The Rocket
November 2021
Attendance Reminder
Dates to Remember
November 4th: 4th/5th Grade Music Program
November 7th: Daylight Savings Ends - Don't forget to move your clock back an hour!
November 11th: Veteran's Day
November15th: Math Title I projects will be sent home this week
November 24th thru November 26th: No School - Thanksgiving Break
November 25th: Happy Thanksgiving!
Just a reminder!
Along the same line, please send your student with a coat every day! We will go outside for recess even when it is very cold.
Drop off Change South Parking Lot- effective Tuesday, November 2nd.
Required Information for Parents
¨ If you have questions regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher or
paraprofessional, please contact the school principal to gain more information on teacher
qualifications and observed teaching performance.
¨ If you have questions regarding your student’s state assessment scores, please contact the school
principal where your child is attending school.