The Heart of Haleʻiwa
Ke aka o Hale`iwa...kupono me ke aloha no ke ahona o ke ao
March 5, 2021
In this issue...
- Meet our Counselors: Mrs. Dolan and Ms. Yonting
- Read Across Haleʻiwa Week by Ms. Santos
- Student Showcase: G1 Writing Club
- Literacy Corner: Haleʻiwa Book Bag Pilot Program
- Read Aloud: Try a Little Kindness read by Ms. Yonting
- Join our Haleʻiwa Book Club
- Nurse Connie: Smile Health
- Hawai’i Keiki Dental Sealant Program, March 30 & 31
- Choose Love: Positive Affirmation Songs
Meet our Counselors
Mrs. Nami-Anne Dolan
Why did you decide to become a school counselor?
I have always been a good listener and my high school friends came to me for help with their problems. I considered becoming a librarian since I loved books and reading. Then, I read an article in the newspaper saying that there was going to a shortage of school counselors in the next five years. Since my psychology degree matched what I needed to get into the program for a Masters of Education in Counseling & Guidance, I decided to become a school counselor. Thirty years later, I am still doing the job I love for the past 30 years at Haleiwa Elementary.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
If I had a million dollars, I would invest the money so I could make more money to spend on the following things:
- Payoff my debts
- Pay for my children’s college education and cars
- Travel
- Renovate my 60 year old house
- Buy new computers/chromebooks for Haleiwa Elementary
What are 3 things that you would like all Hale`iwa students to know about you?
- Mother of triplets (Quinn, Ariana & Kira)
- My second favorite animal is the Koala.
- My favorite genre to read is Science Fiction & to watch is Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
What is something exciting in your life that you are looking forward to?
When it is safe, I would like to travel – on a cruise ship – maybe the Mediterrean, Israel, Japan, Australia, or Alaska.
Ms. Nicole Yonting
Why did you decide to become a school counselor?
I decided to become a school counselor because I love to conversate with children. As the saying goes, "Children say the darndest things" is absolutely true. One of the main reasons I love coming to school everyday is because children will share surprising, unexpected, funny, and clever things, which I enjoy listening to. As young students, their brains are open to learning anything new and my goal is to help build strong resilent growth mindsets in our Hale'iwa students. Overall, I want to be to part of their learning experiences by guiding the development of their social emotional well-being.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
If I had a million dollars I would first buy a home for my family, pay off any debt, put some money on the side for my children's college funds, and buy Nintendo switches for all classrooms with the "Just Dance" game, so students can get daily fun movement =)
What are 3 things that you would like all Hale`iwa students to know about you?
Three things I would like Hale'iwa students to know about me is:
1. I try to do my best everyday.
2. I am a very good listener.
3. I am always here to help with anything.
What is something exciting in your life that you are looking forward to?
Something small and exciting in my life that I am looking forward to is enjoying a staycation at the Disney Aulani with my family for my daughter's birthday. It will be my first time ever staying there and I am very excited to see Disney characters.
Read Across Haleʻiwa Week by Ms. Santos
We want our Haleʻiwa students to read everyday- it is the way! Each morning, we emailed our students a video of a staff member reading a special book. We hope all of our students heard our awesome staff members read already, but if not- please check your email again for the links.
What are some of your favorite books to read as a family?
Favorite Fiction Character
Favorite Fiction Character
Haleʻiwa Spirit Day
Student Showcase: What Do You Think 'Bout That? by G1 Third Graders
Video gamers have the best job in the world!
Bakers have the best job in the world!
Marine Biologists have the best job in the world!
Literacy Corner
Haleʻiwa Books Bags Pilot Program
Students will read the books at home (some with family members) and are required to complete an attached worksheet. We hope to expand this program to other students later.
Try a Little Kindness read by Ms. Yonting
Click on the video below to listen to Ms.Yonting read Try a Little Kindness by Henry Cole.
Smile Health by Nurse Connie
Smiling is a very important expression of human emotions. Smiling signals friendliness and positive interaction. Happier people, with increased sense of wellbeing, tend to also be healthier. A healthy and confident smile is something that everyone should have. Oral health does not only mean the absence of disease like cavities, but oral “wellness.” Oral wellness means healthy gums, teeth, tongue, and the ability to speak, chew, enjoy food, and smile. Oral wellness affect confidence, and enjoyment. Children with oral pain result in poor school performance. Dental decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood. In all ages, there is lack of access to oral health care.
More and more evidence in science shows a strong relationship between oral health and overall physical health for all ages. Most oral disease are preventable or at least controllable. The Hawaii Keiki program Dental Sealant Program brings a board certified dentist to our school to examine kids’ oral health. The program also assists those who need referral to a local dentist for further care. Please click on the link below to find out more about the dental sealant program coming to our school soon.
Hawai’i Keiki Dental Sealant Program, March 30 & 31
For Grade 2 & 3 Students
Let’s improve oral health in Hawai’i youth through a school-based dental sealant program. Sealants reduce rates of cavities.
Permission forms were sent home February 11 & 12 with your child. Please fill out the form and return to school by March 25. Distant learners can pick up form in the office or they can get the PDF. Contact the office if you have any questions or need help signing up.
This week, our counselors share a fun positive affirmation song you can sing along to!
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Location: 66-505 Hale`iwa Road
Phone: 808-637-8237