Rhino Report
April 2024
Important Dates:
April 1: NO SCHOOL Easter Break
April 4: Ross Site Council Meeting 3:30pm
April 9: PTO Meeting 5:30pm
April 12: 2nd Grade Parent Activity @2:00-2:45
April 13: Ross Family Night @Civic Center 4:00-7:00pm
April 18: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30pm - 6:30pm
April 19: NO SCHOOL/Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am - 11:30am
April 25: 5th grade -Comanche Middle School Tour
April 26: 5th grade Band/ Orchestra Demonstration 8:45-9:30am @ DCHS.
April 26: Kinder Parent Activity @2:15-3:15pm
🤠 Ross Family Dance Night! 🤠
Make sure to RSVP by April 5th, forms have been sent home.
2024-2025 School Year
Miss Phelps
3rd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Cook
5th Grade Teacher
Miss Vargas
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd-5th Grade State Assessments
3rd Grade
- Reading: April 3, 4
Math: April 10, 11
4th Grade
- Math: April 3, 4
- Reading: April 10, 11
5th Grade
- Science: March 27
- Reading: April 2, 5
- Math: April 8, 9
Tips for the Week of Testing
- Be punctual. Stay aware of the testing schedule and make sure that your child is at school on time on testing days.
- Get healthy sleep. Ensure that your child has gone to bed on time the night before so they’re well rested.
- Serve up a good meal. Make a healthy breakfast, including protein and healthy fat, to curb hunger during the testing session.
- Listen intently. Encourage kids to listen to and follow all directions given by the test administrator. If they have questions, they need to be addressed before testing begins.
- Take a timeout. Teach your child how to take “brain breaks” by stopping for a minute and taking a few deep breaths to help reduce test anxiety.
- Plan a treat for when testing is complete. This could be something as simple as a pizza and movie night or a weekend outing to a local park.
😁Playground Smiles!😁
Internet Safety Tip
Here are essential internet safety tips you can discuss with your kids.
- Don’t give anyone your password, name, address, the name of your school or any information about your family
- Don’t talk to strangers on the Internet
- Don’t agree to meet anyone in person that you’ve met online
- Don’t fill in a profile that asks for your name and address
- Don’t visit a chat room without an adult’s / parent’s permission
- Don’t stay online if you see something you think your parents won’t like
- Don’t post pictures of yourself without your parents’ permission
- Do not download or install anything on your computer without your parents’ permission
- If you have any questions about something you read, ask your parent or guardian
- If you are talking to someone online and they make you uncomfortable, remember you don’t have to talk back to them
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
Know numbers and number names & count sequence.
Count to tell the number objects.
Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundation with place value.
Math Vocabulary: ones, tens, ten frame, 5 group,
Counting to 100 by ones, and tens
Fluently add and subtract within 5
ELA Update
Work on asking & answering questions about key details of a text. Also, practice retelling a story including key details, and major events. Work on identifying character, setting, and major events of a story.
Count and segment syllables in spoken words. Practice the long and short sounds for vowels; a, e, i, o, u
Sight words: yellow, blue, green, have, what, said, was, where, come
Quarterly Reading Goal
Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
Math Update
Place Value- groups of 10 and one (within 100)
Place Value-10 more, 10 less (within 100)
Place Value-greater than, less than, equal to (within 100)
Counting and writing numbers to 120
ELA Update
Learn how to find answers to questions from the text
Use research to write questions and answers from informational text
Quarterly Reading Goal
Read two books this month.
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Miss Loera, Ms. Montes
Continue math module 7- problem solving with length, money, and data.
ELA Update
ELA focus: Fluency when reading text. Work on expression, and accuracy with grade level text. (practice re-reading your library books multiple times to improve accuracy and expression.)
- Cause, effect, temporal words, text features, character response, author's purpose
- Writing focus: narrative writing
- Phonics Focus: prefixes and consonant patterns
Reading Goal
April reading goal sent home. Read 20 minutes minimum each night. Reading goals due May 3rd.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Mrs. Cook, Miss Cox, Miss. Martinez, Miss. Maupin
Continue practicing your multiplication and division facts.
We will continue exploring geometric shapes and perimeter.
Students will practice decomposing and composing four digit numbers.
ELA Update
- In reading, we will be learning about historical events and how it has affected the present. We will take what we learned from the reading to create an opinion writing piece about who they think is the most influential person.
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Hager, Miss. Murillo, Mrs. Albright
As we finish up our fraction unit we will move to working on showing decimals as a fraction.
We have also been working a few days on learning line geometry. Ask your child to find shapes in the real world.
Your family can explore fractions and decimals as tenths by using dimes that equal one dollar and hundredths with pennies.
Your family can explore decimals more than one using different types of money.
This link will help you better understand what your child is learning.
ELA Update
We are working in Unit 3 module B. This module uses both fiction and nonfiction text to make inferences and analyze the text. We will also be researching using both types of text on the topic of natural events like volcanoes and tsunamis.. Ask your child to make inferences about what they read. Also encourage your child to research things they are interested in learning. Ask them how they would start and end a research paper on that topic
Quarterly Reading Goal
- 2 book reports (genre & projects are teacher choice)
Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Juel, Mrs. Finch
Module 5
2D and 3D shape attributes
Volume and Area calculation
ELA Update
In the month of April, we will be working with informational text regarding exploration in texts such as Explorers: Triumphs and Troubles and Pedro’s Journal. For writing, students will be asked to write opinion pieces based on positive and negative aspects of exploration to coincide with the texts read in class.
Quarterly Reading Goal
One fiction book report
One nonfiction book report
One personal choice book report
Home engagement: Discuss details that would be awesome to put on their book report about themselves.
Data highlight: In ELA, they got to read different genres for Dr. Seuss Day and sip their healthy Starbucks drinks! Also, students completed their board game for a book they read!
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
1st Grade: Beat/No Beat
2nd Grade: Instrument Unit
3rd Grade: Based on what your child enjoyed musically this year, what would they like to do musically in the future?
4th Grade: What instruments does your 4th grader enjoy hearing?
5th Grade: Have you spoken to your child about Band, Orchestra or Choir for next year?
Physical Education- Mr. Rogers and Mr. Burkhard
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
Our students have been learning about different types of genre available in the library! Challenge your student to read to new genre. We have so many choices from mysteries to historical fiction to biographies to science fiction to fantasy plus many more!
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Hello Ross Families,
We will focus and understand the importance of teamwork, citizenship, and continue to explore careers. Fifth grade students will focus on skills to help them transition to middle school. Below is a list of books you can read with your child that focuses on these topics.
- Little spot of Teamwork
- Eraser
- What if Everybody Did That
- Mayor for a Day
- Earth Ninja
- What shoes will you wear?
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
Alarcon.erica@usd443.org or via Talking Points.
-Ms. Alarcon
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
7 Things Every Child Needs to Hear
- I Love You
- I am Proud of You
- I am Sorry
- I Forgive You
- I am Listening
- This is Your Responsibility
- You Have Got What It Takes
Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org & medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474