Discovering careers and colleges for YOU
What is Xello?
Xello is a college and career exploration program that allows you to discover more about yourself to find careers and colleges that will best fit you. From assessments on career personality, skills, and interests, to college exploration and application preparation, Xello can help you plan for and reach your post-high school goals.
How to Login
Step 1: Log into MyPlan Account
Step 2: Click Xello Icon in Apps
Step 3: Begin Exploring Xello
9th Grade-Self Awareness
Learning Objectives
- Students will begin to connect the importance of matching their personality to future careers
- Students will learn about Mt. Carmel High School's CTE Career Pathways
- Students will begin to visualize and develop their 5-year career plan
- Students will begin gaining exposure to a wide variety of careers through guest speakers
Lessons Included
- Matchmaker & Personality Styles Assessment
- Goal Setting & 5 Year Plan
- CTE Pathways Industry Sectors
Additional Core Lessons
- Exploring Career Factors
- Study Skills & Habits
- Getting Experience
- Biases & Career Choices
- Time Management
10th Grade-Career Awareness & Exploration
Learning Objectives
- Students will begin building their post-graduate options awareness by researching pathway and education that support their paths
- Students will learn about the difference between unskilled, skilled, and professional jobs
- Students will learn about the connection between their lifestyle and career costs while developing their concept of work values
Lessons Included
- Post-Graduate Options Awareness
Additional Core Lessons
- Workplace Skills & Attitudes
- Careers & Lifestyle Cost
- Work Values
- Program Prospects
11th Grade-College & Career Preparation
Learning Objectives
- Students will build post-graduate options by identifying which factors are important to them in selecting a college or technical school
- Students will create a resume to be able to use for college or employment purposes
- Students will have an understanding of selecting a career based on career demand
Lessons Included
- Factors in Deciding Post-Graduate Options
Additional Core Lessons
- Choosing a College, University, Technical School
- Career Demand
- Entrepreneurial Skills
- Goal Setting & 5 Year Plan
- Connecting the Dots - Resume Building
12th Grade- Discovering Careers & Colleges For You
Learning Objectives
- Students pursuing college will narrow their college list down to reach, target, and safety schools
- Students will create career backups with the understanding of plans changing
- Students will further develop their resumes and interview skills
- Students will learn the basics and importance of budgeting
- Students will complete their 5-year plan
- Students will be able to define what success is to them regarding a work and life balance
Lessons Included
- Narrowing Post-Graduate Options
Additional Core Lessons
- Work Life Balance
- Career Backup Plans
- Resume Revision
- Job Interviews
- Defining Success
Find the best fit for you!
MC Career Education
College Fit 101
College Fit 102
Mt. Carmel High School
Website: www.xello.world
Location: 9550 Carmel Mountain Rd, San Diego, CA 92129, USA
Phone: 858-484-1180