Virtual Makerspace
Play With a Purpose
Directions for the Virtual Makerspace
1. Browse the Makerspace Categories and select one that interests you.
2. Pick a project in that category that you would like to try.
3. Be sure to use the sharing tools when you are done with your project.
If you are prompted to log in with an e-mail use your FCS email address
Your email address is your FCS ID Number followed by
Your FCS ID Number is the same one you use to get into ClassLink/Launchpad
Your password for email is the same one you use on ClassLink/Launchpad
Awesome Acts of Kindness
Kindness Rocks!
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Lubna and Pebble
2) After you listen to the book, think about how Lubna's pebble helped her and Amir feel more positive and persevere in challenging times.
3) Now it's your turn to help someone with a Kindness Rock. Get a pebble or small rock and some markers.
4) Draw a smiling face and design on your rock. You can also add a nice message if you have room. For example, "Have a Great Day!"
5) Take a photo of your Kindness Rock and post it on the Kindness Rocks Padlet
6) Go outside and put your rock in a place for someone else to find it-Think about how great it will make someone feel when they see your rock.
Knitting Kindness
Makerspace Project
1. Listen to Mrs. Rubin read A Hat for Mrs. Goldman
2. Think about how the girl uses yarn to make something for Mrs. Goldman.
She loved making yarn pom poms and used them on a hat she knit.
3. Now it's your turn to try. First make some pom poms with these directions: Yarn Pom Poms
4. Think about what you could you could create using your yarn poms poms. Make it--and think about a special person you would like to give your creation to.
5.Share a video on this Flipgrid showing what you made and who you are giving it to as a Makerspace Random Act of Kindness.
Virtual Quilt of Valor
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: God Bless Our Troops
2) After you listen to the book, think about how the main character in the book, Natalie, felt about her father being away from home as he served overseas in the military. What were some things people did for her and her family to show their thanks that her father was serving in the military?
3) There are many men and women serving in our military. We want to show our thanks to them by making a Virtual Quilt of Valor. A quilt has many individual blocks. Each block is beautiful on its own, but when put together the blocks make something amazing.
4) Now it's your turn to make a block for our Virtual Quilt of Valor.
Get an index card or small piece of paper.
On one side, draw a colorful picture to show your thanks.
On the other side, write a short message to say thank you.
5) Add your block to our Virtual Quilt of Valor.
See the example from Mrs. Rubin posted on the Padlet.
Title: Your 1st Name
Say Something: Write your message of thanks.
Click on the camera and take a close up photo of your block. You should only see the block.
Colorful Creations
Balloons Over Broadway
1. Watch this video of the book Balloons Over Broadway
2. When you are done, think about how this book gave you insight into the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Have you ever watched the parade? What balloons are your favorites?
3. Now it's your turn to make a balloon for our own Balloons Over Findley Oaks Parade.
First, get some paper and pencils/crayons/markers.
Think about what you want your balloon to look like. Write down your ideas.
Next, draw a design for your balloon.
4. What can you use to make your design? Gather your supplies and start building.
5. When you are done, post a picture of your creation on the Balloons Over Findley Oaks Padlet.
Broken Crayon Creations
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to The Crayon Man.
2) After you listen to the book, think about how thanks to "The Crayon Man" we can make very creative, colorful pictures. What are some of your favorite colors? What kind of pictures do you like to create?
3) Now let's think about using crayons in a different creative way to tell a "Broken Crayon Story" Watch this Broken Crayon Video to see an example. You can also click here for some pictures of of some other Broken Crayon Creations.
4) Grab your supplies: paper, a broken crayon, and crayons for coloring.
5) Create your picture and write a few sentences telling the story.
5) Show your finished work and share your story on the Broken Crayon Creations Flipgrid.
Make Art With Art
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Art
2) After you listen to the book, think about the art the character named Art made. Now it's time for you to make some art.
3) Click here to download free coloring pages designed by famous illustrators.
Design your own coloring sheet with a marker or pen, then color it in.
4. Share a photo of your completed work on our Colorful Creations Padlet.
Our Very Own Van Gogh
1. Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read Camille and the Sunflowers.
2. Think about the different paintings that Vincent Van Gogh created. Which one from the book did you like best and why?
3. Now we are going to create our very own masterpiece with virtual stickers. What do you think it will be? Hint...It is modeled after one of Van Gogh's most famous paintings.
4. Click here to get started on the project.
5. On the project page, pick a colored circle on the left side and click on it. Then click on the letter box it goes in. You may put up to 10 virtual stickers on the project per day. Please follow this rule so all Findley Falcons can participate equally.
