Archer Update #5
September 9, 2022
In this edition of the Archer Update you will find the following information:
- Point of #PHMExcellence
- Picture Day is Sept. 13th
- Order Yearbooks Now!
- Silver Mile INFO from PHMEF
- Creating Accounts in Skyward
- Forms for Parents
- Reporting Student Absences
- Breakfast and Lunch are not Free - Register on School Café
- SEL Lessons
Dyslexia Screening PHM Newsletter (link)
Friendly Reminders:
- Drop-off begins at 8:50 am and students will be marked tardy if they aren't in their seats by 9:05 am. Dismissal begins at 4:00 pm for car riders and buses depart by 4:08 pm.
- Unless approved by the building principal, no visitors or guests are allowed in the building.
- PHM is mask friendly.
Discovery Middle School is now ranked #2 in the State of Indiana for top performing middle schools (this is out of about 300). Our teachers continue to be prepared to provide the most targeted, engaging lessons to help all our students reach their fullest learning potential. Our students are some of the best in Indiana and possibly the world! Thank you for sending us your finest!
Points of #PHMExcellence
Picture Day is Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Order your pictures and pay online at Inter-State Studios. Use order code 70205QB. Informational brochures will be passed out at school. Every student will have a picture taken even if an order is not placed.
Mark your calendar for an exciting weekend for our P-H-M families! PHMEF will be hosting our annual Silver Mile Run for Education and co-hosting Penn’s Homecoming!! The festivities will include a brand-new homecoming parade, the return of our TIMED Silver Mile 5k & 1-mile family fun run/walk, SJHS Health & Fitness Expo, a Fun Zone with inflatables & food trucks AND the Penn football game. This two-day event will take place on September 23 & September 24 at Penn High School! This will give our P-H-M families a chance to reconnect and strengthen our P-H-M community. Here’s a quick rundown of the events…
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 – Fun kicks off at 5:00pm
- HOMECOMING PARADE – Come decked out in your school colors or PHS black & gold to show off your P-H-M pride! Gather along the parade route with friends and family to be part of this exciting Homecoming tradition!
- SILVER MILE HEALTH & FITNESS EXPO – Saint Joseph Health System will be back offering valuable health screenings and interactive activities.
- FUN ZONE - P-H-M families can meet and reconnect while enjoying a variety of inflatables and dunking their favorite administrators in the dunking booth! There will also be food trucks on site for your nourishment.
- PENN vs. MARIAN FOOTBALL GAME – Stick around for kickoff!! Students 10 & Under will be
- SILENT AUCTION – There will be an amazing virtual silent auction available to bid on during homecoming week. More info will be available on the website
- SILVER MILE RUN FOR EDUCATION - $10 student/$20 adult (fee includes finisher’s medal; t-shirts available for purchase)
Registration now open!!! Sign up today at Silver Mile – PHM Education Foundation (phmef.org)
The TIMED 5K is back! It will start and finish on the TCU Freed Field with a course that winds through the neighborhood behind the school. The 5K awards ceremony will begin at 9:15am.
The 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk is an upbeat entertaining mile-long walk withing the Penn campus. This event also starts & finishes on the TCU Freed Field track. This is not a timed event – strollers & strolling welcome.
- SILVER MILE FUNDRAISING – Please encourage your student council, teachers and administration to brainstorm ideas to raise funds. A Spirit Week (let students do something special for $1 donation) leading up to the event would be a great idea! Some other successful ideas in the past have been penny/quarter wars, 3x3 basketball tournaments, parties, restaurant nights, etc. Your school will get back 25% of their total you raise AND the rest will support innovative teacher grants and programs in ALL of our 15 P-H-M schools!!
- VOLUNTEERS - To run smoothly, the Silver Mile enlists a volunteer force of more than 100 parents, friends, P-H-M staff and students. If you are interested or know of any groups looking for volunteer hours, let me know.
- SPREAD THE WORD - PLEEEEEASE help us get the word out about this exciting event by including information in your newsletters, emails, social media pages and share and like our posts on FB, Twitter, Insta. Thank you for your support and remember, the more visibility the Foundation has, the more money we are able to raise to support your schools!
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much for supporting this special P-H-M community event! You are all key in motivating students, staff and parents to participate.
Amber Kennedy
PHMEF Special Events Coordinator
574-276-8317 (cell)
574-259-7941 x 10721
55900 Bittersweet Rd.
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Creating an Account in Skyward Family Access
It is essential that we are able to get hold of a parent or guardian during the school day. In addition, most of our communication is through email. Therefore, we need you to update your contact information whenever it changes. To update information, just log in with your username and password. To create an account, please click HERE and follow the directions below.
● You should have received an email asking you to set up your account
● Click the link “Forgot your Username Password?”
● In the following page put in your username [USERNAME] and press submit.
● You will receive an email with a link to set your password.
● You are in!
Please complete the listed steps below for ALL your students before August 17, 2022.
Reporting Student Absences
Another option is to go to your Skyward Family Access Account and follow these steps:
- Click on the Attendance Tile for the child who will be absent.
- Click on the Absence Requests Tab
- Click Add Absence Request on the right side of the screen
- Enter Start and End Date
- Check All Day if the absence will be the entire school day
- Attendance Reason - Choose from the drop down menu
- Comment - Add any information regarding the absence reason
- Click SAVE in the upper right hand corner
Breakfast and Lunch
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Discovery Middle School
Website: https://discovery.phmschools.org/
Location: 10050 Brummitt Road, Granger, IN, USA
Phone: 574-674-6010