August News
Chesterbrook Academy
Note from the Principal
Summer has been quite busy. The campers are enjoying all of the field trips and time at the pool. They are all learning many new games and making new friends. We will continue to send the Smilebox each week. If you are not getting the Smilebox slideshow each week, please be sure to let us know. Every 2 weeks each school age camper will get a pulse check survey. We encourage you to fill this out each time you get it. You can fill one out each time. It is our best way to ensure that everything is going well, and if not it gives us the opportunity to make corrections. Please be sure to also fill it out with positive comments as well. That way we know what we are doing well so that we can continue to do those things.It only takes a minute and really does give us valuable feedback.
Our little ones are also having a fun summer, enjoying special visitors, theme days and of course splash days. We have much more fun to come as we have 1 more month to enjoy the summer. School starts September 3rd!
Enjoy the rest of the Summer!
School Age Camp end on Thursday, August 29th, 2019. There is no School Age Camp on August 30th.
Kindergarten starts on Tuesday, September 3rd. Our Kindergarten Teacher this year is Miss Haley. She assisted in Kindergarten last year in the mornings and taught Kindergarten Enrichment in the afternoon.She is looking forward to a great year!
Be on the lookout for some mail from Miss Haley coming very soon.
Important Dates
9th - Superhero Day!
23rd - Magic Show with Sam Sandler
29th - End of Summer Party
30th - NO SCHOOL AGE CAMP ( there is school for PK and younger)