WMS Family Smore
May 7, 2023
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Dear WMS Families,
We had so much fun at our school dance this past Friday - there was even an appearance by the WMS Eagle!
It is teacher appreciation week this week! You can help show appreciation to our hardworking and dedicated educators by encouraging your child to write a note or two of gratitude to a teacher. The PTO is going to surprise our teachers with a few treats this week, so reach out to our PTO President at Erin Macomber at erin_macomber@neds.org if you want to help out.
Memorial Day is coming up, and we are interested in honoring and learning more about any veterans in our WMS assembly on Friday, May 26. Any interested veterans can reach out to Assistant Principal Carle at susan.carle@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Waverly doors open at 7:45am, Bemis doors open at 8:15am: Thank you caregivers for remembering that students are welcome to come to WMS starting at 7:45am through the Waverly main entrance. Due to increases in safety protocols, we are not able to open doors earlier than that moving forward. In addition, parents that are dropping students off in a car need to drop students off on the Bemis entrance from 8:15-8:30am, rather than the Waverly entrance. This helps keep traffic flowing smoothly for Watertown.
Here are dates to be aware of this week:
May 9: SEPAC meeting (6:30PM, information here)
May 10: National School Nurse Day
May 10: PTO Meeting (7:00 PM virtual)
May 11: Listen to Sipu performance (6:30-8:00 PM, WMS auditorium); see below for more information
May 12: Quarter 4 Progress Reports reminder emailed home
May 12: Deadline to order a WMS Yearbook
Respectfully yours,
Ms. Jennifer Chen Fein, Principal
Ms. Susan Carle, Assistant Principal (Clusters 1, 3, 5)
Ms. Jennifer Sarmiento, Assistant Principal (Clusters 2, 4, 6)
News at WMS
WMS Yearbook 2023!
It's that time of year where you get to order a yearbook! This is an opportunity open to ALL grades. The deadline to purchase your yearbook is MAY 12TH. Students who would like a yearbook must order one online by that deadline; we can not order additional yearbooks after. Yearbooks cost $23, and can be purchased here: YEARBOOK ORDER ONLINE
The WMS Garden is Coming!
Check out the summer internship opportunity below.
We also have a WMS Garden Club. If students are interested in joining, they can reach out to Mr. Duffy at james.duffy@watertown.k12.ma.us.
News from WMS Teachers - last updated April 14
Click on the links below to find updates from your child's teachers. These cluster/class smores are a helpful tool to know what your child is learning. These s'mores will be updated monthly in the WMS Family Smore.
Opportunities for Parents/Caregivers To Get Involved
SEPAC - May 9
Join the Watertown SEPAC on May 9th at 6:30PM on zoom for our General SEPAC meeting.
This meeting is for caregivers of Watertown students and will be an open forum.
Some topics to be discussed:
- What type of trainings should we host next year?
- What do we want SEPAC priorities to be for next year?
- Information on officer roles and the nomination process
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) - May 10
The PTO meets virtually on the second Wednesday of each month, and the next meeting is on Wednesday May 10th at 7pm. Reach out to the PTO President Erin Macomber at erin_macomber@neds.org with any questions or to express interest.
Diversity Council - May 18
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 18 virtually, at 7:30pm. We will be focusing on planning and hosting an in-person event that celebrates the diversity of our school, as well as actionable steps outlined in the district equity audit taken last school year. Any and all are welcome to join.
Reach out to Sarah Seldomridge at sarah.seldomridge@watertown.k12.ma.us with any questions or to express interest.
Principal Coffee Hour - June 1, 8:35-9:25am, WMS Cafeteria
It has been wonderful to get to know caregivers through our Principal Coffee Hour Series this year, and we have one more coming up in June.
June's Principal Coffee Hour will focus on next year's schedule and the impact of WHS. Join us on Thursday, June 1, from 8:35-9:25am at the WMS Cafeteria. Coffee and a light breakfast are provided. Caregivers of students currently in 5-8th grade are invited to attend, just enter through the WMS main entrance on Waverly Street, sign in to get a visitor's sticker, and head to the cafeteria.
Here are previous topics from this year:
March: What does the shift towards more equitable grading practices at WMS mean for my child?
April: School safety, opportunity to meet school resource officers and other members of the Watertown Police Department
WMS Diversity Night, June 1, 5:00-7:00pm, WMS Cafeteria
Our school is proud to celebrate our diverse community with our first annual WMS Diversity Night!
This special evening will be a showcase of the many different cultures, traditions, identities, and backgrounds that make our school such a unique and wonderful place. We believe that diversity is a strength, and that everyone has something valuable to contribute to our shared human experience. Clubs, student groups, families, and individuals are all encouraged to sign up to host a table. Please use this form to sign up.
Dates for upcoming WMS Diversity Council meetings:
4/27 (7:30pm virtual)
School Site Council (SSC) - June 6th
The WMS SSC meets once a month on the first Tuesdays at 7:00pm, virtually.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, with an updated time of 4:00pm and updated location in person/hybrid at WMS. We will be drafting the 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan. Here is the agenda.
Information from our WMS Community
Listen to Sipu Performance - May 11
Please join us on Thursday, May 11th for a performance of Listen to Sipu (https://newrep.org/productions/listen-to-sipu/)
Details below and on the attached flyer!
When: Thursday, May 11th, 6:30 PM-8 PM
Where: Watertown Middle School
Cost: FREE with a light dinner provided at 5:15 PM
Watertown Food Drives
Science Spotlight Series
Saturday, May 13, 2:00–3:30 pm ET
26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA (Classroom B)
2:00 pm
How to Grow a New Head
Carlos Rivera-Lopez, Graduate Student, Srivastava Lab
Many animals can regrow tissues, such as skin, when injury happens. However, some animals can regenerate entire parts of their body if they lose them, even a brand new head with a mouth and a brain! How does this happen? Join me while we explore how some animals, like the three-banded panther worm, Hofstenia miamia, can offer us a way of understanding how this regeneration happens.
3:00 pm
Reach for the Sky: How trees grow towards light
Sophie Everbach, Graduate Student, Holbrook Lab
How does a tree “move” to get the resources it needs to grow and survive? Join me in investigating the tree “muscle,” a special kind of wood that allows the tree to keep its body strong as it forages for light. Get a peek inside my greenhouse and lab and all the tools I use to study trees!
Ages 10–Adults. Free with regular museum admission.
Presented by the Harvard Museum of Natural History and the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture
News from the Watertown Recreation Department
Friends of Watertown Recreation,
Our Department of Recreation Spring Programs begin on Monday, May 1.
Brochure is now available for your preview.
If interested, please register for you program of choice today.
Please select the link below to access the specific information.
Watertown Recreation Spring Brochure - 2023
The Pequossette Summer Program Documentation and Registration Packet is included.
Pequossette Summer Recreation Program Packet
Please follow the directions in this packet and register online.
In addition, these forms must be filled out and returned to the following address: recreation@watertown-ma.gov. The forms are fillable.
A current physical is also required with immunization records.
Website: www.recreation.watertown-ma.gov
Facebook: watertownrecreationdepartment
Instagram: watertownrecreation
Twitter: watertownrec
Regular WMS Reminders
Waverly doors open at 7:45am, Bemis doors open at 8:15am
The WMS Learning Lab - extra help available at school
Attendance Reminders - call the main office before 8:30AM to report a student's absence
In the event that a student is absent, a parent or caregiver must call the absence hotline at 617-926-7783 before 8:30 a.m. Please state the name, grade, homeroom of the student and the reason for their absence. In the event that the absence is not reported, a Robocall will automatically go out to the student’s home or the place of employment of the parent or caregiver to inform them that the student is absent. Students are responsible for working with their teachers to make up work they missed while absent.
Check out page 26 of the WMS Family Handbook to see all of our attendance procedures in more detail.
Upcoming Dates
May 9: SEPAC meeting (6:30PM, information here)
May 10: PTO Meeting (7:00 PM virtual)
May 10: National School Nurse Day
May 11: Listen to Sipu performance (6:30-8:00 PM, WMS auditorium); see below for more information
May 12: Quarter 4 Progress Reports reminder emailed home
May 12: Deadline to order a WMS Yearbook
May 15: Math MCAS, special schedule
May 16: Math MCAS, special schedule
May 17: Early Release PD Day, 12:30pm dismissal with grab n go lunch (Day B1, will see every class for a shortened period of time), "Third Wednesday" PLCs/ MESSS Dept Meetings (3:15-4:35pm)
May 18: Diversity Council Meeting (7:30pm zoom meeting)
- May 23: STE MCAS (8th grade only), final reading i-ready diagnostic (6th and 7th grade), special schedule
- May 24: STE MCAS (8th grade only), final math i-ready diagnostic (6th and 7th grade), special schedule
- May 29: Memorial Day - No School
June 1: Principal Coffee Hour - next year's schedule (8:35-9:25am, WMS Cafeteria)
June 1: Diversity Night hosted by the WMS Diversity Council (5:00-7:00pm, WMS Cafeteria)
June 5-9: 8th grade Washington DC Trip/Watertown Week
June 6: WMS School Site Council (7:00pm, virtual)
June 12: 6th grade Canobie Lake Park Field Trip
June 14: PTO Meeting (7:00 PM virtual)
June 15: 8th grade semi
June 16: Last day of school
June 16: 8th Grade Awards Ceremony/Graduation
June 23: Quarter 4 Report Cards mailed home to families
- Watertown Public Schools Calendar 2022-2023
How is our communication being received?
Watertown Middle School
Website: https://wms.watertown.k12.ma.us/
Location: 68 Waverley Avenue, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7783