RHS Information 5/3/2020
Grading and Report Card Information
There are two announcements regarding grading for you this evening:
- The G5 grading period has ended, and report cards are available.
To access your report card, please visit https://onslow.powerschool.com/public/ and login with your username and password.
If you cannot access the parent portal, please contact kristy.fenn@onslow.k12.nc.us for assistance.
If you would like a hard copy of the report card, please call RHS at (910) 324-4191
Seniors will be able to view the G5 and G6 grades in the portal, but they will not appear on the report card, as they have no bearing on the final PC-19/WC-19
- There has been guidance issued from the NC State Board of Education and Onslow County Schools regarding grading for all grades. Please find grading guidance here:
9-11th grade: https://www.onslow.k12.nc.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=33738
12th grade: https://www.onslow.k12.nc.us/Page/33739
Video: https://youtu.be/w7FTTrlzE-Y
North Carolina's recent decision to keep our doors closed through the end of the school year has spurred new worries about holding graduation. Although it is hard to imagine how we can pull off certain end of the year events that require large numbers of people to attend and interact closely at one time in one place, graduation is important.
Graduation is a time to be celebrated, even if we can't conduct a traditional large ceremony. Soon, we will finalize and announce details regarding graduation.
As we continue to plan this ceremony with our district leaders, we must consider approval beyond the school level, the guidelines of the governor’s executive order at the time in terms of number of people gathered, social distancing requirements, and a celebration that can be enjoyed by our Class of 2020. We are committed to providing the best possible celebration, because our seniors deserve it. Thank you for your patience as we navigate these decisions.
In this challenging time, please know that all of us at Richlands High School continue to serve our students and celebrate their accomplishments. We miss you all, and we hope to see you soon.
As always, the RHS office is open from 8:00am-3:30pm to help you with any questions you may have. Give us a call at (910) 324-4191.
Brad Staley