From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
April 24, 2018
10 Reasons to Create Makerspace in Your School
Makerspace is a relatively new method of teaching students in a space where they can get hands-on experience working with concepts they recently learned. The point of the space is to make, create, and invent new things. There are many advantages to giving students a place to apply concepts, and those benefits are true for all areas and fields of study. This article will help you understand why you should go ahead and do it.
The Benefits of Active Learning
Educating an Anxious Generation: How K12 is Outwitting Anxiety
Data indicates that in the U.S. there is an unprecedented increase in levels of student stress. Not only in teens and middle schoolers but also in third, fourth, and fifth graders. “For the first time, teens are more stressed than their parents.” This article discusses the range of strategies school leaders are using to confront this reality.
TECH TALK: Google Keep
Google Keep is a free note taking option that appears as a blank corkboard where you add notes. Once a note is written, it is added to your Keep as a tile, looking a bit like a Pinterest pin. This is a video on basic use of Google Keep.
Notes can include typed text, uploaded images, hand-drawn images, hyperlinked text, even a voice memo that can be converted into text.
Notes can be color-coded and labeled, and you can change the way you view your whole Keep by only looking at notes that share the same label.
You can schedule reminders to be sent to you about specific notes.
Notes can be shared, so you can collaborate on a note with others.
Notes can be dropped into Google Docs.
TEACHERS: No More Crappy Homework
TEACHERS: Why It’s Important to Teach Your Students Financial Literacy and Three Ways to Do It
Most young people are unprepared to make informed financial choices as they move into adulthood. In fact, three out of four young adults cannot answer basic financial questions. The need to improve financial skills and capacities is not unique to any one state or school district. It is a challenge that impacts every corner of America and must be tackled at scale. Teaching financial literacy in the classroom is one promising way to improve financial capacity for today’s young people.
TEACHERS: 4 Ways Teachers Can Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done
If you struggle with procrastination - read this. While procrastination isn't something you can conquer once and for all, day-by-day choices matter a lot in preventing it. Learn what four things you can do to make it easier to overcome those feelings of procrastination when they strike.
TEACHERS: The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom
TEACHERS: Amazing Benefits of Technology in the Classroom (+18 Best Ways to Incorporate Technology)
TEACHERS: Watch Astronauts Read Books From Space
If you’re looking for a way to take story time up a notch with the kids in your life, why not turn to astronauts? That’s the premise of Story Time from Space, a project from the nonprofit Global Space Education Foundation that features astronauts reading beloved children’s books from the International Space Station. The books are ones that can be read in about 15 minutes, involve some sort of concept regarding STEM and must be accurate.
TEACHERS: Why This/Not That? A thinking routine to move students from identification to analysis
TEACHERS: 7 Strategies to Make Grading Easier
PARENTS: Reading Aloud to Young Children Has Benefit for Behavior and Attention
PARENTS: Stop Asking These Questions and Ask These Instead
PARENTS: The New Unwritten Rule for Parents That Hurts Everyone
Today, society seems to embrace a new unwritten rule for parents. It’s a gauge by which we all seem to measure whether we’re succeeding or failing at being a good mom or dad. It’s a total shift from the parents a generation ago. Here is the new report card parents allow themselves to be evaluated by:
You must provide your child every advantage possible to get ahead.
LEADERS: One Shot PD or On-going PD?
Evan Robb defines ongoing professional development as PD that meets the needs of the school, occurs at the school, andfor all staff in the school. He shares two ways to start ongoing professional development in a school: hiring a paid consultant with a specific focus for the year or a school-wide book/professional study. In the first post he shares ideas on hiring a paid consultant to provide PD and in a followup post he discusses an effective way to engage in a school-wide book study.
LEADERS: 3 Prevailing Beliefs That Limit Leadership
LEADERS: Why It's Time to Rethink School Science Fairs
Springtime is science fair season. Thousands of kids across the country, from elementary through high school, spend weeks or months coaxing seedlings to grow, building devices to harness solar energy and carefully mixing acids and bases. This article addresses the problems inherent with many science fairs and looks at the creative ways schools are tweeking their science fairs and/or implementing a standards-based fair.
LEADERS: Putting Learning First with New Tech Tools
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, When to Say It and When to Listen
Getting Practical about a Multi-Text Approach to Literacy Instruction
Fontas and Pinnell - Wednesday, April 25, 4:00 pm, EDT
Unlocking Opportunities Through Family Literacy
edWeb - Wednesday, April 25, 3:00 pm, EDT
From Labs to Lifelong Learners: Visible Learning in the Science Classroom
Corwin - Thursday, April 26, 4:00 pm, EDT
SAMR, TPACK & More: Transforming Learning with Digital Content
edWeb - Wednesday, April 25, 5:00 pm, EDT
edWeb - Thursday, April 26, 5:00 pm, EDT
Effective Discipline Policies for Young Children: Supporting Social-Emotional Competence
edWeb - Tuesday, May 1, 3:00 pm, EDT
Mindsets of Social-Emotional Learning: Part 1
edWeb - Wednesday, May 2, 4:00 pm, EDT
Creating a Classroom of Active Nonfiction Reading Detectives
edWeb - Thursday, May 3, 4:00 pm, EDT
How Do We Get and Keep More Girls in STEM?
edWeb - Monday, May 7, 4:00 pm, EDT
From Goals to Growth: Supporting Each Student on Goals That Matter
ASCD - Tuesday, May 8, 3:00 pm, EDT
Voice Technology Webinar
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka