Miller News
January 2022
Upcoming Dates
January 11 - PTO Meeting @ 5:00 pm
January 12 - Miller Awards Assembly
January 17 - No School
January 20 - 4th Grade Music Program @ 7:00 pm
January 27 - 1st Grade Music Program @ 7:00 pm
January 28 - Miller Character Trait Assembly
Cold Weather
Along with this cold weather it is also cold and flu season. As a reminder please keep your child at home if they are running a fever, they are to be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. If your student is gone for more than 3 days a doctors note will be needed upon their return to school.
HALL PASS School Visitor Management
When entering a facility, each visitor must present a government issued ID to the front office. The ID is scanned using the HALL PASS optical scanner and the information is checked against the National Sex Offender Registry and the District’s Visitor Restricted list. If the visitor is found on either list, the system will display a pop-up of the offender with photo and send out alerts via text message and email to the appropriate staff and District Police Officers. If the visitor is cleared, HALL PASS will print a time/date badge with photo and custom school logo for the visitor to wear while on school grounds. Each visitor can be labeled for the reason of the visit. These include: visitor, volunteer, visiting faculty, substitute, temporary student and detention. The visitor’s destination can be added as well.
HALL PASS Check-in Process:
1. The ID is validated as an official government issued ID.
2. The information is checked against the National Sex Offender database and the School Visitor Restricted list.
3. The Hall Pass visitor is updated with results from the visitor check-in.
4. If “Passed,” a badge is printed with time, date, reason, destination and photo.
5. If found on the National Sex Offender Registry or School Restricted list, a visual notice is given and alerts are sent out.