MCHS Community College
Resource Guide
San Diego and Palomar Promise Programs
- offer up to two years of free tuition
- textbook assistance
- Individualized counseling to complete students' education goals
For: San Diego Miramar, Mesa, City, & Palomar College
Interested in applying for a Promise Program?
Palomar College Steps to Enroll
Palomar Promise Program
How to Apply for Palomar Promise HERE
Promise Program for Fall 2025 will open in October 2024!
Palomar In Person Tours & Virtual Info Sessions
Palomar College Disability Resource Center (DRC)
Students who have a verified disability are eligible for support services through the DRC department. Services and accommodations are designed to support students in the achievement of their academic and vocational goals. Find out more information from the DRC website, CLICK HERE.
Miramar College Disability Support Programs & Services, (DSPS)
Students who have a verified disability are eligible for support services through the DSPS department. Services and accommodations are designed to support students in the achievement of their academic and vocational goals. Find out more information from the DSPS website, CLICK HERE.
Other Community College Promise Program Opportunities
MiraCosta College Promise Program
Eligibility requirements and FAQs
Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Promise Program
Southwestern College Promise Program
Community College Educational Opportunities
They offer Career Education Certificates, Associates Degrees, Associate Degrees for Transfer, and some offer Bachelors Degrees. More Info HERE
Transfer Opportunities
Map out your Transfer Pathway with ASSIST
HBCU Transfer Guarantee
Any California community college student with a GPA of 2.0 or higher (NOTE: certain partner HBCU will require a higher GPA) is guaranteed admission to all partner HBCU institutions using either of the following two options. While at the California Community College:
Complete an Associate degree (ADT) using the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education Breadth pattern or
Complete a minimum of 30 UC or CSU units.
For More Information, CLICK HERE!
Why should you consider going to a community college?
Save money. Costs are generally much lower than those at four-year colleges. On average, tuition and fees at public two-year colleges are $3,347 a year.
Prepare for transfer to a four-year college. Many community college graduates decide to transfer and complete their bachelor’s degrees. Planning in advance can help ensure that the credits you earn will count toward your degree at the four-year college you hope to attend.
Get ready for a career. If you want to enter the workforce sooner, you can earn a certificate or degree in a career-oriented field, such as firefighting or engineering technology.
Try out college. Most programs are open admission. This means that you can go to college even if your high school grades aren’t strong. A community college is also a good option if you’re not sure you’re ready for college. You’ll have a chance to challenge yourself and see if college is right for you.
Take advantage of a flexible schedule. Most community colleges are convenient — you can attend full time or part time, and you can schedule your courses around home and work commitments. There’s a campus within a short driving distance of almost every town in the United States.
Are you looking for community colleges that offer the "Living On Campus Experience"?
Community Colleges of San Diego & Imperial Counties
This finder tool will help you locate a community college program that fits what you want to do.
Check out the list of 116 California Community Colleges to see if the one you are interested in offers a Promise Program.
Associate Degree vs.Certificate of Achievement
Mt. Carmel High School Counseling Department
Website: https://mtcarmel.powayusd.com/
Location: 9550 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (858)484-1180