Trebein Tribune
February 2022
Trebein Elementary School
Website: https://www.gocreek.org/apps/pages/Trebein
Location: 1728 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia, OH 45385
Phone: 937-458-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beavercreekcityschools
A Note from our Principal, Mrs. Walk
Hello Trebein Families,
We had a great time celebrating the 100th day of school last week! This is an especially big deal in kindergarten and first grade. But, it was fun talking with our fifth graders as they looked at the 100 day projects and the little ones all dressed up...they said, "I remember 100 day when I was in first grade. It was so much fun!" Then, they went on to tell me what their projects had been. It is so fulfilling to watch our kids grow from timid kindergarten students to confident fifth graders and recognize that they have enjoyed the journey.
As we move to the next chapter in our Thrivers book, we will focus on perseverance. Perseverance helps kids keep on when everything else makes it easier to give up. The ability to stick to a task and a long-term goal is the greatest predictor of success and stronger than IQ, academic achievement, SAT scores, extra-curricular activities, and test scores. Perseverance keeps kids on track, gets them closer to their dreams, and helps them to thrive.
As you think about helping your child develop perseverance, here are a few things to consider:
1. Redefine success as a "gain."
2. Add "yet" when looking at what the child is trying to achieve.
3. Hold growth conversations.
4. Praise the effort, not the end product.
5. Use growth mind-set reminders.
6. Model mistakes with "I learned."
7. Erase "Mistakes are bad."
8. Don't call it a mistake.
9. Create turnaround plans.
10. Teach "bounce back" statements.
The book provides suggestions for parents based on their child(ren)'s age(s). We all recognize that children are at different places in processing concepts like this.
The Top Five Takeaways from this chapter:
- Perseverance flourishes with open-ended, hands-on, child-guided opportunities.
- To stretch your child's growth mind-set and perseverance, praise effort, not the end product.
- Thrivers use mistakes as success tools so they stick to tasks longer and don't give up quickly.
- A demanding and supportive parental style in equal parts is the formula for perseverance.
- Chunking tasks into smaller parts helps kids who have difficulties focusing, getting started, or feeling overly concerned that "everything's right!" And they're more likely to succeed.
We've all grown a little tired of inside recess, so we will make sure we go out if at all possible! Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. If you think your child may be missing a jacket, sweatshirt, hat, glove, lunchbox, etc. please stop by our Lost and Found cart. It is overflowing!
Thank you for sharing your amazing children with us.
Lisa Walk
Notes from the Office
As we continue through the second semester, we wanted to share a few reminders with you regarding parent pick-up and drop off.
Please let your students exit your vehicle anywhere along the sidewalk. Please do not wait until you are near the front entrance as this slows the process substantially. Please keep in mind that students are to be in their classrooms at 9:10 or they are counted tardy. The drop-off line moves quickly most days and there should be no reason for anyone to be late to class due to traffic.
Please bring a sign with your family's last name on it. If you need a sign you are welcome to create your own or email Mrs. Durham (andrea.durham@gocreek.org) and she will get one made for you. Displaying the sign expedites the process of calling for students. If you are waiting on your child to arrive, please move to the side to allow other families to pick up while you wait. Once your child has exited the building to you, please head directly to your vehicle. We've seen an increase in people congregating near the the drop off area, kids jumping off the concrete platform, and unsafe behaviors in general. This causes the parent pick up area to be congested and creates confusion for the other students who are still waiting to be picked up.
Thank you so much for your help with these processes as we all work together to keep everyone safe.
Tips To Help Children Handle Their Emotions
Kindergarten & New to the District First Grade Registration Begins Soon
Trebein's All-Star Rolling Beavers Wheelchair Basketball Team Members!
George (Zhao) McEllroy (4th grade), Addison Conteh (1st grade), and Aiden Conteh (3rd grade) are all team members of Beavercreek's first-ever wheelchair basketball team, the "Rolling Beavers." As published by the Dayton Daily News, "The Rolling Beavers are a wheelchair basketball team for students — the first of its kind in the southwest Ohio region — that was formed in 2021 as a result of collaboration between Beavercreek parents, the Beavercreek City School District and Adaptive Sports Ohio (ASO)."
When asked about their experience on the team, the sentiment seemed to be unanimous that they are all having a lot of fun! George (Zhao) said he has really enjoyed the practices especially. The team practices in the gym at Shaw Elementary School. Addison, Aiden, and George (Zhao) got to pick a special nickname to be announced over the loudspeaker at their very first home game on Saturday, January 22nd at Beavercreek High School. They played a tough, older team from Cincinnati. All in attendance cheered and beamed with pride for the effort and heart the Rolling Beavers displayed.
