Touriboost NEWSLETTER 1 brings the latest news of the project implementation. The only intention of this newsletter is to keep the partners informed about the project progress and open a door for communicating in the case you have questions. We focus more on showing some results at a short period. If you have more news we can include them in the next Newsletter.
If you ask yourself from this news are coming, well from bilateral conversations among partners. There is no specific activity you have to report news this is a spontaneous initiative.
So here is the NEWS that happened since the kick off meeting that we know, it might be more!
The questionnaire is available.
Fifteen stakeholders must complete the survey. The results of the survey to be delivered to Hungary by the end of April.
The survey can be conducted during the workshop or delivered beforehand to the stakeholders.
The result of the workshop has to be delivered to Hungary.
If you translate the questionnaire, we can use it in the MOOC.
Please upload it to google drive.
Necmetting Erkaban University SURVEY - Workshop
As NEU, we organised a stakeholder workshop on the 7th of January with the participation of
Thirteen tourism stakeholders from different cities of Turkey. We invited hoteliers, tourism agency
directors, tourism academics and local authorities. We will find two more stakeholders later and
repeat the same procedure to collect the necessary data ( since the rule is that each partner
should have at least 15 participants for the survey) The session started at 13:30 and finished at
16:45. Before the workshop survey, questionnaires (translated into Turkish) and an info pack
about TOURIBOOST Project sent to the participants so that they came ready knowing the
survey questions and the project.
At the beginning of the workshop we introduced our TOURIBOOST Project, its primary
purposes and expected impact of it, then the instructions for the afternoon task were made by
Dr Kevser ÇINAR according to the survey questions. She explained the importance of that
survey with the collaboration of different stakeholders in the tourism sector. She asked the
participants to build a model of showing the distinctive identity of the Pilot Project using their
own individual understanding. She acknowledged that the workshop would be a tourism
planning exercise, an itinerary to follow depending on the model to be created by the
TASK1: Preparation: LEGO® Building on a question:
Please define the distinctive identity of the Touriboost Project using your own individual understanding
Participants are asked to compose their model in a specified time (5 minutes)
Individually. LEGO® is used as a metaphor to represent the variety of ideas among people.
Then they explained their models according to their expertise and asked questions to
each other and discussed among themselves. This was important because each
stakeholder had a different perspective, experience and interpreted ideas distinctively from
each other and sometimes as a complementary of each other’s models. Therefore, the way
people told their stories about today’s experience is essential to listen so that we can build
something beneficial all together that meets the new needs of the visitors and the
TASK2: LEGO® Building on the question About their own experience
(when they visit one of these five tourism assets we already chose) in a specified time (5
-The models should reflect individuals’ experience through concrete lego models.
-The models were displayed to create a landscape. They all were graphic representations of
each’s experience.
After this task, they explained their model as well focusing mostly the problems they met
and what could be done to overcome these problems regarding tourism strategy of that
destination and the importance of stakeholders’ cooperation and communication to overcome
all these problems. They discussed their models and exchanged their ideas and opinions.
Then we went through the other questions of the survey, and we discussed all the questions, and we recorded all these discussions and the whole workshop. At the end of the workshop
we interviewed with some of the participants focusing on their comments, proposals and
suggestions to our Project. It was a beneficial workshop to see the different angels from
various stakeholders and how we can improve our pilot project to have more impact on local,
national and international level.
Artifactory Workshop rehearsal
Very nice newsletter, very well done and very useful! Please add the state of the art in italy: the geolocation has been identified in Modena, at Villaggio Artigiano as we decided to focus on "objects" that represent a very relevant chapter of the industrial history of the city that at the moment are not enough promoted and know by the visitors but by a part of the inhabitants neither.
In parallel we know that there are some processes for revitalizing and giving new life to an ex industrial quarter of the city: it was one of the first examples of artisan districts in Italy, with many artisans, architects, craftsmen etc. opening their laboratories here in the ’60 and giving a huge contribution to the industrial activities in the city. These activities were also linked to some politic and social movements that were very relevant for our territory after the war.
The industrialization process then changed the way to approach to this activities and now many laboratories are abandoned or are the examples of the local industrial pasts. The Municipality and many organizations are now working for promoting and bringing activities in this area, thus the impact and the efficacy of our activity through the Touriboost project will be widened and improved also thanks to this synergies with other actors. Some NGOs are already organizing the so called “urban walk” in the quarte, touching some of the main settings - that will be part of our project as well. Hopefully, our stakeholders will be: local inhabitants, the Municipality of Modena, the NGOs working in this area and also in the cultural and artistic field, the Cesare Leonardi archive (he is a very famous architect of Modena, based in this area), Local Chamber of Architects, private foundations.
We still have to better define the settings and how to organize the work, also in cooperation with the NGOs in the area, for this on Monday 21th January we will have a meeting with the referent person of an NGO promoting activities in the area as to agree on how to proceed, on how to deliver the questionnaire (maybe organising focus groups with local people, NGOs, and other listed stakeholders). That will be a first step also to interview her and test the questionnaire in order to be able to improve it or adapt it to our national context.
THE draft of the WEBSITE
We are working on the concept of the website NEU+PRIMEHOLLAND+ARTIFACTORY
Is still in its infancy and many things may change, this is just an advance of the criteria behind the idea to inform you we are working on it.
The landing page has the main project activities at one click.
Some of the links will take you to a SMORE; others will take you to a second page with more detailed information.
Once it is ready, we will ask you your comments then we produce the final version. No actions are requested now.
The landing page work as a Poster so we can print it as an A4 format.
A document about Instagram is being created, just five pages with a video example of how to produce the stories.
The concept is in place as soon we edit we will be able to show the structure and IO1 transformed in the MOOC format.
If you translate the Survey Questionnaire, we can put it as a resource in the MOOC for your locals.