
Amazing Archaeology Fair at Harvard
In-Person Event | Sunday, March 26, 1:00–4:00 pm
Explore North American, South American, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian archaeology across the exhibit halls of two museums. Activities include ancient DNA analysis, animal mummies, King Tut’s throne, spear throwing, flintknapping, and other surprises during this popular annual event.
In-Person Summer Programs | Mondays–Fridays, 9:30 am–12:00 pm
Registration is open! Select from a wide array of Summer Science Week programs for children entering grades 1–8. Favorites include Amazing Animals, Super Scientists, and The Ins and Outs of Skeletons
Third Annual YardArt Watertown Returns for the Entire Month of April Saturday, April 1 – Sunday, April 30, 2023
Regular WMS Reminders
The WMS Learning Lab - extra help available at school
Attendance Reminders - call the main office before 8:30AM to report a student's absence
In the event that a student is absent, a parent or caregiver must call the absence hotline at 617-926-7783 before 8:30 a.m. Please state the name, grade, homeroom of the student and the reason for their absence. In the event that the absence is not reported, a Robocall will automatically go out to the student’s home or the place of employment of the parent or caregiver to inform them that the student is absent. Students are responsible for working with their teachers to make up work they missed while absent.
Check out page 26 of the WMS Family Handbook to see all of our attendance procedures in more detail.
Upcoming Dates
March 13: Caregiver Coffee/Snacks with the Principal (8:35-9:25am, WMS cafeteria)
March 14: Grade 8 Parent Math Night (7:00pm, virtually)
March 15: Early Release PD Day, 12:30pm dismissal with grab n go lunch (Day D2, will see every class for a shortened period of time)
March 15: Bandarama 4th-12th grade (7:00pm, WHS Gymnasium)
March 15: ELPAC (7-8 pm, Hosmer Learning Commons)
March 16: Diversity Council (7:00pm, virtually)
March 23: Early Release Day, 12:30pm dismissal with grab n go lunch (Day D1, will see every class for a shortened period of time) - Student-led Caregiver Conferences (Virtual 1:00-3:00pm, In-Person 5:00-7:00pm)
- March 24: WMS after-school social (3:30-5:30pm)
- March 28: Early Release Day, 12:30pm dismissal with grab n go lunch (Day A2, will see every class for a shortened period of time) - Student-led Caregiver Conferences (In Person 1:00-3:00pm, Virtual 6:00-8:00pm)
- March 28: Get Fit, Get Form, Get Lively WMS PTO fundraiser (1:00-2:00pm)
- March 30: Grade 6 and 7 Parent Math Night (7:00pm, virtually)
March 31-April 1: WMS Musical (5-10 PM)
April 4: School Site Council Meeting
April 6: Last day of Third Quarter
April 7: Early release/First day of Fourth Quarter
April 12-13: ELA MCAS, special schedule
April 12: PTO Meeting
April 17-21: April Recess- No School
- April 28: Music Fest (5:30-9:00 PM, WMS)
- May 15-16: Math MCAS, special schedule
- May 23-24: STE MCAS (8th grade only), special schedule
How is our communication being received?
Watertown Middle School
Website: https://wms.watertown.k12.ma.us/
Location: 68 Waverley Avenue, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7783