Bulldog Blast
August 11, 2023
Happy Friday Bulldogs,
We have had an amazing first three days of school! It has been so great to see sweet faces and hear little voices in the building. Our Bulldogs are doing an impressive job of learning campus expectations, for classrooms, hallways, cafeteria and dismissal.
As we move into our first full week of school, I want to make you aware of a modification to morning arrival. Due to most of our staff needing to be in classrooms and with students each morning, effective Monday, August 14, all walker/bikers will enter the building through the front doors.
Thank you to our amazing families for your support with volunteering during Kinder lunches and loving on our staff! Our staff members have greatly appreciated the water, Gatorades, fans and umbrellas during the so, so hot days of dismissal. Thank you so much for supporting our staff! Keep the love coming!
Have a great weekend,
Dr. Barnes
Campus Principal
Tardies begin, Monday, August 14th
Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. are marked tardy.
Early check-out ends @ 2:30 p.m.
All transportation changes should be emailed to birnhamwoods@conroeisd.net. Changes must be received by 2 p.m.
Heat index 106 - 110: Recess limited to 20 min. outdoors (10 min. indoors)
Heat index 111 - 115: Recess limited to 10 min. outdoors (20 min. indooors)
Heat index 115 +: No outdoor recess (30 min. indoors)
Actual Temp >106: No outdoor recess (30 min. indoors)
We love room parents and need a few more volunteers. See link below to sign up.
Click for PTO Website
Click for Volunteer Sign-Up
BWE Spirit Wear
Birnham Woods Elementary
Email: mjbarnes@conroeisd.net
Website: https://birnham.conroeisd.net/
Location: 31150 Birnham Woods Dr, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: (832) 663-4200
Facebook: facebook.com/BWEBulldogsCISD
Twitter: @BWEBulldogsCISD