Staff Update
September 25 - September 29
Special Education/504 Attestation Form
Signing this form means that you acknowledge you have read and reviewed all of your students' 504 Accommodations and/or Special Education IEP accommodation and plans.
PPfT Rubrics
Madison Huffman (PPfT teacher contact) shared the various PPfT Rubrics in an email to you this week. We are reviewing the PPfT rubric in the preconference we hold with you.
It is included here for your convenience. It's particularly helpful to review the What This Might Look Like Rubrics to see examples and ideas for 3, 4, 5 score descriptors.
K-5 general ed classroom teacher PPfT Rubric:
All other rubrics:
WTMLL Descriptors for Dyslexia Intervention
WTMLL Descriptors for Early Learning
WTMLL Descriptors for Montessori
WTMLL Descriptors for Early Childhood Special Education
WTMLL Descriptors for Pull Out/Push In Support (Resource/Inclusion)
WTMLL Descriptors for One to One/SBS
WTMLL Descriptors for Virtual Learning
PPfT Toolkit: https://sites.google.com/austinisd.org/ppfttoolkit/ppft-appraisal
Fall Class Visits: August 21 - December 20
Fall Formal Observations: Sept 15 - December 13
Maximizing MAP Growth Using MAP Accelerator, Dreambox, & Other Digital Tools
AISD has several digital tools to support literacy and numeracy:
In PLCs, begin thinking about how you can utilize these resources during Math station rotations.
***NEW***MAP Accelerator for MATH: went LIVE this Thursday, 9/21. Look for the MAP Accelerator tile in the AISD Portal. Administrators and teachers will receive welcome emails from Khan Academy (no-reply@khanacademy.org). Students will not receive emails.
DreamBox - directions for setting up assignments in DreamBox connected to RiT score
IXL - working w/ vendor to upload AISD student data; sync happening soon.
Jennifer Abramson will be back on campus in early October to do a deeper dive into these resources (especially MAP Accelerator) and to answer any questions you may have.
Submit a Request to have PTA fund your Learning Projects & Goals!
Now that the school year is in full swing, you may have started thinking of exciting plans or projects you want to complete this year with your students. You may have a classroom need, or your grade-level team would like to purchase resources to help make this year successful.
The only issue is that you might lack the funds to make these fantastic ideas happen. And that's where PTA comes in! Our committee serves in part to help manage and fund requests from teachers and staff. This Fall, we invite you to submit an application requesting funds for your project, need, or idea using this form.
Past projects we have been able to fund include a set of books for a grade-level novel study, a printer, a collection of Bluebonnet books for the library, and a software license for an online learning program. Your project may be added to this list; all you have to do is apply.
Applications can be submitted through October 13. Any remaining funds will be used for our Spring requests.
The Mills PTA loves supporting our magnificent faculty and staff at Mills. We can't wait to see what ideas and projects you have planned for our school. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. You are also welcome to go ahead and run your ideas past us before submitting your application.
Best regards,
Corrinn Gingrich
PTA Projects & Goals Chair
Updating Student Work in Hallways
Teams, please remember that student work should be updated at least monthly in your hallways. Please also include the TEKs and a short description of the activity.
It's awesome seeing student art and work. The 5th grade Diamante poems are stellar, so go check them out!
Are You Reading The Newsletters? Submit Your Name for 2 Museum of Ice Cream Tickets!
This Week & Looking Ahead
Monday, September 25
Happy Birthday, Erin Abbe!!
GT Nomination Window Continues for Kinder-1st & 3-5
Fall Parent Conferences
Sept 25- Sped PD 9am-11am, Library (all Sped teachers and Sped TAs)
Tuesday, September 26
Morning Announcements this Week in Ms. Jackson's Classroom
ARD/CST/504 Day
Lunch for All Staff in Teacher's Lounge
Thursday, September 28
Hospitality Committee- Meet in Heather Bethea' Room, 3:20pm
Friday, September 29
Sept 29- SEL Schoolwide Assembly: 5th Grade Presents 'Commitment'
Looking Ahead
October 2- GT Committee Meeting, 3:20pm
October 2- CAC Meeting via Zoom, 3:20pm
October 9- Staff PD Day: Special Education Focus for All Staff
October 11 & October 12- Benefits Enrollment 7am-4pm (Mills Conference Room)
October 12- Faculty Meeting, 3:20pm (bring laptops)