CPA Tiger Talk
December 13-17
Words of Wisdom
~Loretta Girzartis
If we stop for a moment and think, each of us can bring to mind at least one person in our lives - a relative, a colleague, a neighbor, a soldier deployed away from home - whom we suspect might be lonely over the holidays.
It's such a simple act to pick up the phone or to send a card or email, or to literally stretch out a hand. After all, one can be surrounded by people and be lonely. Kindnesses can be the timeliest of gifts, and words of encouragement can bring some much needed holiday cheer.
Ethical Principle of the Month
Dates to Remember
Monday December 13: Free COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic at CPA for age 5 and up, 3:30-6pm in the cafeteria. Enter Door A.
Monday December 13: Board of Directors Meeting, 6pm
Tuesday December 14: High School Auditions for the Spring Play, Shrek The Musical (see details below)
Wednesday December 15: Winter Concert During School (see details below)
Friday December 17: Academy Choir performs at the Minneapolis Holidazzle (see details below), 5:45pm
Friday December 17: Last day of classes before winter break.
Monday January 3: Classes resume
Monday January 3: Free COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic at CPA for age 5 and up, 3:30-6pm in the cafeteria. Enter Door A.
CPA is Not Streaming Athletic Competitions
Elementary Spotlight
Busy Mice
CPA first grade students made mouse ears in art class to wear during their winter concert. 🐭
ABC, I Like Me
Gingerbread Game
Middle School Spotlight
Roll Initiative
All 5 Senses
Jewelry Making
High School Spotlight
Math Puzzles
Say Cheese!
Book Clubs
Video of the Week: 10th Grade Celebrates the 73rd Human Rights Day by doing things 73 times--like climbing the stairs!
Follow CPA on Social Media to Stay Connected!
Ethical Quote of the Week
Winter Concert Update
- 8:30am: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, & Academy Choir
- 10:00am: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, & Academy Choir
- 1:00pm: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, & Academy Choir
Each performance will be recorded. The videos will be shared on CPA's website, social media, and in Tiger Talk afterwards.
Below is a message from CPA's Elementary Music Teacher, Kate Mattson:
Hello CPA families and friends.
I am excited to share that our CPA music classes will perform a winter concert on December
Your children have done incredible work preparing for this event. They have spent the past two
months learning new songs and practicing instruments. They have learned to perform as a
group and show resilience in perfecting their performances.
I am extremely proud of their hard work and dedication; they have shown immense growth this
I look forward to the continued growth of our CPA music program and feel honored to share
music with your children.
Kate Mattson
CPA Elementary Music Teacher
Winter Break Food Resources
Vaccinated Kids Age 12-17 Can Win Big!
Minnesota has launched ‘Kids Deserve a Shot,’ a vaccine incentives program rewarding Minnesotans 12-17 years old for completing their COVID-19 vaccine series.
All Minnesotans 12-17 years old who have completed their COVID-19 vaccine series at any time in 2021 can enter to win a $100,000 Minnesota College Scholarship! The State of Minnesota will hold five drawings of $100,000 for five students to attend any public or private non-profit educational institution in the state of Minnesota.
Parents or guardians must enter their 12-17 year old by the entry deadline of December 13 to be eligible for the following drawing(s).
Click here to enter. Good luck!
High School Spring Play Auditions
The majority of rehearsals will take place during the school day. All cast members will be required to take the period 7 drama elective class semester 2. Students or parents who have questions can contact Ms. Emily or Ms. Fischer.
Academy Choir at Holidazzle!
Holidazzle is free to attend, and all are encouraged to come and cheer on the Academy Choir!
Winter Clothing
COVID 19 Vaccine Update
CPA families, the COVID 19 Vaccine has been approved for ages 5-11. CPA will be hosting several free COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic for ages 5+, and you and your family are encouraged to attend. Below is a list of upcoming COVID 19 Vaccine Clinics at CPA that will be open to age 5 and older:
- Monday, December 13, 3:30-6pm
- Monday, January 3, 3:30-6pm
The COVID 19 Vaccine is free, and these clinics are open to the public. Pfizer and Moderna boosters are also available for those who are eligible. Participants should enter CPA through Door A on Magnolia and wear a mask.
Click here to read the COVID Vaccine Letter that was sent home with PreK-6th grade students on Friday November 5, which contains additional vaccine resources.
COVID Safety at CPA
Thank you for supporting CPA's COVID 19 mitigation efforts. To help keep our Covid cases down as we move forward please be sure to:
1) Keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
2) Have your child tested if they display symptoms of Covid.
3) Notify the school if your child or anyone living in your home tests positive for Covid.
4) Notify the school if your child has been exposed to Covid and therefore needs to quarantine.
Keep your student at home and have them tested for Covid if they show any of the following:
Fever of 100.4 or greater, Cough, Shortness of Breath, or Loss of Taste or Smell
Or if they show 2 or more of these symptoms:
Sore throat, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Chills, Muscle Pain, Bad headache, Extreme fatigue, Nasal Congestion or Runny Nose.
Thanks! Contact the School Nurse, Judy Thompson (651-280-4532 or judyt@cpapk12.org) with any questions or to report Covid related concerns.
Quarantine Food Access
Meal boxes are available for any student who must miss in-person instruction due to COVID quarantine. Each meal box contains five breakfasts and five lunches. Families must pre-register to pick up meal boxes. Click here to learn more!
Translation Support
If you prefer, our liaisons will be happy to translate or explain any announcements in Tiger Talk or answer any questions you have about CPA. Contact Maikao Lee at 651-280-4545 (Hmong), Mariana Majil at 651-289-3742 (Spanish), or Paw Nay Bu at 651-280-4591 (Karen) for support.
If your phone number, address, or enrollment plans change, please update the office by calling 651-776-5151. Thank you!
Community of Peace Academy
Email: connect@cpapk12.org
Website: cpapk12.org
Location: 471 Magnolia Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-776-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/CPATigers