From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
November 8, 2018
How Teachers Designed a School Built on Caring Relationships
Flexible Seating Is All the Rage in Schools, But Does It Really Work?
Teachers are buying scoop rockers, exercise balls, and squishy stools in droves and using them to replace traditional desks, all in the name of focus and innovation. Is flexible seating really all it’s chalked up to be? After trying flexible seating in my classroom for an entire year, I have to say that I think this trend is overrated.
A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley
TEACHERS: What are the Best Ways to Use Leveled Texts
In her new book Understanding Texts & Readers: Responsive Comprehension Instruction with Leveled Texts, Jennifer Serravalle addresses the question of how best to match texts to readers. Listen to this podcast in which she discusses the mistakes many teachers and administrators make in how they use leveled texts and what they should be doing instead.
TEACHERS: Nine Competencies for Teaching Empathy
We are currently in the midst of an educational crisis. American teens are now 40 percent less empathetic than they were three decades ago (Konrath, 2010). While we are producing a smart and self-assured generation, today's students are also the most self-centered, competitive, individualistic, sad, and stressed on record. To address this a growing number of schools are turning their focus to social-emotional qualities like empathy. This article outlines which practices enhance empathy and how will principals will know if teachers are implementing them effectively.
TEACHERS: How To Teach Self-Regulation
TEACHERS: Two Riddles to Get Kids Practicing Problem Solving Skills
TEACHERS: How Seeing and Using Gestures Make Ideas More Memorable
TEACHERS: What Teachers Need to Know About Dyscalulia
TEACHERS: How One Teacher Changed for the Good of Her Students
TEACHERS: Thinking Like a Mathematician: Helping Students Meet Higher Math Standards
TEACHERS: What are The Best Ways to Build Relationships with Students
PARENTS: 7 Ways Parents can Teach Girls to Build One Another up, Instead of Tearing One Another Down
There is a powerful tendency for girls and women to view one another as threats, rather than allies or part of a support system. Over the years it has been communicated to women that there are fewer spots for them — a limited inventory, This “scarcity theory" leads young girls to believe that there are limits around how many good things can happen to any one person, which also leads them to believe that their own success will be limited. But experts say that if girls band together, they can expand their options. This article talks about seven ways parents can raise empowered girls who support and encourage each other.
PARENTS: 4 Parenting Strategies for Leading Generation Z
PARENTS: What Kind Of Parent Are You: Carpenter Or Gardener?
LEADERS: 5 Reasons Leaders and Creators Need Routines
LEADERS: Why Humble Leaders Make The Best Leaders
LEADERS: 5 Thoughts on Leaders Being Poets and Plumbers
James March, professor emeritus at Stanford, is known for his research and thinking on organizational design and behavior. March believes that every skilled leader is both a poet and a plumber. This article discusses the value of both - the poet work of leadership and the plumber work of leadership.
Why Don’t Students Like School?
- Nine, easy-to-understand principles with clear applications for the classroom
- Includes surprising findings, such as that intelligence is malleable, and that you cannot develop "thinking skills” without facts
- How an understanding of the brain's workings can help teachers hone their teaching skills
Expect Greatness: 5 Ways to Transform Teaching and Learning at Your School
AVID - Thursday, November 8, 12:00 PM EST
Words Matter: How a Deep Understanding of Core Vocabulary Accelerates Reading Proficiency
edWeb - Thursday, November 8, 5:00 PM EST
Improving Student Learning with Social-Emotional Learning Measurement
Education Week - Monday, November 12, 2:00 PM, EST
Teacher Clarity: Making Learning Visible for Students
Corwin - Tuesday, November 13, 6:30 EST
Collaboration Impacts Students’ Learning
edWeb - Wednesday, November 14, 5:00 PM EST
The Healthy, Happy Educator: How to Create an Individualized Self-Care Plan
Solution Tree - Thursday, November 15, 3:00 PM EST
Learning Targets & Scales: What Are They? What’s Missing? And Common Mistakes
LSI Marzano Center - Wednesday, November 14, 3:30 PM EST
STEM in Early Education: Empowering Problem-Solving
edWeb - Monday, November 19, 3:00 PM EST
Teach Like Yourself. Why Your Students Need You to Be You
Corwin - Monday, November 26, 6:30 M EST
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