Mills Elementary Weekly
Principal Update April 24, 2023 - April 28. 2023
STAAR Testing Reminders
STAAR Reading 3rd-5th Grades: Monday, April 24
STAAR Science 5th Grade: Thursday, April 27
STAAR Math 3rd-5th Grades: Wednesday, May 3
The campus will be closed to visitors for lunch.
Parents/caregivers may still drop off lunches and other items, check in/check out students through the front office.
Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Internet Safety Parent Workshop Hosted by Mills PTA, Tomorrow April 25th
From the Mills PTA:
Please join us for our workshop “PTA Connected: Be Internet Awesome, sponsored by Google + YouTube” on Tuesday, April 25th at 7pm via Zoom. We will have several technology experts share information and advice about how to prepare your children to navigate the digital world safely.
Because we have some materials we'd like to send home before the workshop, we are requesting RSVPs for this event. (For this reason, we are asking for a student's classroom details)! Please RSVP by filling out the following form: https://forms.gle/YVom7VgYkJeFQYfJ9
We will also share the Zoom link in the days prior to the meeting. Stay tuned! If you have any questions, please contact Christy at christy.millspta@gmail.com.
Track & Field Days Are Coming
Track & Field is back this year in May! Please see below for important dates and information. Be on the lookout for more detailed info in the upcoming week(s) from our PE Coaches Lisa Lindberg and Javier Sanchez.
1. Dates:
May 8 PreK & Kindergarten
May 9 1st Grade & 2nd Grade
May 10 3rd Grade & 4th Grade
May 19 5th Grade
2. Please volunteer! Volunteers will be recruited to help with stations, relays, and other activities. A sign up genius will be shared with you soon.
3. Tents will be used as cooling off areas for students. If you have a tent you are willing to share for T&F, please email the PE coaches at lisa.lindberg@austinisd.org and javier.sanchezdelgado@austinisd.org .
4. Parents are welcome to come and cheer on your Mountain Lion. Due to space considerations, each student is limited to 1-2 visitors and we ask that visitors leave right after their child's events are over.
Thank You Breakfast for Our Volunteers!
Who: Individuals who have volunteered in any capacity this year on campus.
What: Thank You Breakfast provided by teachers and staff
Where: Multi-Purpose Room (by the Garden/Bus lane)
When: Monday, May 15th 8am-9:30am
RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/b2srTaoR6d931PjN7
This Week & Looking Ahead
Happy Birthday, Amy Jackson!
Happy Birthday, Barbara Pestien!
STAAR Reading 3rd-5th Grade- No visitors on campus
Tuesday, April 25
Austin ISD School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Wednesday, April 26
Administrative Professional's Day
Thursday, April 27
STAAR Science 5th Grade- No visitors on campus
Friday, April 28
Happy Birthday, Kristi Thomason!
Happy Birthday, Lisa Lindberg!
Family Input Forms for Class Placement Closes Today
Looking Ahead
May 3- STAAR Math 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades No Visitors On Campus
May 5- Cinco de Mayo Student Performances
May 8-May 12 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
May 8- Track & Field for PreK & Kindergarten
May 9- Track & Field for 1st & 2nd Grades
May 10- Track & Field for 3rd & 4th Grades
May 12- Kinder Advancement Program
May 12- PreK Splash Day
May 15- Volunteer Breakfast
May 18- 5th Grade Musical
May 19- PreK Moving On Celebration Program
May 19- Track & Field for 5th Grade
May 22- 4th Grade Wax Museum, 7:45am-9:30am
May 25- 5th Grade Advancement Ceremony
May 25- Last Day of School