West End News
September 12, 2022
Week 7 - Here We Come!
It is hard to believe we have been in school 6 weeks and we are just into September! This week's newsletter is filled with lots of great information - please be sure to read through it all!
September is Attendance Awareness Month! Did you know that missed minutes - due to tardies and early sign-outs are counted in your student's attendance profile? Remember every minute counts!
(Reminder....) If your child tests positive for COVID, please remember to complete the district COVID form. A link and QR code are available in this newsletter to help with locating the form.
Angie Garrison, Ed.D.
3 Gift Card Winners for Returning their Open House Parent Survey
In Case You Missed It
The WEE Book Fair is coming soon!
Plan to shop in person in our library October 3-7. Our Online Companion Book Fair is NOW OPEN! This is great way to shop if you know you will be unable to attend the fair in person or have family members who would love to support their student! The online book fair features an expanded catalog of books, so everyone can find their favorite! You can also purchase digital gift cards to make the in-person book fair checkout process easier for your student. Gift cards make wonderful gifts for teachers and staff!
Here is the link to our online fair. You may shop online until October 07, 2022. Please allow approximately 10 business days for orders to arrive at school after both book fairs end.
West End Teacher of the Month Nomination Form
Bring in your used athletic shoes to support Easley High School athletics. They accept used athletic type shoes, tennis shoes, walking shoes and cleats. They are sent for recycling and get money funded to EHS athletics. There will be a donation box up front near the computer lab to drop off your shoes! Please consider joining in our efforts!
Car Line on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Just a reminder that our running club takes place every Tuesday and Thursday. If you are a parent or guardian who drops your child off in the car line in the morning please be extra cautious coming around the track as students will be running on the inside part of the track inside the fence.
Fall Field Day is Coming Up!
Make sure you purchase your field day t-shirt and bag! Our field day is scheduled for October 14 with a rain date of October 21. Orders forms were sent home last week, let Mr. Stanitzek or Ms. Davis (PE Teachers) know if you need another.
Are you connected to your child's teacher on Schoology?
Absences, Tardiness, and Excuses
Please remember to turn in an excuse for each day your child misses school. Doctor’s notes, parent notes, emails, texts, and Schoology messages to the teacher all serve as excuses. Please note, doctor’s notes are required after the 10th absence. If a child accumulates 3 consecutive or 5 total unexcused absences, an Attendance Intervention Plan conference will need to be held. Continued absences could result in additional conferencing and/or referral to the district for truancy…leading to possible Court Order for attendance. This includes being at school on time each day. Students tend to perform better when they maintain a routine schedule and begin the day with their classmates.
Student Chromebooks
Student devices are in use by all students. (Kindergarten uses Chromebook tablets in their classrooms. Help us to encourage students to take care of and protect their devices in order to keep then working properly all school year. This includes taking care of chargers and cases as well. Remember lost or damaged items can incur a fee to replace them. If you have not already, please sign in to your My School Bucks account to pay the $25 tech fee that is required of all School District of Pickens County students.
My School Bucks Link
Have you applied for free or reduced lunch?
"Families Diving Deep" -Opportunities for West End Families Throughout the Year
Any SDPC student who tests positive for COVID will need to enter their information on the SDPC Student COVID Reporting Form.
Students who test positive will need to quarantine for 5 days. At this time, there is no contact tracing. Siblings will not have to quarantine unless they are having symptoms or test positive.
Please let us know if you have questions. We hope everyone stays well!
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West End News
Email: angiegarrison@pickens.k12.sc.us
Website: http://wes.pickens.k12.sc.us/
Location: Easley, SC, USA
Phone: 864-397-2500
Facebook: facebook.com/westendelem
Twitter: @westendelem