The Rocket
December 2022
Dates to Remember!
December 8th: 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Program at 6:30 pm
December 22nd - January 8th: No School - Winter Break
Counselor's Corner
During our counseling lessons we are focusing on Emotion Management for K-5. In K-2, We are learning how to use clues to tell how a person is feeling; such as looking at a person’s face and body and what’s going on, to guess how a person is feeling. Toward the end of the Unit we will work on ways to help calm themselves when they experience strong emotions. Such as slow breathing, asking for help and slow counting.
Why is it important to learn these skills; research has shown that children who learn the skills are more likely to :
- Be better learners
- Build strong relationships
- Have higher self-esteem
- Be better problem-solvers.
During our counseling lessons in 3-5, we are focusing on learning about the importance of managing strong emotions. We will discuss different ways strong emotions can influence their thoughts and actions. We will practice rethinking situations so they can feel calm and think more clearly. “Rethinking” means to think about something in a different way and see new aspects of it. This can help handle situations better in the future.
Why is it important to learn these skills; research has shown that children who learn the skills are more likely to:
- Develop stronger coping skills
- Be better problem-solvers
- Make better decisions
- Build stronger relationships
A Note from Mrs. Panzer
Welcome to December, Central Families!
This week and next week our students are taking the FastBridge Winter Screener in Math and Reading. This assessment is used to determine what kind of growth has occurred since August. Based on these assessments, we can adjust instruction and interventions accordingly. We will send these results to you when we send report cards home in early January.
We will be having Polar Express Day on December 21st. Students will be allowed to wear pajamas on this day. And we would like to create a little bit of the Polar Express scene by having a train replica and conductor to greet students when they come in the morning. If you are interested in helping us create a magical day for students, please let me know.
I wish you and your family a restful and wonderful holiday season! We will be excited to welcome students back in the building on January 9.
Library News
Happy December. We just wrapped up our awesome Book Blast program and are eagerly waiting for the books earned. This program is giving all kids one book and many are getting more than that! What a great opportunity to increase your home library.
We also have been getting in some wonderfully creative book character ornaments. Remember you student can bring those in until the last week before break. Pictures of them will be posted on Facebook they come in.
With Christmas coming I just want to remind everyone that books make a great gift. This is a great time to start the tradition of reading together as a family. The benefits of reading aloud are great, in any language!
Happy Reading and Merry Christmas!
- Mrs. Weil
-Book Fair– February 7-9th, during school conference.