Academic Services Newsletter
Issue 1
Dear CCS Family,
First, I wanted to say thank you for all you do especially during a time when our students need you the most to provide them with some sense of normalcy and security at a time when anxiety and fear likely visit all of us. You are valued and important. You are a vital and crucial part of our district’s mission to offer a high quality educational experience to all students. Regardless of the challenges we have faced in the last few weeks, our teachers, administrators and staff have worked tirelessly to meet the needs of our students in new and creative ways.
Our Academic Services team wants to continue to support you. To that end, our team has created this resource as the first installment to provide you with regular communication and resources to support you as you deliver our district’s guaranteed and viable curriculum while facing our new, temporary reality. Please reach out to the contacts listed in each area for the additional support you may need. We have seen remarkable work from teachers across the district and we continue to look forward to your input as we make our way through this very temporary period in time – and be hopeful – this is temporary.
Thank you for rising to the challenge. I have been encouraged and inspired by you! We are in this together and together we are going to do great things for students!
Dr. Tracy Ocasio
Chief Academic Officer
Columbus City Schools
3700 S High St
Columbus, Ohio
Cell: 484-818-1208
Be Mindful Of Your Habits
“Whenever there is a gap between your habits and your goals, your habits will always win.”
- James Clear
Office of Teaching & Learning
Elementary Resources (PK-5)
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/ccselementaryvirtualplanning
Please direct questions to the following:
PK - K:
Ann F. Lockett, Division of ECE, Director - alockett@columbus.k12.oh.us
Leslie Kelly, Director of Elementary Curriculum - lkelly@columbus.k12.oh.us
Secondary Resources (6 - 12)
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/ccssecondarycurriculumonline/home?authuser=1
Please direct questions to the following:
Alyse Clark, Director of Secondary Curriculum - aclark2@columbus.k12.oh.us
Library Media Resources
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/libraryservicesonlineresource
Please direct questions to the following:
Leslie Kelly, Director of Elementary Curriculum - lkelly@columbus.k12.oh.us
Unified Arts & Electives Resources
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/unified-arts-k-12/home
Please direct questions to the following:
Dr. Betty Hill, Supervisor of Unified Arts K-12
ESL Resources
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/ccseslonlineresources/home
Please direct questions to the following:
Michael Sain, ESL Director - msain2444@columbus.k12.oh.us
Myra Talley, ESL Supervisor - mtalley5678@columbus.k12.oh.us
Gifted & Talented Resources
This site contains resources to support teachers while we make our way to online learning with gifted students. Browse this site for sample lesson plans, extension activities, professional development, and family resources to use as you create engaging online instruction for your students, including your gifted learners
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/gifted-online-instruction
Please direct questions to the following:
Dr. Colleen Boyle, Director - cboyle@columbus.k12.oh.us
Professional Learning & Licensure
Site Link: https://www.ccsoh.us/Page/7672
Please direct questions to the following:
Rhonda Rice, Director, Organizational Learning Professional Learning and Licensure
Office of Special Education & Student Support Services
Special Education Resources
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/view/ccs-special-education/home
Please direct questions to the following:
Jill Lausch, Director of Special Education Administration and Policy jlausch@columbus.k12.oh.us
Kyra Schloenbach, Director of Academic Innovation & Related Services
High School Students and Families Resources
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/resources-studentsfamilies/home
Please direct questions to the following:
Bill Mitchell, M.S.E, M.Ed, Supervisor of School Counseling/
Student Support Services
Social Emotional Resources
Site Link: https://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/schoolcounselingsocialwork/home
Creating a PBIS Behavior Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction
Please direct questions to the following:
Cheryl Ward, Director, Social-Emotional and Student Support Services
Office of College & Career Readiness
Career and Technical Education Resources
Making Every Opportunity for Students Count for Their Career!
CTE is made up of a team of people that supports the educational process. The information being shared is provided to keep that team of people informed and moving forward as the delivery process for instruction has changed. Within that change, CTE is constantly being updated with information of changes happening. As information changes within CTE happen, this newsletter will be updated to provide a the most current information that affects CTE students and staff.
CTE wants to extend their wishes for families to be healthy and safe during this pandemic and looks forward to the continued success CTE provides to the CCS educational system.
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” (Muhammad Ali)
Site Link: https://www.ccsoh.us/Page/7797
Please direct questions to the following:
Celeste M. Lewis, Director Career and Technical Education
Virtual Credit Advancement Program (VCAP)
Getting Started with Courseware
Here are two videos that could be utilized for Teachers new to Edmentum Courseware:
Courseware: Getting Started for Instructors
Study Island: Getting Started for InstructorsPlease direct questions to the following:
Danielle E. Bomar, Ph.D., Supervisor of Alternative Education
Higher Education Partnerships Resources
Doc Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dvucOKInsb5csCZNPcayqJMCd6gGtTmUJkr44Oh8vr0/edit?usp=sharing
Please direct questions to the following:
Tanya L. McClanahan, Supervisor, Higher Education Partnerships
Guidance statement on distance learning
In accordance with the joint statement release by the District and CEA, and specifically the points outlined in the Expectations for Academic Services Professionals, educators should plan instruction suitable for teaching each student and provide the academic support each student requires.
District-approved applications are available in your Clever dashboard. These applications have active contracts and up-to-date Data Sharing Agreements in place.
Teachers who support students' specific needs in your classes (Tutors, Special Ed, GT, ELL, among others) can support students on their case-load with access to these instructional materials in Clever-synced applications by being added as a secondary teacher in Infinite Campus.
If the tools selected are not already supported within the CCS computing system, the legally-mandated student supports such as those accommodations in IEPs cannot necessarily be readily provided.
Additionally, in determining your instructional path forward, please also consider the District's privacy and security requirements. Please see the statement below from CCS IT department:
Reminder: The security and privacy of our student data and systems is always a priority, especially at this time of increased internet usage to support distance learning and working from home. District educators should not create any new accounts in different 'free' websites that require student personally identifiable information (PII) data to be uploaded from an Excel spreadsheet, manually entered, or imported through a .CSV file to reduce the chance of exposing our students PII.
If secondary teachers need added to Infinite Campus courses in order to support learners, please contact your building Infinite Campus scheduler to be added. The changes will sync through to Clever and the learning applications and be available within 2 days.