From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
February 1, 2018
Will Letter Grades Survive?
Early Childhood: What We Know and What’s Possible
Early learning experiences matter . . . they matter a lot. This article focuses specifically on exploring pre-kindergarten educational experiences and identifies five key things we know about early learning. It also outlines what steps to take to create excellent early learning experiences for all children.
Lost Einsteins: The Innovations We’re Missing
A recent research paper from the Equality of Opportunity Project looks at who becomes an inventor — and who doesn’t. The study identifies the “lost Einsteins” in our country, people who could “have had highly impactful innovations” if they had been able to pursue the opportunities they deserved.
TECH TALK: Finding a class to partner with virtually AND activities to do together
There are thousands of teachers around the world that are looking to connect their classrooms with other classes, guest speakers and virtual field trips. Yours could be the next. Find detailed instructions and activity ideas here.
TEACHERS: Create a Dysgraphia-Friendly Classroom
Dysgraphia is a language-based learning difference that affects a student’s ability to produce written language. It is an invisible disability that often goes hand in hand with dyslexia. This article outlines six ways teachers can support students with dysgraphia.
Learning Disabilities Defined
DYSCALCULIA, DYSGRAPHIA, DYSNOMIA, DYSLEXIA, AND DYSPRAXIA: WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? These are a few of the hardest disabilities to explain and this article is helpful in making these complex disabilities easy for people to understand them.
TEACHERS: Secret Admirers and Classroom Management
In this article second grade teacher, Elena Aguilar, shares how a simple activity reduced friction in her classroom by guiding students to focus on each other’s strengths.
TEACHERS: What Failing Students What You to Remember
This is a call for teachers to look beyond a child’s actions when he/she is not performing, progressing, or participating and labeling him/her as a "poor student.” Instead teachers need to turn to asset- and strength-based creative ways to celebrate, honor, bolster, and include students who have been labeled—perhaps for years—by a letter grade that stands for failing as well as by negative, deficit descriptors.
TEACHERS: A Framework for Helping Students Fail
Allowing students to see failure as a negative experience is one of the worst things teachers can do. Helping students fail isn’t just a matter of making them feel better–it’s about thinking like a scientist, farmer, designer, or CEO–failing gives them the data they need to proceed. Read this and explore the role of failure in education, gain an understanding of the idea of “failing forward” and discover what teachers can do to help students fail well.
TEACHERS: 20 Different Student Journaling Ideas to Explore
TEACHERS: 20 Ways to Provide Effective Feedback
While assessment gets all the press, it is feedback for learning that can transform a student’s learning.When feedback is predominately negative, studies have shown that it can discourage student effort and achievement. Teachers need to find appropriate feedback responses that will not discourage students’ learning. Here you will find 20 ideas and techniques on how to give effective learning feedback.
TEACHERS: 4 Myths About Creativity
Not everyone agrees on the value and importance of creative thinking in today’s society. Part of the problem is that there is no consensus on what it means to be creative. Different people think about creativity in very different ways, so it’s not surprising that they can’t agree on its value and importance. These common misconceptions about creativity must be addressed as teachers prepare students to be creative learners and thinkers.
PARENTS: 5 Reasons to Read Aloud to Your Child, Today and Always
Today, February 1, is World Read Aloud Day, a day specially marked for the pleasurable experience of reading aloud to another human. There are many reasons to read aloud to one's children, aside from the mere fun of it. Here are five reasons that are worth remembering today and always.
PARENTS: 8 Reasons Playing is Great for Adults and Kids
As a parent, it can often feel as if suggestions for how to enrich your child’s life always seem to end up involving you spending money. Actually you don’t need to spend any money at all to have a positive impact on your child, simply playing with them at home can be beneficial. We’re talking imaginary dragons, playing house, or a game of leapfrog. Here are eight reasons putting a blanket on your back and pretending to be a superhero will be wondrous for your child.
SCHOOL LEADERS: How to Be a Collaborative Leader
Effective collaborative leadership can improve teacher practice and retention. It is a talent and skill developed through humility, patience, and vision and is essential to building collective teacher efficacy.
SCHOOL LEADERS: 106 Experts Share Their Thoughts on the Future of K-12 Education
Read the thoughts of 106 education experts who answered a single question: “What are your thoughts on the future of education?”
SCHOOL LEADERS: Three Lessons from Rigorous Research on Educational Technology
The researchers at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, an organization inside the economics department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, scoured academic journals, the internet and evaluation databases and found only 113 studies on using technology in schools that were scientifically rigorous.Three big themes emerged from their study as outlined in a working paper they published, “Education Technology: An Evidence-Based Review.
Mission Impossible: A Successful Turnaround Story
James Stephens International Academy
Wednesday, February 7, 1:00 EST
Best Practices to Empower Learners to be Lifelong Readers
Monday, February 12, 6:00 PM EST
Monday, February 12, 6:30 PM EST
Fostering Confidence to Engage Students in Learning
Tuesday, February 13, 3:00 PM EST
Girl Rising: Inspiring Global Citizenship and Local Engagement
Tuesday, February 13, 5:00 PM EST
Education Week
Wednesday, February 14, 2:00 PM EST
Alan November: Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning
Thursday, February 22, 4:00 PM EST
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka