Marian Central Friday Focus
277th Issue - December 1, 2023
From the Desk of Rev. Charles Warren
Faith is growing at Marian in the same way a cathedral is built.
Our Freshmen had a retreat the day before break. The campus ministry team gave some great talks and led fruitful small groups. One of our seniors gave a talk and mentioned how they had started going to adoration during lunches, “who would want to give up their one time to disconnect from the busyness school brings? Despite that, I ended up going, and continued to keep going even after the extra credit was over. I didn’t know why, but it at least felt right, so I kept going.”
I was so grateful to hear that said by a student here.
Now feelings alone are not faith. Faith is closer to showing up to our students’ events to support them even when we are tired. It’s a committed relationship to Jesus Christ on good days or bad.
Here we have a senior who was honest. They started because an opportunity was given and they found a lasting form of prayer that allows them to be open to God. It was a gradual build.
This is where Marian can shine.
A student on the wrestling team asked if I would bless their new wrestling room.
A student asked to chat about their faith life and have some spiritual check ups this year.
A student has been talking seriously a possible vocation to priesthood.
When we give our students opportunities, there’s a lasting impact. These moments need not be big, rather they can be more like a small stone that one day becomes a sturdy pillar.
There are things that build a sturdy faith life. Women and men in the past have shown us that. There are things that DON’T work in the faith life, we have examples of those too.
At Marian Central Catholic, each person: teachers, coaches, staff, volunteers…each must share the gifts God has given them and provide opportunities for our students to encounter our Lord. He is always giving his love to us, and so, our responsibility lies in removing obstacles and difficulties to our students seeing His love.
This work builds a spiritual edifice that gives glory to God, far greater than any physical wall could. For even a cathedral, meant to draw our hearts to heaven, will one day turn to dust. What remains is the relationship between the person and God. Pray for one another that we build faith at Marian Central Catholic well.
Rev. Charles Warren
Spiritual Director
Exam Prep
First Semester Exams are approaching quickly! On Wednesday, November 29, our wonderful Student Mentors met with their Freshmen and Transfer Mentees and reviewed some great tips on how to not only survive but thrive during this otherwise stressful time for students.
Though the packet linked below was already shared with the Freshmen and other new students to Marian, we also thought it would be useful for all students and parents to peruse. Whether students use some of the tips or all, if this information can be of any help to better preparing our students for the upcoming exams, all the better!
Yearbook Photos
Underclassmen School Picture Update
Parents should have received an email from Higher Focus Photography this week with a link and ordering information for your student's school pictures. You can also login directly at www.higherfocusphotography.gotphoto.com with the access code provided via your student's QR Code on Picture Day.
We encourage you to view and order right away so that you don't miss savings opportunities and a free shipping option on orders placed within the first week! If you have any additional questions about these images or need help accessing your photos, please email service@higherfocusphotography.com and let them know you are from Marian along with your student's name.
Senior & Underclassmen Picture Make-Up & Retake Date
Higher Focus Photography will be at Marian Central for make-up and retake school pictures and senior portraits on Tuesday, December 5 during the lunch periods. This will be the last opportunity to have these pictures taken at Marian. Any student who was absent on the original Picture Day is expected to have their photos taken on this day. Any Senior or Underclassmen who would like to retake their portraits or school pictures must complete a registration form the link below: https://higherfocusphotography.gotphoto.com/jobs/make-up-sessions.
If you have any questions about your photos or the make-up and retake opportunity, please email service@higherfocusphotography.com and let them know you are from Marian along with your student's name.
Winter Sports Pictures are Online!
Parents should have received an email from Higher Focus Photography with a link and ordering information for your athlete's team and individual pictures. If you have a Senior athlete, you would also have the option to order replica prints of your senior's banner image and Winter group image! You can also login directly at www.higherfocusphotography.gotphoto.com with the access code provided via your athlete's QR Code on Picture Day.
We encourage you to view and order right away so that you don't miss savings opportunities and a free shipping option on orders placed within the first week! If you have any additional questions about these images or need help accessing your photos, please email service@higherfocusphotography.com and let them know you are from Marian along with your athlete's name.
We hope you enjoy the photos!
College Visit Next Week
Tuesday 12/5: Carroll College (MT)-4th Period
Financial Assistance 2024-25
If you are interested in applying for financial assistance for the 2024-25 school year, please click here and apply as soon as possible. Applications were due November 29th.
Spiritwear for Sale
On Target, our spiritwear provider, will be selling spiritwear onsite at Marian on the days listed below.
December 7th - Girls Basketball Game
December 8th - During Lunches
December 12th - Boys Basketball Game
December 19th - Boys Basketball Game
Stock up on Canes Gear! Show your Hurricane Pride!