Solon High School
Monthly Update-December 2022
What's Going Well?
With some of the challenges that have been presented the last few weeks at the high school it can be difficult to focus on what is going well. That being said, we have many things to highlight. Your sons and daughters continue to work hard in the classroom. We have had great success with ZERO block, and students are using that time even when they aren't being requested by a teacher. Winter activities are also off to a great start! Be sure to check out the WaMac website for all things Solon activities. Thank you for your continued support and enjoy the Holiday Season with your family and friends!
Don't want to read all of this? Click the video below!
Dates to ADD to your calendar
Early Outs: 12.1, 12.8, 12.115, and 12.22 (last day of 1st semester)
Vocal Winter Concert: Sunday, December 18th at 6:30 PM
Winter Band Concert: Tuesday, December 20th at 7:30 PM
NO SCHOOL: 12.23.22-1.2.23 (Winter Break)
SAVE the DATE- ICAP conferences
Thursday January 26th, 2023
Thursday February 2nd, 2023
NHS Project
Happy Holidays Solon Community!
If you're looking for a way to say “Merry Christmas!" and "Happy Holidays!” to Solon schools, a great way is to give the gift of reading! For a student’s National Honors Society project, a book drive has been organized for Solon Media Centers and Makerspace. There’s an Amazon wishlist linked right HERE, please only purchase gifts off of this list. There will be bins in each school’s media center, hoping to be filled by December 22nd!
Please contact Mrs. Sutton (msutton@solon.k12.ia.us) or Sydney Swierczewski (sydney_swierczewski_2023@solon.k12.ia.us) with any questions :)
Solon Optimist Essay Contest
New this year!
Three Local Winner Prizes:
Gold Medallion (1st place) $500
Silver Medallion (2nd place) $300
Bronze Medallion (3rd place) $200Enter your 700-800 word essay on "Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings out the Optimism in You?" and you could win a $2,500 scholarship!
Entries are due to Ms. Nielsen or Mrs. Stahle by January 27th, 2023.
Instructions, rules, and applications are outside Ms. Nielsen's room.
Anyone under 19 can enter. If you have any questions, contact inielsen@solon.k12.ia.us.
Good luck!
2022/2023 Yearbook
Please help us create the best yearbook possible! Any of you can upload photos at any time all year long. Right now we are specifically looking for Volleyball, Football, Cross Country, Girls and Boys Basketball, Girls and Boys Wrestling, Choir, Club and Fall Musical candids.
Here is the 22-23 Yearbook link: https://plicbooks.com/go/XJ2X41
You all are welcome to start uploading pictures into your book at any time. We encourage adding a tag to the photo uploads before uploading, so that pictures get categorized correctly in your yearbook. (Examples: Musical, 2nd block Algebra, lunch outside)
BIG Board Reminder
Hey Seniors!
Just in Case we need the 2 hour delay schedule :)
From the Counseling Office
Mike Thompson, Solon HS Counselor
Phone: (319) 624-3401 extension 1117
Email: mithompson@solon.k12.ia.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/solon.k12.ia.us/solon-hs-counseling/home
To Schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/shscounselor/meeting-with-mr-thompson
From Katie Anderson, College and Career Transition Counselor
Contact Information:
Phone: (319) 624-3401 extension 1116
Email: kanderson@solon.k12.ia.us
To Schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/katie-anderson-3/30min
At Solon HS, we have three weeks until Winter Break. Besides the focus on academics, our Winter Sports season is now in full swing. And we are fully into the holiday season. On top of this, each of us, students, staff, parents, etc., are in the midst of a pandemic. This time of year can be stressful for students as they try to balance and prioritize each of these things.
For many students, when they experience either stressful situations or anxiety, their thoughts become muddled. They might be less clear in their thinking. My primary role is to assist students with their social/emotional development. And within that role, my number one job is to listen and help students manage stressful and anxious situations (i.e. see things more clearly). Parents, if you sense your student is a bit more stressed, I want you to know that I can help. You can reach me either by phone (624-3401 ext. 1117) or email (mithompson@solon.k12.ia.us).