The Rolling Beavers don't have any other home games scheduled for this season, but we certainly wish them well as they take their team on the road.
Addison, Aiden, and George (Zhao)--your Trebein family is incredibly proud of you!
Link to article in Dayton Daily News: Beavercreek’s newly-formed wheelchair basketball team plays first home game (daytondailynews.com)
100 Days Smarter
Some of our kindergarten students decorated shirts to celebrate 100 days of school.
First graders had the opportunity to bring in a shoe box filled with 100 items to share with their class, and some of them were looking a little older by the end of the week.
Let the Good Times Roll at the Trebein Skating Party!
February is American Heart Month
Hello Trebein community! February is American Heart Month, which provides an excellent opportunity to focus on our children’s heart health. Physical activity and nutrition are two areas that are essential to heart health. It is important that parents emphasize these areas to develop good habits and keep children healthy and ready to excel in and out of the classroom.
Physical activity is a cornerstone to heart health. Children who are active also build stronger bones and muscles, perform better in school, and miss less school. The major health organizations recommend that school-age children should complete at least 60 minutes of daily exercise. This exercise should be more intense than leisurely walking and can be completed in shorter intervals throughout the day. Daily exercise minutes can include physical education class, active recess time, completing household chores, playing outside with friends, and after-school sports. Including the whole family is another fun way to encourage your children to be active. There are many different ideas for families to be active together including hiking, riding bikes, having dance parties, playing catch, and much more!
In addition to exercise and physical activity, diet and nutrition are also vital to children’s heart health. Limiting sugar consumption is one of the most critical areas of any child’s diet. Encourage your child to drink water and low-sugar beverages over soda, juices, and sugary sport drinks. A well-rounded and nutritious diet is also essential. Trying different fresh fruits and vegetables in fun ways like cut-outs and shapes can help kids be more receptive to eating them. When shopping, select whole grain options for breads and cereals to help cut sugar and promote heart health. It is also important to include foods with heart-healthy fats like those found in avocados, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, edamame, and fatty fish.
Primary care providers and pediatricians are excellent sources to answer any questions and help with diet and exercise. Remember to have your children complete their annual wellness visits and physicals to ensure your children are healthy and growing. There are also excellent materials and recommendations available through the American Heart Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Taking time to purposefully focus on and integrate heart-healthy behaviors for your family can encourage the development of good habits and healthy children. Happy American Heart Month!
Jonathan A. Clifford, D.O.
Sources of information:
February Staff Spotlight
Lost & Found
Our lost & found bin is overflowing. Please ask your student to check for anything that might belong to them.
Thank You for Giving Back!
Volunteer Opportunities
February Staff Appreciation Breakfast - Tuesday, February 15
To volunteer, sign up here: http://bit.ly/3L0w56G
Junior Achievement:
To volunteer, sign up here: http://bit.ly/3EM6JGe
If you have any questions, email: volunteer4trebein@gmail.com
Thank you for your continued support!
5th Grade Party Planning Meeting - Please Note Date Change
Join us as we begin planning the 5th Grade Party
February 10th, 2022
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Trebein IMC
*Contact Co-Chairs Jennifer Suel and Katie Landwehr with any questions at: TrebeinSendoff5@gmail.com
Everybody Counts!
Typically, each year the Trebein PTO presents a program called Everybody Counts to each one of our classes. This program teaches students about disabilities and the value of all people. The goal of Everybody Counts is to help students learn about disabilities, value each person that has a disability, and to create a culture where everyone feels comfortable with the differences they see in each other.
We were unable to present the program during the 2020-2021 school year, but we are working to revamp the program and aiming to present it to classes after Spring Break this year. We are looking for anyone in our Trebein community who might have special insight, knowledge, and/or experience with speech, visual, hearing, physical, cognitive, and/or learning differences and/or disabilities. To volunteer or learn more, please email Jenna Stites at TrebeinVicePresident@gmail.com.
PTO Board and Committee Positions Open!
This year we worked diligently to reconfigure and bring back many of our favorite Trebein celebrations, like the Fall Harvest Festival, Holiday Shoppe, and more! We are all looking forward to more of our regular programming in the future, but we need your help to make it all happen in 2022-2023!
The Trebein PTO is looking for nominations to fill two Executive Board Positions -- Treasurer and Historian, as well as committee chairs for the 2022-2023 school year. Please take a look at the open positions by clicking the link below, and consider signing up to help http://bit.ly/3obyfXh
PTO Purchases In January
Dollhouse and Accessories
Dollhouse and Accessories
Mailbox System
Upcoming Events
February PTO Meeting
*Free childcare available
Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022, 07:00 PM
Trebein IMC
If you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, please send an email to