Sky Valley Education Center
January 24th, 2023
Jan. 27th - No School
Feb. 3rd - 80's Costume Dance
Feb. 9th - 24th Course Survey is OPEN in Allie
Feb. 9th, 14th, & 22nd - Running Start Information Session
Feb. 14th - 15th - Random Acts of Kindness Days
Feb. 16th - No School, Staff Day
Feb. 17th & 20th - No School, Presidents Day Break
March 1st - Bring Your Parent to School Day
- Parking Lot Safety
- Sibling Round Up
- Keep our Campus Kind
- Course Survey & Master Schedule
- Bring Your Parent to School Day
- Event & Club News
- Counseling & Support
- Resource Center Info
- Brag Box
Vehicle & Parking Safety
We've had some concerns regarding the safety of our kids in the parking lot and around Hill street. Please make sure you reduce your speed and adhere to our parking guidelines. As a reminder, the gate on Hill street is not a suitable place to stop and drop off your students... our campus needs open access to the back gate for emergency and district vehicles.
Thank you!
It’s that time of year again. If you have a sibling you want to enroll at SVEC for next year, please get your paperwork in ASAP! We want to be able to include all your members of the family in your seniority for enrollment in classes next year. So if you have a new kindergartener or another student in the family who will be joining us for the 23-24 school year, now is the time to turn in paperwork!
Enrollment paperwork can be found in the main office or on our website under About/Registration
We Want SVEC to be a Safe and Supportive Environment for ALL!
We have had some reports of inappropriate language taking place on campus - language that includes inappropriate comments about our LGBTQIA+ students/community - and we need your help.
It is not our intent to tell families what to think or believe. But it is important for everyone to know comments such as “gay” comments are regarded as hate speech and will be fully investigated as such.
There is no place for this type of language or for any harassment, intimidation, or bullying of any kind at SVEC. This is a family environment where all are welcome and valued and there is no room for hate or intolerance.
2023-24 Master Schedule
The course survey is just around the corner and we need you!
We will only be doing one round of the course survey this year so it is more important than ever that EVERY SINGLE FAMILY participate in our course survey, which will go out to families on February 9th.
Your genuine, authentic input about what classes you want next year directly affects the master schedule….what gets offered, how many sections, etc.
I can’t say it enough - the best way for us to be able to give our families a good schedule of classes to choose from starts with EVERYONE participating in the survey!
Look for it February 9-24.Thank you for your help!
Mark your calendars for another Bring Your Parent to School Day!
Our second event will be even better than the first, thanks to your input!
Join us on March 1, from 9 am -12:30 pm.
- Presentations and information booths for parents and students
- Movies for young and old
- Kindness activities
- A Date Night Drawing for parents/guardians who come to the event
- Entertainment and food!
Stay tuned!
**send to svecyearbook@gmail.com**
Monroe School District Auction
On Campus Kindness EVENT
Makers Space is OPEN
Please familiarize yourself with makerspace rules on the outside of door
Come join the SVEC Trail Running Club - no previous experience necessary.
Want more info? Talk to Mr. M: muellingm@monroe.wednet.edu
Message from the Montessori Adolescent Community
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our Seed Money Campaign. We not only received wonderful cash gifts but also a $200 prize for having strong community support. We’ll begin planning the new additions to our garden.
If you have suggestions for plants, we’d love to hear from you.
The literary arts magazine of Sky Valley Education Center is accepting submissions of creative writing and art, including photography. Any member of the SVEC community is encouraged to submit.
Digital submissions are preferred
Send all submissions to: stroblej@monroe.wednet.edu
Deadline for submissions is Monday, February 27
*Be on the lookout for the announcement of our limerick contest!
High School
Seniors: Have you seen the posters of our amazing graduates posted in the Health Room window? Do you know what all these seniors have in common? They applied for The Monroe Public Schools Scholarship! Deadline is February 20th! If you are pursuing any kind of college or technical program (certificate, 2yr. or 4 yr.,degree) it is worth your time! Apply at: https://www.monroepsf.org/scholarships
Looking for more resources to pay for college? Go to: Scholarships
Parents of ALL 10th and 11th graders: Have you heard about the dual credit options through Running Start?
Information sessions for Running Start will be held in Room 8 on these dates:
Thursday, February 9th at 2PM
Tuesday, February 14th at 2PM
Wednesday, February 22nd at 10:30AM
Stories Of Hope
Did you know that Monroe School District is partnering with CH Counseling and Stories of Hope to offer mental health therapy and other support to our families and they are located just down the street?
Christina Harpster of CH Counseling will be hosting an information booth on March 1st. Stop in and check it out!
Have you heard about Edge Coaching for students age 11 and up at SVEC?
Would you like to learn some skills that GREAT executive functioning coaches use?
Edwin is a Lead Trainer and Fidelity Coach for our Edge Coaching Pilot program at SVEC. He will share the skills that our Edge Coaches are using and help you learn and practice similar skills to improve communication with your child to help them achieve their goals. .
Edwin’s professional experience spans the industries of finance, executive recruiting, and education. He is a first-generation college graduate, having studied at Ithaca College, Roosevelt University, and Yale University.
Career Exploration Resource
Resource Center News
ALL FAMILIES: Please check on ALE to make sure the Library materials you have at home are checked out to you. We are missing some Curriculum from our shelves and need to know where these are. If you took materials home without checking them out, please return them as soon as possible or contact Katie Kent at kentk@monroe.wednet.edu with the SVEC barcodes.
Library Book Display for February: Reading Around the World
- Visit the Family Mentor Table for helpful information from experienced SVEC Parents!
- See Katie Kent or Library Committee for Curriculum and Book Checkout.
- *Schedule change: Amber Ortiz is available Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10:30am to 1pm to answer questions and provide parent support with curriculum, online resources, and more.
Weekly Events:
Tuesdays, 1pm-3pm - Fiber Arts Club with Katie
Wednesdays, 1:30pm-2pm - Storytime with Joylyn
Thursdays from 12:30pm-1:30pm - Ukulele Club with Katie
Thursdays, 12:30pm-2:30pm - Games & Crafts with JulieRead4Adventure Logs should be available for K-6 students by mid-February… Keep track of your reading in March to earn a voucher with HighTrek Adventures!
CONGRATULATIONS to Tavish and Keegan Raub!
Tavish and Keegan Raub both recently entered The American Revolution Essay History Contest sponsored by the Washington State Son’s of the American Revolution Society. To participate, students submitted an original essay based on an event, person, philosophy or ideal associated with the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence or the framing of the United States Constitution.
Out of a competitive field in the Cascade Centennial Chapter, Tavish won first place with his essay titled Title: Divided we Stand, United we Fall: Collectivism in Contemporary American Culture! Keegan also did very well and was awarded 2nd runner up with his essay titled God/Head: The Entanglement of Liberty with Ideology in American Culture.
Tavish’s essay has been forwarded to the state competition where it is competing with the winning essays from the other 5 chapters in Washington state.
Sky Valley Education Center
Email: rosencransk@monroe.wednet.edu
Website: https://www.monroe.wednet.edu/svec
Location: 351 Short Columbia Street, Monroe, WA, USA
Phone: 360-804-2700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SkyValleyEducationCenter/
Twitter: @MonroeWAschools