Sunnyside Parents and Families,
This year we will have nineteen days without school over the holiday vacation. Below are a few ideas on how to keep your students safe and learning while they are away from school.
Take a trip to the library and check out books.
Read books or websites about your holiday traditions.
Involve children in cooking favorite holiday foods.
Share stories from your culture and family.
Explore arts and crafts.
Discuss the math involved in travelling such as distances, time, or expenses.
Communicate with family members in writing.
Encourage students to communicate in your home language.
Have a safe and pleasant holiday season,
John Montford, Principal
Office Notes
Students need to be in class by 7:50am, please make sure your student is here on time.
Dismissal time is at 3:05pm make arrangements if necessary to insure your student is picked up on time.
Please make sure to call before 2:30pm for a NO BUS or any other message.