Sensational Art With Scissors
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Henri's Scissors
2) After you listen to the book, think about how Henri Matisse used scissors to make art.
What do you think you could create using just paper and scissors?
3) Ask your parent or guardian for some paper and scissors. Be creative!
4) Post a picture of your creation on the Sensational Art with Scissors Padlet.
Squiggly Picture Stories
1. Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read A Squiggly Story
2. Think about how the main character used different squiggles to create a series of pictures that told a whole story. What were some of the squiggles he used? What pictures did he create with the squiggles?
3. Now you try! What do you think you could create with some squiggles? Click on the file below and practice making the four squiggles used in the Awesome Squiggles Project.
4. Use at least one of the four squiggles to create a whole picture that tells a story. You may use more than one of the squiggles, even all four, if you want. You may also make more than one picture to tell your story.
5. Share you picture and story on the Squiggly Stories Flipgrid.
Creative Construction
Building a House
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read Building a House.
2) After you listen to the book, think about the different materials that were used to build a house in the book.
3) Now you are going to build a house...using cards!
Get a deck of cards--they can be regular playing cards or even things like Uno.
4) Click here for some tips and tricks on how to get started building with cards.
5) Want to challenge yourself even further? Check out these card stacking experiments.
6) Share what you created here: Building a House Flipgrid
Gingerbread Man Getaway
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to The Gingerbread Man, as retold by Eric Kimmel
Use your FCS Username and Password to view the video.
2) Afterwards, think about the end of the book.
The Gingerbread Man has a problem-he can't swim and can't get across the river to escape.
3) What could be a solution to his problem?
How could he get across the river WITHOUT having to get on the fox?
4) Your turn! Design and build a solution that will get the Gingerbread Man safely across the river.
5) All done? Share it here: Gingerbread Man Flipgrid
Stellar Snowflakes
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read Snowflake Bentley
2) Afterwards, think about how Mr. Bentley discovered that no two snowflakes are alike.
Click here to view some of Mr. Bentley's photographs of snowflakes.
3) The designs are incredible.
If you could create a snowflake, what would it look like?
Sketch some ideas on paper.
4) Now try constructing your design into a model.
What supplies could you use to build your snowflake model?
Straws? Sticks? Toothpicks? Playdough? Paper? Be creative!
4) All done? Share it here: Snowflake Padlet
Super Snow Adventures
1) Click here to listen to The Snowy Day.
2) Afterwards, think about the problems Peter had when he played in the snow.
One of them was that he wanted to join in the snowball fight with the big kids.
3) What could be a solution to his problem? Could he build a catapult to launch snowballs?
4) Draw a design for a catapult to help Peter play in the snowball fight.
Need help? Check out this link for some ideas: Catapult Ideas
5) Build it and TEST it!
4) All done? Share it here: Snowy Day Catapult Flipgrid
What Can You Do With a Box?
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Not a Box
2) After you listen to the book, think about what the character did with empty boxes.
3) Ask your parent or guardian for an empty box. It can be little like a cereal box or big.
What can you make with it?
Click on the file below for some ideas!
4) Create it and share it here: Box Flipgrid
What Can You Do With A Stick?
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Not a Stick
2) After you listen to the book, think about what the character did with a stick
3) Ask for permission to go into the yard and look for a stick. Remember to be kind to living things and don't pull it off of a bush or tree. Pick one already on the ground.
4) What can you make with it?
5) Tape or glue your stick on a sheet of paper.
Draw around it to turn the stick into something else!
4) Share what you created here: Stick Flipgrid
ECO Makers
Joyful Jumpers
1. Watch this video of the book Joseph Had a Little Overcoat
If you are prompted to log in, use your same username and password you do with ClassLink
2. When you are done, think about how Joseph recycles his coat into different things instead of
just throwing it away. What are some things you recycle instead of putting them in the
garbage? Why is recycling a good and kind thing to do?
3. Do you have plastic bags at your home? Sometimes these bags just go into the garbage, other times they can be dropped off at recycling boxes at grocery stores.
For this Makerspace activity, we are going to turn them into jump ropes?
4. First, watch this video for directions: How to Make a Jump Rope Out of Bags
5. Now, get your supplies and make a jump rope.
6. When you are done, post a video on the Joyful Jumpers Flipgrid.
Save the Sea Turtles
2. Think about how Leatherback Sea Turtles lay their eggs on the beach and the tiny sea turtles hatch in the sand. What potential problems could there be?
3. The eggs, and later the tiny sea turtles, are often at risk if predators discover them in the sand. What solution could help keep the eggs and tiny sea turtles safe?
4. Draw a design for a contraption that would protect the eggs and tiny sea turtles but still keep them in their natural habitat.
5. Now gather some supplies and build a model of your contraption.
6. Share your creation on the Sea Turtle Flipgrid.
Lots of Legos
Challenge Cards
1) Click on the file below to access the challenge cards.
2) How many can you build?
3) Share your creations on the Lego Challenge Flipgrid
4) Bonus activity: Create your own Lego Challenge for classmates to try.
Post your challenge in the Lego Challenge Padlet
Virtual Legos
2. You do not need to create an account, simply build.
3. When you are done, take a screen shot (windows key+shift key+S key)
4. Share what you made on the Virtual Lego Creations Padlet.
Outstanding Origami
Origami Poetry
1. Click here to access the poems and origami directions.
2. Select one to try. Begin by reading the poem, then trying the origami.
3. Share what you created on the Origami Flipgrid
Practice Makes Perfect with Paper Folding
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read More-igami
2) After you listen to the book, think about different things the main character folded with paper.
3) Now you are going to try!
Get a piece of paper.
Origami paper is square shaped.
You can fold your paper and cut it into a square.
4) Click on the links below to try making different things:
5)Click here for some Origami Books on Mackin VIA to pick a different project to make.
6) Share what you created here: Origami Flipgrid
Star Wars Origami
This activity is based on the Origami Yoda books by Tom Angleberger.
You can checkout the ebooks on Mackin VIA or request print copies on Destiny Discover.
1. Get your supplies:
Paper for folding
Crayons or markers to decorate your finished origami
Scissors, in case you need to change the size of your paper.
2. Click here for directions to make different origami characters from Star Wars.
Valentine Heart Bookmarkers
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read The Valentine Bears
2) After you listen to the book, think about different ways Mr. and Mrs. Bear show love to each other on Valentine's Day. How do you show your family and friends you care about them on Valentine's Day?
3) In this project, you're going to make Valentine Heart Bookmarkers and write the names of your favorite books on them. We are going to spread love to family and friends by sharing our love of books.
4) Get a piece of paper, scissors, markers/crayons
5) Click on the links below for directions to make the bookmarkers.
6) Write the title of your favorite book on one side of your book marker and decorate the other side.
7) Take a photo of your bookmarker and post it on the Valentine Bookmarker Padlet
Rockin' Robotics
Coding a Path to the Carrots
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Two Bunny Buddies
2) After you listen to the book, think about how the bunnies found their food.
Did they work together or separately? Could they have used some help?
3) Now it's your turn to help a bunny find some food.
Click below to try a coding activity to help a robot bunny get carrots.
Robot Adventures
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Boy + Bot
2) After you listen to the book, think about the adventures the boy and the robot went on in the book. Now it's your turn to create a robot adventure.
3) Click here to download the free Dash and Dot Comic Strip Creator
4) Now try mapping out the code to tell the story you created using the Blockly App.
Take and Make
The Most Magnificent Thing
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to complete a form to get a Take and Maker kit for this project.
2) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read The Most Magnificent Thing
3) After you listen to the book, think about how the character in the book used different materials to build her magnificent thing.
4) Now you are going to build something magnificent. Take out the materials in your kit bag. Think about what you would like to create with them. You may add one additional item of your choosing from your home or classroom.
5) Map out your idea--you can draw a design for it or write your plan.
6) Share what you created here: Magnificent Things Flipgrid
Wonderful Windmills
Makerspace Project
1. Click here to complete the form to get a Take and Make kit for this project.
2. Listen to Mrs. Rubin read The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
3. After listening to the story, think about the steps the boy worked through to build a windmill to help his village.
4. Take out your windmill kit and look at the steps you will need to follow to create a paper windmill. Take your time and remember that it is ok to make a mistake and try again. The important thing is to keep trying!
5. The boy in the book used his windmill to generate electricity and get water for his village. What can you make your windmill do?
6. Share what you do with your windmill on the Wonderful Windmills Flipgrid.
Terrific Tangrams
Telling Stories with Tangrams
Makerspace Project
1) Click here to listen to Mrs. Rubin read: Grandfather Tang's Story
2) After you listen to the book, think about how Grandfather Tang used his tangram pieces to help tell the story.
3) Click on the file below to print out a set of tangram pieces. You can color them if you like, then cut them out.
4) Click on the second file for directions on how to use your pieces to create the animals in the story.
5) Practice making the animals, then try making other things with the pieces.
6) Can you create a story with your tangram pieces? Try it out!
7) You can share your story on the Telling Stories with Tangrams Flipgrid
You will use your e-mail, following the directions above, to log into the Flipgrid.
Click on the green circle with the white plus sign to record your story.