Summer 2023 Internship Opportunity!!! (Current Juniors and Sophomores)
The PORTAL for Summer 2023 internships will open December 12!!! The due date for the application is Friday, February 10, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m..You have an opportunity to complete a 60 hour work-site internship and earn three elective credits for your experience!! For more information visit the Career Planning page of the School Counseling website.
Future Planning: Spring 2023 Job Shadow Opportunity - The application portal for Spring 2023 will open on January 2, 2023, and close on Friday, January 27, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m. Job shadow opportunities are available for sophomores, juniors and seniors. To view individual and group job shadow opportunities and application information go to https://www.kirkwood.edu/workplace-learning-connection/job-shadows/index
Planning for your Future: ICAN Resources
Below you will find links to grade level checklists
In addition to these great tips, visit the ICAN YouTube Channel and check out our video Tip of the Week. Each week ICAN releases a video tip for students preparing for life after high school. To receive the video tip each week, subscribe to the ICAN E-Alerts
Schedule of ICAN events: Wednesday webinars are scheduled through May 2023 and you can view the full schedule at www.icansucceed.org/videos.
If you need it, you can get help completing the FAFSA and you can get assistance through Iowa College Access Network (ICAN).
FAFSA Step-by-Step: Sponsored by Iowa College Access Network
Parents of seniors, on Wednesday, December 7 at 5:30 pm, ICAN is doing a Facebook Live event where they'll be going over the FAFSA step-by-step, page by page. Any students/families wanting to get their FAFSA completed, this is a good opportunity to get it done with ICAN's guidance. You can go here to register for the December 7 event: REGISTER
The Financial Aid Page on my School Counseling website has information about completing the FAFSA. The page also contains FAFSA Priority Deadlines for colleges/universities in Iowa.
I have a Scholarship Page on my School Counseling website dedicated to sharing scholarship information. The scholarships listed on my website are those that come across my desk. Solon Dollars for Scholars and Local Solon Scholarships are not listed on my scholarship page. On my Scholarship Page you will find general information about types of scholarships, how to search for scholarships and a Comprehensive List of scholarships we have received for 2022-23. You can click on the links to view scholarship information with deadlines in the designated month.
Student Planning Pointers for Parents ( for all parents)
Iowa Student Loan is offering a free service to parents of students in grades eight through twelve. Receive two emails per month designed to:
Provide you with timely content, plus tips and tools relevant to your student’s grade level.
Involve you in your high school student’s four-year academic plan.
Help you and your students plan for education and training beyond high school.
Parents who participate are entered into quarterly drawings for college savings plans and deposits.
For more information visit: www.SP3.org
Scholarship Opportunities for Juniors: Go to my Scholarship Page. Scroll down a bit and you will find a box titled, 2022 - 2023 Scholarship Opportunities for Juniors. In that box is a scholarship called the Hills Bank Leadership Grant. Applications must be submitted online no later than 11:59 PM, March 1, 2023 for consideration.
Spring 2023 College Credit Opportunities (Current Juniors and Seniors)
Parents of seniors and juniors, there is still time for your student to enroll in a college credit course(s) for the spring 2023 semester. I want to have these registration completed by Friday, December 16, 2022. Please see me for assistance in registering for a SP2023 college credit course. More information about college credit courses can be found by using these links:
Parents of Sophomores
I have shared information with our sophomores about the 2023 Iowa H.O.B.Y. Leadership Seminar. You can find more information about this opportunity for your sophomore here.
Mr. Thompson is continuing to update his website. You can access the High School Website here.
Activities Schedules
Solon High School
Email: zwigle@solon.k12.ia.us
Website: https://www.instagram.com/solonhighschool/
Location: 600 West 5th Street, Solon, IA, USA
Phone: 319-624-3401
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SolonHighSchool/
Twitter: @wiglezac